EventSourcing library with support for applicative projection definitions
100% F# and functional style
Instead of defining your aggregates or projections in classes and class-methods where you basically do the left-fold time and time again on your own you can use the primitive combinators from Projection.T to define projections for data-parts you need. Those lego-bricks can be combined and reused - using the operators <?>
and <*>
- to get more complex projections.
Projection.constant (a : 'a)
creates a Projection that will just return a constant value. (f : 'a -> 'b) (p : T<'e,'i,'a>) : T<'e,'i,'b>
or just $
Uses f
to map the final outcome of the projection p
into another result.
Projection.sequence (f : T<'e,'i1,('a -> 'b)>) (p : T<'e,'i2,'a>) : T<'e, 'i1*'i2,'b>
or just <*>
Use this together with $
to build complexe Projections from simple ones (see below).
This is the applicative-sequence operator - it will fold the inner states of it's two opperants using tuples, so there is no need to enumerate the event-sequence more than once.
Projection.createWithProjection (p : 'i -> 'a) (i : 'i) (f : 'i -> 'e -> 'i)
using this function you have full control on the inner-fold f
, the initial value i
and the final projection p
used in the Projection
Projection.create (init : 'a) (f : 'a -> 'e -> 'a)
using the same as createWithProjection
but using id
for the final projection.
Projection.sumBy (f : 'e -> ^a option)
Applies f
to all events and sums up all of those values returning Some number
, ignoring those returning None
Projection.latest (f : 'e -> 'a option)
Returns the latest value
of an event e
where f e
returns Some value
. Here latest is refering to the event with the highest Version-number.
Projection.single (f : 'e -> 'a option)
Returns value
of the only event e
where f e
returns Some value
. Throws an exception if there is more than one such event or when no such event was found.
Here is an example from the ConsoleSample-project:
/// the netto-weight, assuming a container itself is 2.33t
let nettoWeight =
((+) 2.33<t>) $ Projection.sumBy (
| Loaded (_,w) -> Some w
| Unloaded (_,w) -> Some (-w)
| _ -> None )
Here we are using Projection.sumBy
to keep track of the content-weight of our container (we add weight if something was loaded and subtract it if something got unloaded).
Finally we are using $
to apply this projection to the function ((+) 2.33<t>)
, which of course just adds 2.33t for the container-weight itself.
remark: You might know $
as <$>
or fmap
from Haskell or Scalaz but the <$>
is reserved in F# for further use ... so let's keep hoping ;)
If you look further in the sample you will see this:
type ContainerInfo = { id : Id; location : Location; netto : Weight; overloaded : bool; goods : (Goods * Weight) list }
let createInfo i l n o g = { id = i; location = l; netto = n; overloaded = o; goods = g }
/// current container-info
let containerInfo =
createInfo $ id <*> location <*> nettoWeight <*> isOverloaded <*> goods
This is a good example of how you can use $
and <*>
in a clever way to build up projections for a complex structure.
All you need is a curried constructor for ContainerInfo
(a function with 5 arguments) and pass those in one-by-one using the applicative operators $
and <*>
- btw: I learnded to appreciate this trick from WebSharper!
Let's follow the types.
Remember: pure f <*> x == f $ x
(remark in this library pure
is named constant
Now let's give the projections a simplified type: P<'a>
(think: "projection that yields an 'a
Then we can see that pure containerInfo
has type P<Id -> Location -> Weigth -> Bool -> (Goods * Weight) list -> ContainerInfo>
And because <*>
has type P<'a -> 'b> -> P<'a> -> P<'b>
we see that createInfo $ id
plugs in the id into the constructor (in the final projection - that's how fmap
is defined) and has type P<Location -> Weigth -> Bool -> (Goods * Weight) list -> ContainerInfo>
Now of course each <*>
will just plug in another argument.
These are where events are stored to - a repository has methods to check if an entity exists (EntityId -> Bool
add an event to an entity, some stuff to support transactions and a restore function to use a projection to get some value out of the store.
You can optionally give the latest excepted version-value of a entity to the add
function to support concurrency checks too.
But normally you should not access repositories directly - you should use an EventStore
to interact with the system.
Included are an in-memory repository EventSourcing.Repositories.InMemory
and a Model-First Entity-Framework based repository in EventSourcing.Repositories.EntityFramework
An event-store is basically a repository that publishes new events using the observable pattern. But instead of just wrapping the primitive operations it will use store-computations (see next section) to execute queries and commands.
The main functions are:
EventStore.subscribe (h : 'e EventHandler) (es : IEventStore) : System.IDisposable
Subscribes an event-handler h
to the event-store es
. If you dispose the result the handler will be unsubscribed.
EventStore.execute (es : IEventStore) (comp : Computation.T<'a>)
Executes an store-computation comp
within the store es
returning its result.
If there is an exception thrown while running the computation rollback
at the underlying repository will be called
and the exception will be passed to the caller.
EventStore.add (id : EntityId) (e : 'e) (es : IEventStore)
Adds an event e
to the entity with id id
using the event-store es
EventStore.restore (p : Projection.T<_,_,'a>) (id : EntityId) (es : IEventStore) : 'a
Queries data for the entity with id id
from the event-store es
using a projection p
EventStore.exists (id : EntityId) (es : IEventStore)
Checks if an event with id id
exists in the event-store es
EventStore.allIds (es : IEventStore) : EntityId seq
Returns a sequence of all known entity-ids in the store.
EventStore.fromRepository (rep : IEventRepository) : IEventStore
Creates an event-store from a repositorty rep
- all queries and commands will use this repository and it's
and rollback
will be called accordingly.
This is an abstraction around inserting and querying data from an EventStore
- it includes functions and a Monad-Builder to define queries against a store.
This mechanism will keep Entity-Versions in check and try to ensure concurrency issues.
The primitive building blocks are:
Computation.exists (id : EntityId) : T<bool>
Checks if there is an entity with id id
in the store.
Computation.allIds : T<EntityId seq>
When run returns all entity-ids currently in the store
Computation.restore (p : Projection.T<'e,_,'a>) (id : EntityId) : T<'a>
Uses a projection p
to query data from the event-source of an entity with id id
Computation.add (id : EntityId) (event : 'e) : T<unit>
Adds an event event
to the entity with id id
Computation.ignoreNextConcurrencyCheckFor (id : EntityId) : T<unit>
Normaly each add
will give the currently known version of the entity to the repository
(which should check if this is the same as the last events-version).
If another event got inserted concurrently this will yield an exception and the transaction will be rolled-back.
You can disable this behaviour by using this function - it will remove the known entity-version so that the next add
will ignore
any concurrency issues.
Computation.executeIn (rep : IEventRepository) (comp : T<'a>) : 'a
Executes an computation comp
using the rep
repository returning the computation result.
This will take care of the event-version and call the repositories commit
on success or rollback
if an exception occured.
You should not call this method yourself - instead you should use EventStore.execute
You can use the store
computational-expression to build up more complex computations.
let assertExists (id : Id) : Computation.T<unit> =
Computation.Do {
let! containerExists = Computation.exists id
if not containerExists then failwith "container not found" }
let shipTo (l : Location) (id : Id) : Computation.T<unit> =
Computation.Do {
do! assertExists id
let ev = MovedTo l
do! Computation.add id ev }
I added some support for CQRS-pattern support in the module CQRS
(see also the tests in CqrsTests.fs
Right now it's just a record parametrized over a command (you should implement as an ADT) containing:
- an event-store
- a command-handler to run commands
- a list of registered sinks for read-models.
A command-handler will translate a command (remember: your ADT) into a store-computation. If a command is executed in the CQRS-model this will be called to create a computation that in turn will be run against the store.
Sinks are just subscribtions to the stores event-stream that are using Computation
s to update external read-models.
Of course those read-models should use some kind of database to store their values - for the test it's just a simple dictionary.
If a new event is added to the store those sinks will receive those events together with the Id of the entity that caused the event
and can then decide to update
their external data using the store
and it's capabilities to run computations.
This is how the Console-Sample programm defines it's CQRS model:
// create the CQRS model
let model =
CQRS.create rep (function
| CreateContainer id ->
Computation.add id (Created id)
| ShipTo (id, l) ->
Computation.Do {
do! assertExists id
do! Computation.add id (MovedTo l) }
| Load (id, g, w) ->
Computation.Do {
do! assertExists id
do! Computation.add id (Loaded (g,w)) }
| Unload (id, g, w) ->
Computation.Do {
do! assertExists id
do! Computation.add id (Unloaded (g,w)) }
This just translates commands like ShipTo
into events like MovedTo
and stores but asserts first that the container already exists.
To create an sink that just updates a dictionary if the location changed the code looks like this:
// register a sink for the location-dictionary:
|> CQRS.registerReadModelSink
(fun _ (eId, ev) ->
match ev with
| MovedTo l -> locations.[eId] <- l
| _ -> ())
As you can see this just updates the dictionary whenever there is a new location set
within a MovedTo
CAUTION: quasi-theoretic semi-nonsense ahead - feel free to skip
EventSourcing is sometimes called functional-database. If you look at how current data/state is recustructed from a sequence of events it nothing less than a functional left-fold.
The main idea behind this project is to make these projections from the event-sequence to data first-class objects.
For this I wraped the function you fold over (state -> event -> state
) together with a final projection (state -> output
) in a projection-type Projection.T.
Thanks to the final projection this is obviously a functor. And even it's not really an applicative-functor, as the types from the internal-fold-state mess up most of the laws, it's an applicative functor by behaviour and I added the common operations.
There is an EF repository included that should work on .net and Sqlite repository that should work on Mono/Linux (Monodevelop).
I did not find a way to make either work on both plattforms (yet) - maybe someone can give me a clue on how to achive this (Pull-Request very welcome).
Anyway you should consider implementing your own repository in a serious situation.