This repository contains the development of a recommendation system using a movie dataset. It stores information in PostgreSQL and utilizes Python to build a machine learning model that suggests movies based on user preferences, leveraging PostgreSQL, Pandas, and Scikit-learn.
Develop an efficient recommendation system for movies based on user preferences.
Utilize collaborative and content-based filtering techniques.
Store and process data using PostgreSQL for scalability.
Perform data analysis and visualization to understand rating trends.
├── sources/
│ ├── queries/ # SQL queries for fetching data
│ ├── models/ # Machine learning models
│ ├── data/ # Raw and processed data
├── notebooks/ # Jupyter notebooks for EDA & model training
├── images/ # Visual assets (plots, schema diagrams, etc.)
├── scripts/ # Automation scripts
├── # Documentation
Ensure you have the following installed:
pip install pandas scikit-learn psycopg2 faker matplotlib seaborn
- DBeaver (optional, for database visualization: Download)
- In this case, we are going to use DBeaver, so the first thing we need to do is create a new connection.
- As shown in the picture, we need to configure the following settings:
- Host: localhost
- Database: postgres
- Port: 5432
- Username: postgres
- After setting the parameters, we should test the connection to ensure it works before applying the configuration.
- movie_id (INT, PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT) - Unique identifier for each movie.
- title (VARCHAR(255)) - Title of the movie.
- release_year (INT) - Year the movie was released.
- genre (VARCHAR(100)) - Genre of the movie.
- description (TEXT) - Brief description of the movie.
- director (VARCHAR(100)) - Director of the movie.
- duration (INT) - Duration in minutes.
- user_id (INT, PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT) - Unique identifier for each user.
- username (VARCHAR(50)) - Username.
- email (VARCHAR(100)) - User's email address.
- password (VARCHAR(255)) - Encrypted password.
- join_date (DATETIME) - Date the user registered.
- rating_id (INT, PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT) - Unique identifier for each rating.
- user_id (INT, FOREIGN KEY) - Reference to the user who rated the movie.
- movie_id (INT, FOREIGN KEY) - Reference to the rated movie.
- rating (DECIMAL(3, 2)) - Rating given to the movie (e.g., from 1.0 to 5.0).
- rating_date (DATETIME) - Date the rating was made.
are related throughmovie_id
, allowing storage of ratings given to each movie.users
are related throughuser_id
, tracking which user gave a rating.
- Collaborative Filtering: Uses ratings data to identify user preferences.
- User-Based vs Item-Based Filtering:
- User-based: Finds similar users based on ratings.
- Item-based: Suggests similar movies based on ratings.
- Hybrid Approach: Combines genre, director, and rating info.
SELECT m.title, AVG(r.rating) AS avg_rating
FROM ratings r
JOIN movies m ON r.movie_id = m.movie_id
WHERE r.user_id IN (
FROM ratings r1
GROUP BY m.title
ORDER BY avg_rating DESC
RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) - Measures prediction accuracy.
Precision@K, Recall@K - Evaluate recommendation relevance.
Confusion Matrix - Analyzes classification errors.
User passwords are stored securely using hashing (e.g., bcrypt).
Database access is restricted to authorized users.
Sensitive user information is never exposed in raw format.
Implement deep learning for better recommendations.
Improve handling of cold-start problems for new users/movies.
Integrate real-time recommendations using streaming data.
- Postgres Documentation
- Faker Documentation
- Random Documentation
- Psycopg Documentation
- Pandas Documentation
- ReportLab Documentation
Contributions are welcome! 🎉
Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to enhance the functionality.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
- Commit your changes (git commit -m "Added new feature").
- Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
- Open a Pull Request.
- For questions or suggestions, open an issue or contact me via email. 🚀