For our special issue on unexplained sightings, the IJCC is seeking short research papers on topics relating to strange occurrences. Research group submissions must include:
- An introduction to the work with clearly stated research questions. Research that addresses current topics the conspiracy community will be viewed more favourably. (Max 2 paragraphs)
- A beautiful and well-designed map showing the phenomenon of interest.
- A beautiful and well-designed data visualization showing the results of your inquiry
- A valid statistical test of the relationships under investigation
- A conclusion that clearly articulates the findings of the research and how this work links in with wider studies in the field of Conspiracies and Cryptids. (Max 2 paragraphs)
The team with the best submissions will be issued with standard issue tinfoil hats – a sure way to protect your future research ideas from telepathic and ESP attack! Please submit your research submission as a PDF to Any software or data visualisation tools can be used. There are no constraints but time. You can bring in extra datasets if you so wish.
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