Mathematical Proofs from various subjects
This repository is a collection of proofs from Number Theory and Cyrptography related Lemmas, Corollarys and Theorems. This will updated regularily with more proofs and any improvements to already completed proofs.
- Divide and Conquer [.pdf] [.tex]
- Prime Time [.pdf] [.tex]
- A Modular World [.pdf] [.tex]
- Fermat's Little Theorem and Euler's Theorem [.pdf] [.tex]
- Public Key Cryptography [.pdf] [.tex]
- Polynomial Congruences and Primitive Roots [.pdf] [.tex]
- The Golden Rule: Quadratic Reciprocity [.pdf] [.tex]
- Pythagorean Triples, Sums of Squares, and Fermat's Last Theorem [.pdf] [.tex]
- Rationals Close to Irrationals andthe Pell Equation [.pdf] [.tex]
- The Search for Primes [.pdf] [.tex]