A modified fork of https://github.com/tilkinsc/Lua.NET but only with support for LuaJIT. This library uses a more C-Sharp styled API, with built-in functionality to load modules and call C-Sharp methods directly by function pointer.
The easiest way to install is with NuGet
dotnet add package JAJ.Packages.LuaNET --version 1.0.0
The basic example just prints 'Hello world' to the console.
using System;
using System.IO;
using LuaNET;
namespace LuaNETExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string code = "print(\"Hello world\")";
LuaState state = Lua.NewState();
if (!state.IsNull)
Lua.DoString(state, code);
The advanced example creates a Lua module that can call C# methods and prints the output to the console. This is not the typical way of doing interop, but it illustrates the power and flexibility of LuaJIT. First create a file and call it example.lua and paste in the following code:
local test = require('test')
local result = test.addNumbers(10, 20)
test.writeLine('result: ' .. result)
Next create a new file and call it test.lua. Paste in the following code:
local ffi = require ('ffi')
local luanet = require('luanet')
--You can name this variable however you like
local csharp = {}
csharp.WriteLine = luanet.findMethod('WriteLine', 'void (__cdecl*)(char*)')
csharp.AddNumbers = luanet.findMethod('AddNumbers', 'int (__cdecl*)(int,int)')
local test = {}
function test.writeLine(message)
--If user passes in a number, converts it to a string
if type(message) == 'number' then
message = tostring(message)
--Interop does not allow to pass Lua strings directly so they need to be converted to a C-type
--Allocate enough memory for the string + null terminator
local c_message = ffi.new('char[?]', #message + 1)
--Copy the Lua string to the allocated memory
ffi.copy(c_message, message)
--Call the C# method
function test.addNumbers(a, b)
local c_a = ffi.cast('int', a)
local c_b = ffi.cast('int', b)
local result = csharp.AddNumbers(c_a, c_b)
return tonumber(result)
return test
Finally create a file and call it Program.cs and add following code to it:
using System;
using LuaNET;
using LuaNET.Interop;
using LuaNET.Modules;
namespace LuaNETExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
LuaNETModule luanetModule = new LuaNETModule();
TestModule testModule = new TestModule();
LuaState state = Lua.NewState();
if (!state.IsNull)
//LuaNetModule is used to find C# methods and TestModule requires it
//Loading order of modules is important in this case
//Note that this file path assumes that example.lua is in the same directory as the executable
Lua.DoFile(state, "example.lua");
public class TestModule : LuaModule
public override void Initialize(LuaState L)
//Register the marked methods before loading the module
//Note that this file path assumes that test.lua is in the same directory as the executable
LuaModuleLoader.RegisterFromFile(L, "test", "test.lua");
private static unsafe void WriteLine(byte* text)
string s = new string((sbyte*)text);
private static unsafe int AddNumbers(int a, int b)
return a + b;
See Examples.