A website that converts between different color formats.
Following formats are supported as both input and output, unless otherwise specified.
Notation | Description |
#RRGGBB | Each pair of Examples, decimal values to the left and their
hexadecimal translation to the right: |
#RRGGBBAA | Same as #RRGGBB but with an additional pair
representing Alpha .
Alpha follows the same convention as the color values. |
#RGB | Shorter version of Example: |
#RGBA | Shorter version of Example: |
Notation is based on the standard defined by W3C Color Module. Not all variations are implemented for the input but the output format will be a valid format according to the standards.
Notation | Description | |
rgb(R, G, B) | Each value R(ed) , G(reen) and B(lue)
is an integer between 0 and 255. |
rgba(R, G, B, A) | Same as rgb() but with an additional value that
represents Alpha .
The alpha value is a decimal number between 0 and 1. |
Notation is based on vectors that define colors using float values.
An example would be the vec3
and vec4
data type specified by GLSL.
Notation | Description | |
R, G, B | Each value R(ed) , G(reen) and B(lue)
is a float between 0 and 1. |
R, G, B, A | Same as R, G, B but with an additional value that
represents Alpha .
The alpha value uses the same format as the colors. |