Title: Project 3 - Blog
Department: Computer Science
Name: Coby Schumitzky
Date: 10/24/2022
Course: Web Application Development
Section: CMSI 2021
This website was built with security in mind. Authentication is used to ensure that non-verified users cannot write to our database. Any user can read from our database. Built upon that was a design that is inviting while very simple without anything too crazy. Built in repsonsiveness was added as well.
Both implementations have general functions that can be used such as: take(n), drop(n), reverse(), reversed() for the immutable list, append(other), map(f), filter(p), last(), every(p), some(p)
NOTE: See Documentation section for information on how to call each function
Accessing Website
1. Go to this link
2. Sign in with google account
3. If authenticated and verified user, you can write to database with blog articles
For information about how the app was built, view individual folders in repo
Project was created with:
- HTML version: 5.0
- Node version: 19.0.1
- ReactJS version: 18.0.2