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Yuanlong Liu edited this page Jan 1, 2024 · 1 revision


HaploC provides a comprehensive workflow for SNP calling, haplotype phasing, and generation of unphased and phased (i.e., haplotype-specific) Hi-C maps from Hi-C experiments. HaploC only requires Hi-C reads as input


Phasing new Hi-C data using pre-existing haplotypes, it involves all steps of HaploC, except SNP calling and haplotype inference. This can be summarized in three steps

  1. Create New_hic Folder: Set up a folder named 'New_hic' with the configuration file and fastq files.
  2. Link to Phased_hic: Establish a softlink from the SNP and haplotype folder in 'Phased_hic' to the 'New_hic' folder.
  3. Run HaploC Steps: Execute all HaploC steps, omitting SNP calling and haplotype inference.

We provide a one line command for this process:

HaploC-tools/bin/ -d wk_dir


HaploC-tools/bin/ -d demo_data

Output Structure

The phased Hi-C maps are stored under:

|-- all_chrs.opt.mat.hic
|-- all_chrs.opt.pat.hic
|-- all_chrs.opt.n_impute.mat.hic
|-- all_chrs.opt.n_impute.pat.hic
|-- all_chrs.opt.inter.mat.hic
|-- all_chrs.opt.inter.pat.hic
|-- all_chrs.opt.inter.switch.mat.hic
|-- all_chrs.opt.inter.switch.pat.hic
|-- generated_random_mix

The unphased mega Hi-C maps is stored under (same as the output of Juicer pipeline):

|-- inter.hic
|-- inter.txt
|-- inter_hists.m

File description:

Name Description
inter.hic unphased mega Hi-C map
all_chrs.opt.mat.hic phased Hi-C map of hap1
all_chrs.opt.pat.hic phased Hi-C map of hap1
all_chrs.opt.n_impute.mat.hic phased Hi-C map of hap1, without imputation
all_chrs.opt.n_impute.pat.hic phased Hi-C map of hap1, without imputation
all_chrs.opt.inter.mat.hic phased Hi-C map of hap1 x hap1, inter-chr Hi-C map
all_chrs.opt.inter.pat.hic phased Hi-C map of hap2 x hap2, inter-chr Hi-C map
all_chrs.opt.inter.switch.mat.hic phased Hi-C map of hap1 x hap2, inter-chr Hi-C map
all_chrs.opt.inter.switch.pat.hic phased Hi-C map of hap2 x hap1, inter-chr Hi-C map
generated_random_mix random "phased" Hi-C map