- Creating and maintaining RDF or OWL
- Preparing and maintaining SKOS vocabularies
- SPARQL and SHACL testing
- Python libraries
- Triple-stores and graph databases
- SKOS/RDF/OWL publishing platforms
- Full service SKOS/RDF platforms
- Visual Studio Code - text editor with syntax highlighting (and lots of integration ...)
- TopBraid Composer - for RDF, SPARQL, SHACL - download
- Protege - for OWL ontologies - Protégé Desktop, WebProtégé
- JSON-LD Playground
- SKOS Play! - convert Excel to SKOS
- Excel2rdf
- Excel2ldr
- Research Vocabularies Australia editor
- Maintain your SKOS with VocBench
- Clean your SKOS with Skosify
- SKOS quality control - qSKOS service
- YASGUI - a SPARQL query editor and tester - Yasgui API Reference
- SHACL Playground
- AllegroGraph - RDFS++ reasoning triple-store
- AnzoGraph
- Eclipse rdf4j - formerly known as Sesame and OpenRDF
- GraphDB by Ontotext -
- Stardog - pure Java large scale triple-store
- Comparison of Triplestores
- SkosMos - SkosMos at GitHub
- VocPrez
- Linked Data Registry
- pyLODE
- BioPortal - research submissions in any domain