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Gabriel Romero edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 1 revision

DigitImage Class Documentation

The DigitImage class is a C++ class that represents a digit image, specifically designed for digit recognition tasks using the MNIST dataset. This documentation provides a detailed overview of the class structure, functionality, implementation details, and conclusion.

Class Structure

The DigitImage class has the following structure:

class DigitImage {
    using Mat = Matrix<double>;

    Mat label;
    Mat image;

    // Constructors
    DigitImage() = default;
    DigitImage(Mat img, int _label);
    DigitImage(const DigitImage& other);
    DigitImage(DigitImage&& other) noexcept;

    // Destructors
    virtual ~DigitImage() = default;

    // Getters
    unsigned int get_width() const;
    unsigned int get_height() const;
    Mat get_label() const;
    Mat get_image();

    // Setters
    void set_image(Mat px);
    void set_label(Mat _l);

    // Operator Overloads
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const DigitImage& img);
    class DigitImage {
        - Mat label
        - Mat image
        + DigitImage()
        + DigitImage(Mat img, int _label)
        + DigitImage(const DigitImage& other)
        + DigitImage(DigitImage&& other)
        + ~DigitImage()
        + unsigned int get_width() const
        + unsigned int get_height() const
        + Mat get_label() const
        + Mat get_image()
        + void set_image(Mat px)
        + void set_label(Mat _l)
        + <<friend>> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const DigitImage& img)


The DigitImage class provides the following functionality:

  • Constructors:

    • DigitImage(): Default constructor.
    • DigitImage(Mat img, int _label): Constructs a DigitImage object with the given pixel matrix img and corresponding label _label.
    • DigitImage(const DigitImage& other): Copy constructor.
    • DigitImage(DigitImage&& other) noexcept: Move constructor.
  • Destructors:

    • virtual ~DigitImage(): Default destructor.
  • Getters:

    • unsigned int get_width() const: Retrieves the width of the image (number of columns).
    • unsigned int get_height() const: Retrieves the height of the image (number of rows).
    • Mat get_label() const: Retrieves the label matrix of the image.
    • Mat get_image(): Retrieves the image matrix.
  • Setters:

    • void set_image(Mat px): Sets the pixel matrix of the image to the given matrix px.
    • void set_label(Mat _l): Sets the label matrix of the image to the given matrix _l.
  • Operator Overloads:

    • friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const DigitImage& img): Overload of the output stream operator (<<) to allow printing the digit image to an output stream.

Implementation Details

  • The DigitImage class uses the Matrix class internally, defined in the "matrix.h" header file.
  • The image member variable represents the pixel matrix of the digit image.
  • The label member variable represents the label matrix of the digit image.
  • The class provides constructors for creating DigitImage objects with pixel matrices and corresponding labels.
  • The class supports copying and moving of DigitImage objects.
  • Getter methods are provided to retrieve the width, height, label, and pixel matrix of the digit image.
  • Setter methods allow setting the pixel matrix and label of the digit image.
  • The operator<< overload allows printing the digit image's label and pixel matrix.


The DigitImage class provides a convenient representation for digit images in MNIST digit recognition tasks. It encapsulates the pixel matrix and label matrix of a digit image and provides essential functionality for retrieving and setting image properties.

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