Client confirmation which shows an uib-bootstrap modal and offers the possibility to accept or cancel an action.
In order to use angular-confirm-bootstrap in your project:
bower install
Include the library in your bower.json file if you haven't previously used the option --save while executing bower install
Include the module 'angular.confirm.bootstrap' as an angular dependency
Use the directive 'angular-confirm-bootstrap' as a html element or attribute
You can configure the following params:
- acb-confirm-text: Type: string, text button action Ok by default 'Ok'
- acb-button-confirm-class: Type: string, default: empty
- acb-button-confirm-icon: Type: string(), default: empty
- acb-cancel-text: Type: string, text button action Ok by default 'Cancel'
- acb-button-cancel-class: Type: string, default: empty
- acb-button-cancel-icon: Type: string(), default: empty
- acb-message: Type: string , main message, default: empty
- acb-title: Type: string , title modal, default: empty
- acb-on-confirm: Type: function, callback function
- acb-on-cancel: Type: function, callback function
- acb-size-modal: Type: string, size of modal by default 'lg'
- acb-position-buttons: Type: string, Allowed Values:[left, center, right(default)], position of buttons 'Ok' and 'Cancel'
- acb-backdrop: Type: boolean|string, Allowed Values:[static(disables modal closing by click on the backdrop), false, true(default)], controls presence of a backdrop.
class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"
acb-title="{{ title }}"
acb-message="{{ message }}"
acb-button-confirm-class="btn btn-success"
acb-button-confirm-icon="fa fa-trash"
acb-button-cancel-icon="fa fa-times"
acb-on-confirm="confirmClicked = true"
acb-on-cancel="cancelCliked = true"
acb-size-modal="md" >
<i class="fa fa-trash"></i>
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