- f03137f: Hide menu if users home location is not set.
- f03137f: Fix docker volume binding.
- 0c0e4e9: Failed authenticated refreshes will now log the user out.
- a305ee1b: Add GPLV2 license.
- 2f5dabb: Users can now create landmarks - Users are now able to create landmarks. This feature re-purposes the arbitrary item menu to allow users to add landmarks to the map. Landmarks, like items, can also be deleted.
- a021252: move calendar month component to images menu - Previously, all added items of interest could not have their calendar months customised. You can now customise items 'startMonth' and 'endMonth' months, the months you can expect to find this item in the wild. Any existing items you have will need to be manually edited.
- 68ed2d7: Include Docker deployment options - Forager can now be deployed with a Docker image
- bb3202a: Create loading screen on application login
- ad34d82: Add migration for default services, canCreateAccounts now defaults to true
- c03d753: Create user and item seeder
- Move environment settings to user account - Users will now have to provide thier own Mapbox API keys on account creation (this is a breaking change). - Users will now have to ensure the appropriate Pocketbase server URL is set on first launch to properly communicate with the server.