A turn-based non-collectable card game written in Unity, and run in a web browser on our own website.
Color Break is a multiplayer custom card game that is built in Unity, and its a dynamic project that blends web technologies with game development to offer a unique experience. Here are the main components:
Complete Unity Project (found here: https://github.com/Prelude14/499UnityGameT19/tree/e4fbdb3adbae1bd93975854ed217951215662b8d/My%20project%20(4))
- Mainmenu.scene (Players can log in or create accounts, track their stats, change settings, play the tutorial, and play matches)
- https://github.com/COSC-499-W2023/year-long-project-team-19/tree/271ce6689dc7bdf0bd72ed9a4f69d210012b7302/MainMenuScene
- also look into app folder mentioned below (Login/Create Account System's SQL table and PHP files)
- Samplescene.scene (Actual card game scene, take turns playing cards and attacking the other player until one runs out of health)
- Tutorial.scene (Walks the player through the basic mechanics of the game, using dummy version of game scene)
- Gameover.scene (Scene triggered when a player runs out of health, it updates the user's stats, and returns to the mainmenu)
- Mainmenu.scene (Players can log in or create accounts, track their stats, change settings, play the tutorial, and play matches)
Custom Website (found here: https://client-jade-seven.vercel.app)
- Web folder (https://github.com/COSC-499-W2023/year-long-project-team-19/tree/271ce6689dc7bdf0bd72ed9a4f69d210012b7302/Web)
- Can play a non-multiplayer version of the game, view the rules page, or the card information page
- Admins get special access to edit the other pages live in the browser, after logging in (found here: )
- Web folder (https://github.com/COSC-499-W2023/year-long-project-team-19/tree/271ce6689dc7bdf0bd72ed9a4f69d210012b7302/Web)
- app folder (https://github.com/COSC-499-W2023/year-long-project-team-19/tree/271ce6689dc7bdf0bd72ed9a4f69d210012b7302/app): Uses XAMPP to locally host an SQL table and PHP files. Unity uses said files to query the database and log players in, create new accounts, reset their password, or update their stats.
- Web App: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js
- Game: Unity, Mirror Networking for Unity, ParallelSync for Unity, XAMPP, SQL, and PHP
1. Setup a Unity account and download Unity Hub. 2. Download Editor version 2021.30.3f. (https://unity.com/releases/editor/whats-new/2021.3.30) 3. Clone the 499UnityGameT19 repository, import it as a new project in Unity Hub, and open it (https://github.com/Prelude14/499UnityGameT19/tree/e4fbdb3adbae1bd93975854ed217951215662b8d/My%20project%20(4)) 4. Project should automatically come with Mirror, parallelSync, and other packages required for multiplayer networking already downloaded in the project.
1. Follow above "Install" steps. Once imported and opened, click on the "clone manager" tab in the Unity editor window, and click on “open clone in new editor” to run another editor simultaneously. 2. Open and start the main menu scene in each editor (press play at top of editor window) and select “quick match” (then pick any of the four deck colours). After selecting a colour, the actual game scene will start. 3. In the top left, there will be a network manager interface. First, on one editor, click “HOST” to run it as a host (server + client). Click “CLIENT” on the other one to have it connect to the host editor (clients will fail to connect if there is no host running yet). 4. Click “Deal Cards” in both editors once they are either a host or a client, and the server will mix the players' colours together into the game deck, and deal each player 4 cards from it. The editor who clicks “deal cards” first will become player 1 and the other editor will be player 2 (server assigns who is who, and tracks turns accordingly). 5. Each player will take turns playing cards from their hands (if they can afford each card's cost), and attacking each other using cards they have played (drag card into opponent’s health icon), until one player runs out of health. Note: Because Mirror is used for the networking features, all the scripts using said features need to be in the same directory as the Mirror folder (in this case both are just in the "Assets" folder of the project, they couldn't be placed inside the "Scripts" folder unfortunately).
1. Ensure the XAMPP is set up and RUNNING (see below SQL Database setup). 2. Start the main menu scene in an editor, and choose the “Login” option. Create a new account using a valid email (it will be sent a “welcome” email, and can be sent a “reset password” email). You will be automatically logged in upon creating a valid account, and will be able to log in using the same credentials unless the account is manually deleted from your locally hosted phpmyadmin table. 3. Once logged in, click “quick match” and follow multiplayer steps above to play the game regularly. At the end, the game will update your account’s stats accordingly. 4. Once logged in, the "Login" button is replaced with the "Your Account" button, and once clicked, that menu should display the user's email and the dtae they created their account. It also gives the option to click the "Stats" button, which will show the user how many games they have won, their win to loss ratio, and the amount of damage they have dealt across games so far. 5. Logged in users will also have the ability to "Logout", which basically just clears any scripts storing their username and sends them back to the guest version of the main menu (the default version).
1. Follow above "Install" steps. Once imported and opened, open either the "Tutorial" scene itself and run it (thats it), or open and start the main menu scene. 2. If main menu scene was opened and started, then navigate to the "tutorial" menu by clicking the "tutorial" button, and it should give you the option to play the tutorial, which just launches the "Tutorial" scene itself. Note: It uses dummy versions of the regular scripts prefaced with the phrase "tut", in order to hard code what cards the player is dealt. It contains a "Tutorial Canvas" GameObject that runs through different tutorial "sequences", and these sequences are meant to show the player the basic mechanics of the game.
1. Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. If not, download and install them from [Node.js official website] (https://nodejs.org/en). 2. Navigate to the client directory: `cd Web/client` 3. Install dependencies: `npm i` 4. Start the development server: `npm start`
1. Navigate to the server directory: `cd Web/server` 2. Install dependencies: `npm i` 3. Create a `.env` file in the server directory with the following variables: - `PORT=<port_number>` - `MONGO_URI=<your_mongodb_uri>` 4. Start the server: `node index.js`
1. Download and install Xampp (link here: https://www.apachefriends.org/) 2. Download the “sqlconnect” folder from the main repository, which should contain the backend php files and the useracc.sql database file. (add link to folder) 3. Place the sqlconnect folder in XAMPP’s “htdocs” folder to host its php files on your localhost. 4. Go to phpmyadmin, set up a new schema and import the useracc.sql file to create the user account table. Xampp will host this schema and table, and the php files in the sqlconnect folder will now be able to query it. 5. Launch Xampp and run the Apache and MySQL servers. While running, the unity editor will be able to connect to the php files that are being hosted and successfully use them to query the user account table when logging in, creating accounts, resetting passwords or managing an account's stats.
1. Sign up or login to SMTP2GO (link here: [https://app.smtp2go.com/login/]) 2. Set up your sender domain in SMTP2GO (colorbreak@mail.com). 3. Generate an API key and add it to the create.php and reset.php files.
Website runs old build of the game, missing multiplayer features, because multiplayer needs dedicated server build that clients connect to and it was easier to just develop multiplayer to work locally in 2 editors using ParallelSync, and it still demonstrates multiplayer functionality, just not deployed to the browser.
Connecting to a locally run XAMPP server to log in inside of the website version of the game requires changing the http.config file of your XAMPP apache server to allow connections from all sources (see this file: https://github.com/COSC-499-W2023/year-long-project-team-19/blob/4ac696aaf175a41fb538dfcaf85fa5583c1b6317/app/Xampp%20Config%20Files/httpd.conf), and it might still break if you are using a specific browser (Firefox and Google Chrome seem to be fine).
While running a multiplayer setup, the host build of the game will be able to see the game over scene and update the stat's of its user fine, but the client doesn't always get sent to the game over scene properly, they might get stuck on the samplescene indefinitely.
Multiplayer Setup only works with a Host and Client build, it will not work quite right with a server build and two clients. This is due to how the server commands are called in the PlayerManager and sharedVarManager scripts, the server has its own versions of the scripts that it will update when the commands are called, and the clients won't find the values properly. When one build is running as a host, the server commands are run on that client's copy of the scripts, so the logic works as intended.
Game doesn't quite have all card abilities fully functional yet, but all cards are able to be played and attacked with proerly.
Cards don't naturally disappear off the screen, so to get to the end of a game, the majority of the 40 cards in the game deck will be dealt across both players, and the player's hands might start overflowing off the page. The cards are supposed to die naturally after attacking twice, and their are a couple cards with the ability to destroy all of the cards in the player's or opponent's play zones, so its a work in progress.
1. Game Logo and Card Artwork made using BING AI `https://www.bing.com/images/create`
2. Main Menu Background Music: Your Digital Footprint (Investigation Theme) - Composed by One Man Symphony - https://onemansymphony.bandcamp.com
Covered by the CC BY 4.0 license. You can find more information about it here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
2. View this README (https://github.com/COSC-499-W2023/year-long-project-team-19/tree/271ce6689dc7bdf0bd72ed9a4f69d210012b7302/Resources)
in the resources folder to see the other credits for any assests used.
- aditya39p
- dika2706
- HenryAugustiano
- lhenon99
- Prelude14