Node JS server for communication for rhythm stream games using socket io library. Made for the Unity game "Rhythm Stream" in 3 days.
Note Maker -
Player that is going to move around the level and based on the current position of the maker player, starts ahead of player
Player -
The actual player who is going to click the notes being spawned on the screen to score.
StartAsMaker -
Event occurs when a client is playing as the note maker joins a room.
StartAsPlayer -
Event occurs when a player playing as the one who will click the notes to score joins a room.
GetTimings -
Event sent by client to server requesting the timings of a song.
Timings -
Response Event sent with data about the song's note timings in the currently loaded level in the room.
PlayingStart -
Event sent when note maker has sent a bit of notes to the server and now the player can start playing.
NewNote -
Event occurs when the note maker sends data based on it's position in the game, this is then transferred to the player.
As this game backend was made in 3 days along with the Unity game client, and this was my first time building a real-time application here are some key improvements I would make.
- Decouple storage from the webserver
- Implement an Event file which stores all events with proper documentation.
- Extract room management to another service and ensure one service is just concerned with establishing web-socket connections.
- Implement HTTP endpoints instead of WS for data about the timings data and song data that is requested by the maker.