The repository contains the implementation of a controller manager which load and unload multiple hardware interfaces and the related controllers.
The package is developed by the Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced Manufacturing, of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ITIA).
The package cnr_configuration_manager provides one node, the configuration_manager_node
and a few utilities,
listed below.
The configuration_manager_node
is designed to dynamically load and unload a set of different hardware_interface
each packed in nodelet
([here])(../cnr_hardware_interfaces/, and to load/start/stop/unload a set of
This set is called configuration
and the configuration definition has to be uploaded inside the rosparam
though a proper yaml
Then, the configuration_manager_node
provides a set of services to load and unload properly the configuration
Configurations (aka metacontrollers) are a set of controllers running on a set of hardware interface.
A common issue of ROS control architecture is the absence of toolchain functionality. For instance, a cascade control architecture has to be implemented in a single controller since primary controller cannot consider the secondary control as its own hardware interface. Moreover, it manages in a effective way the controllers lifecycle but it does not manage the hardware interface lifecycle.
To overcome these issues, the RobotHW
are packed in nodelets
see cnr_hardware_interface for details) which can be dynamically loaded/unloaded.
Moreover, cnr_topic_hardware_interface can be used in higher layers of complex control architectures.
When it publishes/subscribes topics from the other hardware interface (or the controllers loaded on them)
the messages are shared by means of nodelet fashion (shared memory instead of tcp communications) making
the communications faster and more reliable.
Configurations are read from the ROS parameter control_configurations which has the following structure:
- name: "configuration1"
- description: "a brief description of the component"
hardware_interface: "hardware_interface_1" # the name of the hardware interface
controller : "controller_1"
- description: "a brief description of the component"
hardware_interface: "hardware_interface_1"
controller : "controller_2"
- description: "a brief description of the component"
hardware_interface: "hardware_interface_2"
controller : "controller_3" #it is recommended (but not mandatory) to use different
# names also for controllers loaded in different hardware interfaces
- name: "configuration2"
- description: "a brief description of the component"
hardware_interface: "motor_velocity_hi"
controller : "linkpos_to_vel_jnt1_1"
- description: "a brief description of the component" # different configurations can use the same hardware
# interfaces or the same controllers
hardware_interface: "hardware_interface_1"
controller : "controller_2"
/configuration_manager/start_configuration [type: configuration_msgs::StartConfiguration]
"start_configuration: '' ,
strictness: "
start_configuration: is the label of the configuration to be started. The label is the 'name' field of the
control_configurations parameter
strictness: is an integer:
1: same behavior of `ros_control` if the client asks to run an already running controller it will be leaved running
2: same behavior of `ros_control`
0: like 1, but if the client asks to run an already running controller it will be restarted as well as its
hardware interface
/configuration_manager/stop_configuration [type: configuration_msgs::StopConfiguration] "stricness: [integer]":
strictness: is an integer:
1: same behavior of `ros_control` if the client assk to run an already running controller it will be leaved running
2: same behavior of `ros_control`
0: like 1, but if the client ask to run an already running controller it will be restarted as well as its hardware interface
and finally,
"/configuration_manager/list_configurations" [type: configuration_msgs::ListControllers] provides the list of available configurations and their status (running / loaded)
Load a configuration:
rosservice call /configuration_manager/start_configuration "start_configuration: 'configuration1'
strictness: 1"
Force reload a configuration:
rosservice call /configuration_manager/start_configuration "start_configuration: 'configuration1'
strictness: 0"
Stop a configuration:
rosservice call /configuration_manager/stop_configuration "strictness: 0"
List configuration
rosservice call /configuration_manager/list_configurations "{}"
- Manuel Beschi (
- Nicola Pedrocchi (
- Stefano Ghidini (
Software License Agreement (BSD License) Copyright (c) 2017, National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation All rights reserved.