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FISSION - Failover in wIreleSS dIstributed cOmputiNg

This project is a Python-based solution for distributing a set of dependent tasks onto multiple devices and having a failover mechanism in place to prevent outage of your cluster.
MARVELO uses FISSION to implement failover by making us of dispys heartbeat, monitoring and job cluster functionality.

For a quick ramp-up, please have a look at the video and documentation

Terminology and rough overview

The four most important terms in MARVELO are: Network, Client, Server and Job.

Coming from MARVELO:

  • Server -> Client
  • Daemon -> Server
  • Algorithm -> Job

Within a Network there is one Client, some number of Servers and a number of Jobs.

A Client

  • distributes Jobs and their associated Files.
  • monitors all Servers.
  • restarts the Jobs of a Server within the Network in case of its failure.

A Server

  • executes provided Jobs
  • receives input data from other Servers
  • sends output data to other Servers

A Job

  • defines a program and the Jobs it communicates with

Setting up Client and Servers

Your Python version has to be 3.6 or greater!


The Client is where you should copy the repository to and is the "supervisor" of your cluster, monitoring all servers and managing the failover.

FISSION depends on named pipes and therefore can not run on Windows.

FISSION is installable via pip. We recommend setting up a virtual environment and activating it:

python3 -m venv <my-virtual-environment>
source <my-virtual-environment>/bin/activate

Next install fission via pip:

pip3 install <fission-root-directory>

When developing we recommend to make an editable install by adding the -e flag.

That's it, the Client is ready to run!


If you haven't already, install ansible. It is used to set up your servers automated, you only have to tweak a few setting.

On Windows: There is no Windows version of ansible, but on Windows 10, you can simply install WSL (e.g., Ubuntu), which gives you a Linux subsystem running on top of your Windows machine. Then, you can open the Linux terminal and follow the instructions below, as if you were on Linux.

On Ubuntu: ansible documentation

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible make

On macOS

brew install ansible

You have to set all IPs of your servers in the ansible/inventories/production/hosts.yml file. If the ip you are connecting to for installation differs from the one you wish you dispynode to serve just add a dispy_ip to the host. You will find two examples, follow them.
Now head to ansible/inventories/production/group_vars/fissionservers/setting.yml and change ansible_user to what ever user you set up on your servers. At this point you can also specify any additional python3 packages you wish to install for your jobs.

Run make servers_pw. This will run the ansible playbook and ask for an ssh password and a sudo password.
If you already copied an id to the server by running ssh-copy-id <server-address> (you maybe have to run ssh-keygen first to create a key), you can run make servers and it will only ask for a sudo password.

The following commands are also supported by the make file:

  • make start starts the service running a dispynode on each node (`make servers starts the service automatically)

  • make stop stops the service running a dispynode on each node

  • make renew copies a new version of the fission.service file to the nodes and restarts the fission service. This is useful if you want to change the ip the dispynode serves or changed something in the ansible/roles/setup/templates/fission.service.j2 file. E.g. you could ad -d flag to run the nodes in debug mode if you are experiencing issues.

Make sure you run the same dispy versions on the client and all nodes, otherwise they will not detect each other.

Your Network is ready now.

Configuring your Network

Starting a Project and Network

To start a FISSION project just run: <my-project> startproject

This will result in the following structure:

└── shared
    ├── jobs
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── nodes
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── pipes
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── source

By default a shared network is started. It contains no file and there for can't be directly executed.
It's purpose is to hold jobs, nodes, pipes and files you may want to use in multiple networks within you project.

Next head into <my-project> and start a network:

cd <my-project>
python3 <my-network> startnetwork

The folder structure changes to:

├── shared
│   ├──
│   ├── jobs
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── nodes
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── pipes
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └── source
└── <my-network>
    ├── jobs
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── nodes
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── pipes
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── source

Notice how our newly created network provides a file, meaning we can actually run it.

We'll return to the config later, first a quick explanation of what's what:

  • is the part of your network where you define a few general things, but also how and with what pipes your jobs are connected.

  • jobs is a directory / python module where you are meant to define your jobs in.

  • nodes is a directory / python module where you are meant to define your nodes in.

  • pipes is a directory / python module where you are meant to define, you guessed it, your pipes in.

  • source is a directory where you are meant to put your job's dependencies like executables or in general files you job depends on.

So it's time to think about our first Network, we will start of by building this:

graph LR
  subgraph network
    2(SourceJob 2) -->|101| 5(JoinJob 5)
    3(SourceJob 3) -->|102| 5(JoinJob 5)
    4(SourceJob 4) -->|103| 5(JoinJob 5)
    5(JoinJob 5)-->|105| 6(ReduceJob 6)

Writing the first Jobs

Assuming you already started a project and network let's start by implementing our first job:

The following is al written to jobs/ in your network.

The SourceJob:

from import PythonJob
import time

class SourceJob(PythonJob):
    def run(self):
        value = 1
        while True:
            print(f"{} -> {value}")
            yield value
            value += 1

We start by importing PythonJob from This is necessary for all following jobs but I will take this as given.

We will use the time module to limit the output of our job to once per second.

Let's have a look at the following lines one by one: First we start a new class and inherit from PythonJob.

class SourceJob(PythonJob):

Next we override the run method, only taking self as an argument as this is a source job and there not expected to receive an data.
We also initiate a counter name value to one. You may wonder why we this when run is called per pass, we'll see in a second.

    def run(self):
        value = 1

Now we define a while True-Loop, add a small print statement for debugging purposes and yield values.
So we are making a generator. This answers why we for one define a while True-Loop and why we can simply define value in run.
Overriding run with a generator is only possible for source jobs (jobs with no inputs) and allows to easily keep context between calls without having to us object attributes(self).

Then we sleep for a second, increment our counter and loop for ever.

We in our flow chart above each job only has one output by this does not apply to all.
How multiple outputs work will be discussed in the documentation.

        while True:
            print(f"{} -> {value}")
            yield value
            value += 1

Lets head to the JoinJob:

class JoinJob(PythonJob):
    def run(self, in_1, in_2, in_3):
        result = in_1 * in_2 * in_3
        print(f"{} -> {result}")
        return result

So this time we take 3 arguments as we have 3 inputs. We calculate the product, print it for debugging and return it.
Easy enough right? So let's make our last job:

The ReduceJob:

class ReduceJob(PythonJob):
    def run(self, L):
        result = sum(L)
        print(f"{} -> Sum over {L} is {result}")

It might be a little bit confusing, that we call sum on our only argument as just return a integer in JoinJob.
We will see what's up with that when we make a custom pipe and this is what we are going to do next as our jobs are done.

Writing a custom Pipe

Now we head to pipes/ in your network.

We write:

from fission.core.pipes import PicklePipe

class ReducePipe(PicklePipe):

First we import PicklePipe from fission.core.pipes. This pipe uses the pickle stack protocol, meaning you can throw nearly any Python object at it and it will bring it to the other end.

We also define a new pipe called ReducePipe and override the class attribute BLOCK_COUNT to 5. Setting this parameter means that FISSION buffers 5 inputs on this pipe before passing them at once as a list.


I will just throw the complete config file at you and afterwards step through its:

# ----------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------

from fission.core.pipes import PicklePipe
from fission.core.nodes import BaseNode

from import SourceJob, ReduceJob, JoinJob
from demo_network_v1.pipes.pipes import ReducePipe

# Enter the user on the remote machines
USER = "pi"

# The directory all the action is done on the remote machines
REMOTE_ROOT = f"/home/{USER}/fission/"

# Logging

# Enter the clients ip within the network, must be visible for nodes

# Debug window
# Redirects stdout to console

# A list of jobs to be executed within the network.
# This can be an instance of BaseJob or any of its subclasses.
JOBS = [

# A list of nodes to be included in the network
# This can be an instance of BaseNode or Multinode
# or a path to csv file defining nodes (see documentation)

# Whether or not files (dependencies) for every job should be copied
# to every node. If not files will be copied before the job starts.
# Turning it on results in higher setup time when starting the network
# but reduces the delay in case of failover. It also demands more disk
# space on the nodes.
PRE_COPY = False

# Optional XML file defining the whole network or a part of it
# This is not recommended and only exists for specific use cases

First we import PicklePipe to connect our SourceJobs with out JoinJob and BaseNode to define the nodes in our network.
Next we import our jobs and pipe from our network, in my case this is demo_network_v1.

USER is set to "pi" in our example as we work with Raspberry Pis and this is the default user. Change this to what ever your user is.

REMOTE_ROOT defines where FISSION's root directory should be on the remote machines, this does not have to changed.

LOG_LEVEL is a string indicating a log level. Every level as provided in the logging module is fine but we recommend "INFO" or "DEBUG" if something is not working.

LOG_FILE is the path to the log file. By default this is "FISSION.log" in the project folder.

CLIENT_IP is the IP of the client and must be reachable by the servers.

DEBUG_WINDOW indicates whether a debug window should be launched attaching to the stdout and strerr of all jobs.
This defaults to False but for this demo we set it to True.

JOBS is where it becomes interesting:
You basically create an object for every job you need in this list and pass pipe objects to the inputs and/or outputs.
You pass a id to the pipe (this has to be an integer) to identify it. FISSION caches all pipe objects so calling a pipe multiple times with the same id will provide the exact same object.
In addition the order in which you pass the pipes to a job matters. So the pipe with id 101 will be passed to to the in_1 argument of JoinJob, id 102 to in_2 and so on.

The reason we picked a relatively high number for the ids is because we are going to extend this example in the documentation and having a prefix to the pipe ids helps to keep track.

If you make any mistakes like having more than one end to a pipe or only one you will receive according errors. Also once a pipe has been initiated with an id you will receive and error you try to call the same id with a different type of pipe.

NODES is just a list of BaseNodes in this case.

PRE_COPY is already explained quite extensively in its comment.

XML_FILE has a very specific use case and therefore won't be explained at this point.

So what's next?

Before deploying the network lets make a test run:
python3 demo_network_v1 simulate

This should run without errors and show the print statements we defined earlier.
The ReduceJob is set of by one "round" due to the buffering going on while checking SQN's.
Hit "Ctrl + C" to cancel the simulation.

The simulation created an additional folder in your network called "simulation". It is cleared before each simulation so store data somewhere else before rerunning the simulation if you want to. You will find a folder for each job named after it id. info.txt may help to find the right one but in general they are just enumerated in the order they are define in the config's JOBS. There is also a additional log file how it would be created on a node with DEBUG log level.

Assuming you developed on the machine which will act as a client just run:
python3 demo_network_v1 run

If you didn't, use e.g. scp to copy the project to the client, connect to it via ssh -X user@address to allow for additional consoles to be opened, activate you venv if there is one and then execute the command.

Congratulations, these are the very basics of the FISSION framework. All files for this example can be found under examples/demo_network_v1 in the git repository.

graph LR
  subgraph network
    2(SourceJob 2) -->|101| 5(JoinJob 5)
    3(SourceJob 3) -->|102| 5(JoinJob 5)
    4(SourceJob 4) -->|103| 5(JoinJob 5)
    5(JoinJob 5)-->|105| 6(ReduceJob 6)
  subgraph locals
    1(InteractiveJob 1) -->|104| 5(JoinJob 5)
    5(JoinJob 5) -->|204| 7(CSVSinkJob 7)
    5(JoinJob 5) -->|205| 7(CSVSinkJob 7)
    4(SourceJob 4) -->|203| 7(CSVSinkJob 7)
    3(SourceJob 3) -->|202| 7(CSVSinkJob 7)
    2(SourceJob 2) -->|201| 7(CSVSinkJob 7)
    6(ReduceJob 6) -->|301| 8(CSVSinkJob 8)



  • Teamprojekt FISSION at Paderborn University


Haitham Afifi

Holger Karl


Wireless Virtual Network Embedding






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