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File metadata and controls

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COPYRIGHT(C) 2021 - Transportation, Bots, and Disability Lab - CMU
Code released under MIT.


This work is partially funded under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant number 90DPGE0003). NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this website do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.


This Psi components enable you to read from any ROSBAG 2.0 formats. The component reads the bag and use predefined deserializers to decode the message into Psi formats. List of supported ROS Message types are listed below, you can also easily add message type using the MsgDeserializer.cs as base class. After adding reference to this package, you can read ROS bags following the Psi pattern

using (var p = Pipeline.Create())
    var store = RosBagStore.Open(p,"test-01.bag", @"C:\store-folder");
    var imageStream = store.OpenStream<Shared<Image>>("image_raw");

The component can handle ROS bag splited into multiple files, but they have to be by themselves and have the same prefixes.

How to Install

For using in PsiStudio

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Build the TBD.Psi.RosBagStreamReader.Windows project.
    • In Visual Studio, hover over the project in the solution explorer, right-click on the project, and build.
  3. Find the path for the built dll.
    • The path should look something like this C:\Users\Zhi\source\repos\CMU-TBD\TBD.Psi.Components\TBD.Psi.RosBagStreamReader.Windows\bin\Debug\net472\TBD.Psi.RosBagStreamReader.Windows.dll
  4. Add the dll as an AdditionalAssemblies in the PsiStudioSettings.xml. More detail here: 3rd Part Visualizer
    • If the file doesn't exist, start and quit PsiStudio once to generate it.

To use it in application

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Reference either the .NET 5.0 version (TBD.Psi.RosBagStreamReader.NET) for Linux/Mac applications OR .NET framework (TBD.Psi.RosBagStreamReader.Windows) for Windows applications. P

Supported Messages

ROS Message Type Deserialized Psi/C# Types Name Match Windows/Linux/Mac Support Notes
std_msgs/String string All
std_msgs/Bool bool All
std_msgs/UInt8 Byte All
std_msgs/Int8 SByte All
std_msgs/UInt16 UInt16 All
std_msgs/Int16 Int16 All
std_msgs/UInt32 uint All
std_msgs/Int32 int All
std_msgs/UInt64 UInt64 All
std_msgs/Int64 Int64 All
std_msgs/Float32 float All
std_msgs/Float64 double All
std_msgs/Time DateTime All
std_msgs/Duration TimeSpan All
std_msgs/ColorRGBA double[] All Return as a length 4 double array. Values are in the order of R,G,B,and A.
sensor_msgs/Image Shared<Image> All Only some formats are supported.
sensor_msgs/Image Shared<DepthImage> depth All Only some formats are supported.
sensor_msgs/CompressedImage Shared<Image> All Only some formats are supported.
sensor_msgs/CompressedImage Shared<EncodedImage> compressed Windows Only some formats are supported.
sensor_msgs/JointState (string[] name, double[] position, double[] velocity, double[] effort) All
sensor_msgs/CameraInfo CameraIntrinsics All
sensor_msgs/PointCloud List<Point3D> All
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 List<Point3D> All
sensor_msgs/PointField (string name, int off, byte dtype, int count) All
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped MathNet.Spatial.Euclidean.CoordinateSystem All
geometry_msgs/Pose MathNet.Spatial.Euclidean.CoordinateSystem All
geometry_msgs/Transform MathNet.Spatial.Euclidean.CoordinateSystem All
geometry_msgs/TransformStamped MathNet.Spatial.Euclidean.CoordinateSystem All
geometry_msgs/Quaternion MathNet.Spatial.Euclidean.Quaternion All
geometry_msgs/Vector3 MathNet.Spatial.Euclidean.Vector3D All
geometry_msgs/Point MathNet.Spatial.Euclidean.Point3D All
geometry_msgs/Point32 MathNet.Spatial.Euclidean.Point3D All
audio_common_msgs/AudioData AudioBuffer All
visualization_msgs/MarkerArray List<AzureKinectBody> Windows
visualization_msgs/Marker (MathNet.Spatial.Euclidean.CoordinateSystem pose, int id) All

For message types with multiple deserializers (e.g. sensor/Image), the application will try to match deserializers by name according to the Name Match column first before moving on to the default (no name match deserializers). For example, a ros topic of type sensor_msgs/Image with name depth_image will be converted into Shared<DepthImage> instead of Shared<Image>. The name match is case insensetive.

Contributions for more Deserializers are welcomed!

Build your own Deserializers

Building your own deserializer for any ROS Message is pretty straightforward.

Create A Deserializer

  1. Create a deserializer with MsgDeserializer.cs as its parent. Pass to the parent the type of object it should be converted to (AudioBuffer in the example) and the name of the ROS Message it is trying to decode.
    class AudioCommonMsgsAudioDataDeserializer : MsgDeserializer
        public AudioCommonMsgsAudioDataDeserializer()
            : base(typeof(AudioBuffer).AssemblyQualifiedName, "audio_common_msgs/AudioData")
  1. Implement the T Deserialize<T> method that decodes the byte array into the object you want. The method is given raw bytes for a single message to decode.
    public override T Deserialize<T>(byte[] data, ref Envelope envelop)
        return (T) (object) new AudioBuffer(data.Skip(4).ToArray(), WaveFormat.Create16kHz1Channel16BitPcm());

You can also change the envelop property based on the ROS Message data. This is used when there is a header to change the message originating time to being the header's time.

ROS Messages are just an array of bytes with the reading location define by the ROS Message Definition. For example, audio_common_msgs/AudioData message states it has a data with the type uint8[], the byte array is simply an array of uint8 with the first 4 bytes being the length of the array. A more complex message type like std_msgs/Header can be decoded as following

// sequence
var offset = 0;
var seq = Helper.ReadRosBaseType<uint>(data, out offset, offset); // helper functions returns the next offset.
// time
var seconds = Helper.ReadRosBaseType<uint>(data, out offset, offset);
var nanoSeconds = Helper.ReadRosBaseType<uint>(data, out offset, offset);
// frame_id
var str = Helper.ReadRosBaseType<string>(data, out offset, offset);

You can find Helper methods to decode base types in Helper.cs. Some message deserializers also comes with a strongly-typed Deserialize function that allows you to use it to deserialize parts of a message. Here's an example from geometry_msgs/Transform

public static CoordinateSystem Deserialize(byte[] data, ref int offset)
    // get the translation vector
    var translation = GeometrymsgsVector3Deserializer.Deserialize(data, ref offset);
    // get the rotation quaterion
    var quaternion = GeometrymsgsQuaternionDeserializer.Deserialize(data, ref offset);
    // combine both into a coordinate system
    return ConvertToCoordinateSystem(quaternion, translation);

public override T Deserialize<T>(byte[] data, ref Envelope env)
    // convert to coordinate systems
    int offset = 0;
    var cs = Deserialize(data, ref offset);

    return (T)(object)cs;

Add deserializer

Depending on your usecase, you have two options.

If the deserializer is not framework specific, you can add it straight into the base package. Add the deserializer to the loadDefaultDeserializers method in RosBagReader.cs. If you want to match it with specific names, you can also pass in an optional topic name.

private void loadDefaultDeserializers()
    this.AddDeserializer(new StdMsgsStringDeserializer());
    this.AddDeserializer(new SensorMsgsImageDeserializer(), "image");
    this.AddDeserializer(new SensorMsgsImageDeserializer(), "/robot/front_camera/image");

If the deserializer is framework specific, you can add it to either TBD.Psi.RosBagStreamReader.NET for Linux/Mac and TBD.Psi.RosBagStreamReader.Windows for Windows. For those packages. it is added to the constructor of either RosBagStreamReaderNET or RosBagStreamReaderWindows.

    public RosBagReaderNET()
        : base()
            this.AddDeserializer(new UniquelyWindowsDeserializers());

Known Limitations

  1. Currently, the deserializers does not handle encrypted ROS Bags.
  2. tf and tf_static will be parsed differently.



  • Added deserialization support for topics and messages in Azure Kinect.


  • Split into Windows and .NET 5.
  • Remove TF due to it being not stable.
  • Cleaned up the code.


  • Added a default generic message reader for unknown class. It tries to read the header and use the header time if possible.


  • Added Point and ColorRGBA.
  • Code cleanup.


  • Added a few direct OpenCV image encodings.


  • Fixed the message count was being set as average message size.
  • Cleaned up the parsing of bytes and created templated helper methods for all ros base types.
  • display /tf message using TransformationTree.
  • published in nuget.