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Steven Sotelo edited this page Sep 26, 2020 · 2 revisions


Variable Description Units Name
Precipitation Anyway of hydrometeor that falls from the atmosphere and reaches the earth's surface. mm prec
Temperature Quantity referred to the notion of measurable heat. °C temp
Minimum temperature Minimum temperature that the air can has in a time space. °C tmin
Maximum temperature Maximum temperature that the air can has in a time space. °C tmax
Solar radiation Radiant energy emitted by the sun from a nuclear fusion reaction that creates electromagnetic energy. W/m² sol_rad


Variable Description Units Name
Salinity Mineral salts content amount dissolved in a body of water dS/m sal

Abiotics indicators

Variable Description Units Name
Number of water stress days Number of days per growing season, for which the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration (ERATIO) is below 0.5. The ERATIO is computed following a simple water balance model as in Jones and Thornton (2009). days ndws
Number of days with water logging Number of days per growing season, for which the soil is at least 50% between field capacity and saturation. Computed using the same simple water balance model as for NDWS. days ndwl
Extreme daily precipitation The 95th percentile of precipitation per growing season, computed using the daily data. mm p95
Average precipitation Average daily precipitation per growing season, computed using the daily data. mm ravg
Number of days high daytime temperature Number of days per growing season, for which daytime temperatures exceed a threshold (depend crop). Temperatures above threshold (ºC) can affect the plant development. Daytime temperature is computed as Tday = 0.75 * Tmax + 0.25 * Tmin days nth
Number of days with low minimum temperatures Number of days per growing season, for which minimum temperatures are below a threshold (depend crop). Temperatures below threshold (ºC) can affect the plant development. Daytime temperature is computed as Tday = 0.75 * Tmax + 0.25 * Tmin days ntl
Average minimum temperature Average minimum temperature per growing season. °C tn
Average maximum temperature Average maximum temperature per growing season. °C tx
Average solar radiation Average solar radiation per growing season. W/m² sr
Monthly mean daylength Daylength of the middle Julian day of month per growing season. Hours dl
Number of days with high VPD The count of days per month for which VPD is equal or greater than 4 kPa. High VPD can lead to reduced stomatal conductance, and lower transpiration and photosynthesis. days nvpd4
Average VPD Average per growing season VPD. Kpa vpd
Consecutive dry days Maximum number of consecutive dry days (P <1 mm), per growing season. days cdd
Soil texture type USDA texture class. consecutive_dry_days_growing_season
Bulk density Bulk density, averaged over the top 60 cm of soil. bulk_density
Cation exchange capacity Cation exchange capacity, averaged over the top 60 cm of soil. cation_exchange_capacity
Organic carbon content Soil organic carbon, averaged over the top 60 cm of soil. organic_carbon_content
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