Indonesia is one of the world's major producers and exporters of palm oil. The Palm Oil industry in Indonesia produces a large amount of palm oil that is used for domestic purposes and exported to international markets. Palm oil is used in various food products, cosmetics, and household products. The requirement in this industry is significant. There is a need for sorting methods to be used, such as the use of conveyors that separate fruits based on certain criteria. The results show that the palm fruit ripeness measurement methods used can vary depending on production objectives, geographical location, and available resources. The accuracy of palm fruit maturity measurement is critical to optimize the harvesting process, reduce yield losses, and improve palm oil quality. Therefore, we present Palomade as a palm fruit maturity sorting application which makes it easier for farmers or palm oil processing plant owners to select the quality of palm fruit.
Hi everyone! We are from CH2-PS324. We consist of 6 people and these are my team members:
Food Accessibility, Agribusiness, and Food Security
1. Login and Register
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2. Dashboard & Latest Article related Palm Oil
Track your dashboard of scanning count and get latest article related to palm oil
3. Scan Your Palm Oil Fruit, used Brondolan or Bongkahan
Scan your Palm Fruit by Brondolan or Piece, and get accurate predictions from our machine learning models.
4. Tracking Your Palm Oil Fruit Shipment
Manage your Palm Oil Shipments and more easily track your company's ordered palm oil shipments