diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30a2231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Set default behavior to automatically normalize line endings.
+* text=auto
+# Force batch scripts to always use CRLF line endings so that if a repo is accessed
+# in Windows via a file share from Linux, the scripts will work.
+*.{cmd,[cC][mM][dD]} text eol=crlf
+*.{bat,[bB][aA][tT]} text eol=crlf
+*.{ics,[iI][cC][sS]} text eol=crlf
+# Force bash scripts to always use LF line endings so that if a repo is accessed
+# in Unix via a file share from Windows, the scripts will work.
+*.sh text eol=lf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c74c397..18a0d67 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/CellSellect_3DMorph.prj b/CellSellect_3DMorph.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2de06e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CellSellect_3DMorph.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ CellSellect_3DMorph
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\CellSellect_3DMorph_resources\icon.ico
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\CellSellect_3DMorph_resources\icon_48.png
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\CellSellect_3DMorph_resources\icon_32.png
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\CellSellect_3DMorph_resources\icon_24.png
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\CellSellect_3DMorph_resources\icon_16.png
+ 1.0
+ Fernando Julian Chaure
+ CellSelect-3DMorph isolates and analyzes cells morphology from 3D images, by reconstructing the cells from fluorescent pixels.
+ The code allows to obtain different parameters including cell volume (exact number of pixels occupied by the cell), territorial volume (maximum cell extension), ramification index (territorial volume/cell volume), branch length, number of branch and end points, and more. CellSelect uses the 3D Morph developed code but now adds the possibility of rejecting any cell that is not complete in the frame of the image (x, y and z positions) and which the morphology cannot be calculated properly.
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\Functions\CGKlab-splash.png
+ \CellSellect_3DMorph\
+ option.installpath.programfiles
+ This installer only includes MEX functions compiled for Windows.
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\CellSellect_3DMorph\for_testing
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\CellSellect_3DMorph\for_redistribution_files_only
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\CellSellect_3DMorph\for_redistribution
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\CellSellect_3DMorph
+ false
+ subtarget.standalone
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ CellSelect-3DMorph_installer
+ MyAppInstaller_mcr
+ MyAppInstaller_app
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ Syntax
+ -?
+ Input Arguments
+ -? print help on how to use the application
+ input arguments
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\Script_3DMorph.m
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\Functions
+ ${PROJECT_ROOT}\Script_3DMorph.m
+ C:\Users\user\Documents\GitHub\3DMorph\CellSellect_3DMorph\for_testing\CellSellect_3DMorph.exe
+ C:\Users\user\Documents\GitHub\3DMorph\CellSellect_3DMorph\for_testing\splash.png
+ C:\Users\user\Documents\GitHub\3DMorph\CellSellect_3DMorph\for_testing\readme.txt
+ C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020a
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ 10.0
+ false
+ true
+ win64
+ true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Functions/CGKlab-logo.png b/Functions/CGKlab-logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c101c29
Binary files /dev/null and b/Functions/CGKlab-logo.png differ
diff --git a/Functions/CGKlab-splash.png b/Functions/CGKlab-splash.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5dcb8d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Functions/CGKlab-splash.png differ
diff --git a/Functions/CellSizeCutoffGUI.fig b/Functions/CellSizeCutoffGUI.fig
index 98ed657..e1d9260 100644
Binary files a/Functions/CellSizeCutoffGUI.fig and b/Functions/CellSizeCutoffGUI.fig differ
diff --git a/Functions/CellSizeCutoffGUI.m b/Functions/CellSizeCutoffGUI.m
index 1130648..90672d7 100644
--- a/Functions/CellSizeCutoffGUI.m
+++ b/Functions/CellSizeCutoffGUI.m
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
% Edit the above text to modify the response to help CellSizeCutoffGUI
-% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 23-Nov-2017 11:06:07
+% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 20-Jul-2024 07:28:34
% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
gui_Singleton = 1;
@@ -201,3 +201,16 @@ function OutputImage_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
box = get(hObject,'Value');
% Store application data
+% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2.
+function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
+ msgbox(["Once you select a pixel value, Matlab will run through all of your objects. If its pixel value is larger than your selected cut off, it will segment this object.";
+ "Matlab will do this by first eroding the object using the diamond method and a value of 3. You can change these values in the script if you want more or less erosion.";
+ "The number of objects left after this erosion is considered to be the number of actual cells within the object. This value and the original object are then passed to the fit Gaussian mixture distribution method (see: fitgmdist), to determine where to separate the cells.";
+ "";
+ "Tip:";
+ "Too much segmentation? It may think a large process is a separate cell. Try increasing the erosion value.";
+ "Losing parts of cells? They are likely not properly connected to the correct cell, and so are removed in the filtering step to remove noise. Try adjusting your noise and threshold values, or removing this function. Warning: you may get a strange effect here during the branch length measurements.";
+ "Find line: ex=bwareaopen(ex,noise);"], ...
+ 'Additional Information');
diff --git a/Functions/FastMarching_version3b/functions/pointmin.asv b/Functions/FastMarching_version3b/functions/pointmin.asv
deleted file mode 100644
index da8ffc9..0000000
--- a/Functions/FastMarching_version3b/functions/pointmin.asv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-function [Fy,Fx,Fz]=pointmin(I)
- J(2:end-1,2:end-1)=I;
- Ne=[-1 -1; -1 0; -1 1; 0 -1; 0 1; 1 -1; 1 0; 1 1];
- for i=1:length(Ne);
- In=J(2+Ne(i,1):end-1+Ne(i,1),2+Ne(i,2):end-1+Ne(i,2));
- check = In
-CellSelect-3DMorph is a MATLAB-based script that isolate and analyzes cells morphology from 3D images, by reconstructing the cells from fluorescent pixels. The code allows to obtain different parameters including cell volume (exact number of pixels occupied by the cell), territorial volume (maximum cell extension), ramification index (territorial volume/cell volume), branch length, number of branch and end points, and more. CellSelect uses the 3D Morph developed code but now adds the possibility of rejecting any cell that is not complete in the frame of the image (x, y and z positions) and which the morphology cannot be calculated properly.
+CellSelect-3DMorph is a MATLAB-based script that isolates and analyzes cell morphology from 3D images by reconstructing cells from fluorescent pixels. The code allows users to obtain different parameters including cell volume (exact number of pixels occupied by the cell), territorial volume (maximum cell extension), ramification index (territorial volume/cell volume), branch length, number of branches and end points, and more. CellSelect uses the 3D Morph code but adds the possibility of rejecting any cells that are not complete in the frame of the image (x, y and z positions) and whose morphology cannot be calculated properly.
-## Uses
-CellSelect-3DMorph as its predecessor (3DMorph) was specifically developed to isolate and analyze microglia morphology. Literature have indicated that microglia function is closely related to its morphology, for example a non-ramified microglia have been interpreted as increased microglia phagocytic functions while a more ramified microglia have surveying functions in the cellular environment. We use CellSelect-3DMorph to study microglia plasticity XXXX. Furthermore, another interesting application of the code could to study astrocyte morphology.
+CellSelect-3DMorph, like its predecessor (3DMorph), was specifically developed to isolate and analyze microglia morphology. Literature has indicated that microglial function can be related to its morphology, making morphology an approximate measure of function. For example, non-ramified microglia have been interpreted as having increased phagocytic functions, while more ramified microglia have surveying functions in the cellular environment. We use CellSelect-3DMorph to study microglia plasticity. Additionally, the code could be used to study astrocyte morphology.
+CellSelect-3DMorph imports .tif or .lsm stacks (3-dimensional images) and processes cell morphologies.
+## Use
+### Using Matlab:
+1. Go to the code folder
+2. Run Script_3DMorph.m
+### Using Windows standalone app
-## Pipeline
-CellSelect-3DMorph imports .tif or .lsm stacks (3 dimensional images) and processes cell morphologies.
-To begin, run the program and select 'Interactive Mode'. Choose your file (must be in Current Folder or add path first), input xy and z scale, and channel information.
+1. Download the CellSelect-3DMorph-standalone-app from [the last release](https://github.com/CGK-Laboratory/CellSelect-3DMorph/releases/latest).
+2. Install the standalone app.
+3. Open the CellSelect-3DMorph app.
+### General
+Select 'Interactive Mode'. Choose your file (must be in Current Folder or add path first), input xy and z scale, and channel information.
From here, GUI windows are implemented with individual explanations. For a more detailed run down check the [WIKI]() which has a full protocol on using CellSelect.
Once complete, a Parameters file will be saved to the MATLAB Current Folder. This file can then be used to batch process files with no user input.
Control and ExCell images are provided as test samples.
-## Matlab dependencies:
+## Useful Links
+- Go to the [wiki](https://github.com/CGK-Laboratory/CellSelect-3DMorph/wiki) to find tips and tutorials.
+- Go to the [forum](https://github.com/CGK-Laboratory/CellSelect-3DMorph/discussions) to ask questions, see announcements or open a new discussion.
+## Differences with the original [3DMorph](https://github.com/ElisaYork/3DMorph) by Elisa M York
+- New Cell Selection Functionality (you can manually select which cells to use).
+- Erosion of images for better segmentation was achieved by changing the default `erosion` value and including it as a parameter to be seen and changed by the user easily.
+- Force µm as the unit to improve interpretation of the results and figures.
+- Force µm as the unit to improveinterperatiuon of the results and figures.
+- Allow the user to load videos and save the results on different folders.
+- Updated versions of dependencies:
+ * [skeleton3D-matlab](https://github.com/phi-max/skeleton3d-matlab)
+ * [skel2graph3d](https://github.com/phi-max/skel2graph3d-matlab)
+ ## Requirements
+- 32 Gigabytes of RAM
+- Have Windows 7 or above
+## Matlab dependencies (to run from source code):
- MATLAB >= 2018a
- Image Processing Toolbox
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
- Parallel Computing Toolbox
- MATLAB Parallel Server
- Polyspace Bug Finder
-## Differences
-- New Cell Selection Functionality
-- Erosion of images for better segmentation was achieved by changing line 210 of the code from the original se=strel('diamond',6) to se=strel('diamond',5)
-- There are pop-up windows indicating an error has occurred during segmentation
- ## Requirements
-- 32 Gigabytes of RAM
-- Have Windows 7 or above
-CGK fork
-The main change of this fork is the use of updated versions of:
-- [skeleton3D-matlab](https://github.com/phi-max/skeleton3d-matlab)
-- [skel2graph3d](https://github.com/phi-max/skel2graph3d-matlab)
-Forked from original code and [article](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30627639/) by Elisa M York
-Packaged May 2018
+## Citation
-This package comes with no warranty of any kind. Permission is
-granted to use the material for noncommercial and research purposes.
+If you find CellSelect-3DMorph useful in your research, please cite:
diff --git a/Script_3DMorph.m b/Script_3DMorph.m
index ef4554b..ff7b102 100644
--- a/Script_3DMorph.m
+++ b/Script_3DMorph.m
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
% parpool %Open parallel processing.
question = {'How would you like to run the script?','Interactive Mode is necessary to set your parameters. Use automatic if you already have a saved Parameters.mat file.'};
choiceMode = questdlg(question,'Mode Selection','Interactive Mode', 'Automatic Mode', 'Automatic Mode Without Images', 'Interactive Mode');
@@ -27,21 +28,28 @@
case 'Interactive Mode'
Interactive = 1;
NoImages = 0;
- FileDataGUI;
- addpath(pathname);
- [~,file] = fileparts(file);
+ waitfor(main_window);
+ %addpath(pathname);
+ if isempty('file')
+ print('Config window closed')
+ return
+ end
+ input_file_path = file;
+ [~,file,~] = fileparts(file); %removes extension %this will be the start off all the outputs
% example: file = 'con1_CD68_2'; scale = 0.46125; %1 pixel = ___ um
FileList = 1;
case 'Automatic Mode'
Interactive = 2;
NoImages = 0;
callgui = SelectFilesGUI;
- uiwait(callgui);
+ uiwait(callgui);
+ outputfolder = '.';
case 'Automatic Mode Without Images'
Interactive = 2;
NoImages = 1;
callgui = SelectFilesGUI;
- uiwait(callgui);
+ uiwait(callgui);
+ outputfolder = '.';
if isempty(choiceMode)
@@ -49,50 +57,51 @@
for total = 1:numel(FileList)
%% Load file and saved values
-clearvars -except file ch ChannelOfInterest scale zscale Parameters FileList PathList Interactive NoImages total
+clearvars -except input_file_path file ch ChannelOfInterest scale Erosion zscale Parameters FileList PathList Interactive NoImages total outputfolder
if Interactive == 2
- addpath(PathList);
- if NoImages ==1
+ if NoImages ==1
ShowImg = 0; ShowObjImg = 0; ShowCells = 0; ShowFullCells = 0; ConvexCellsImage = 0; OrigCellImg = 0; SkelImg = 0; EndImg = 0; BranchImg = 0;
- end
+ end
if Interactive == 2
if ischar(FileList)
[~,file] = fileparts(FileList);
+ input_file_path = fullfile(PathList, FileList);
[~,file] = fileparts(FileList{1,total});
+ input_file_path = fullfile(PathList{1,total}, FileList{1,total});
%Load in image stack from either .lsm or .tif file
-if exist(strcat(file,'.lsm'),'file') == 2
-%use bfopen to read in .lsm files to variable 'data'. Within data, we want
-%the 1st row and column, which is a list of all channels. From these, we
-%want the _#_ channel (ChannelOfInterest).
-data = bfopen(strcat(file,'.lsm'));
+if endsWith(input_file_path, '.lsm')
+ %use bfopen to read in .lsm files to variable 'data'. Within data, we want
+ %the 1st row and column, which is a list of all channels. From these, we
+ %want the _#_ channel (ChannelOfInterest).
+ data = bfopen(input_file_path);
-s = size(data{1,1}{1,1}); % x and y size of the image
-l = length(data{1,1});
-zs = l(:,1)/ch; %Number of z planes
+ s = size(data{1,1}{1,1}); % x and y size of the image
+ l = length(data{1,1});
+ zs = l(:,1)/ch; %Number of z planes
-%To read only green data from a 3 channel z-stack, will write as slice 1
-%ch1, 2, 3, then slice 2 ch 1, 2, 3, etc. Need to extract every third image
-%to a new array. [] concatenates all of the retrieved data, but puts them
-%all in many columns, so need to reshape.
-img = reshape([data{1,1}{ChannelOfInterest:ch:end,1}],s(1),s(2),zs);
+ %To read only green data from a 3 channel z-stack, will write as slice 1
+ %ch1, 2, 3, then slice 2 ch 1, 2, 3, etc. Need to extract every third image
+ %to a new array. [] concatenates all of the retrieved data, but puts them
+ %all in many columns, so need to reshape.
+ img = reshape([data{1,1}{ChannelOfInterest:ch:end,1}],s(1),s(2),zs);
if exist('img','var')==0 %If both a tiff and lsm file exist, load only the lsm file
%Open .tif file and reshape channels
- if exist(strcat(file,'.tif'),'file') == 2
- tiffInfo = imfinfo(strcat(file,'.tif'));
+ if endsWith(input_file_path, '.tif')
+ tiffInfo = imfinfo(input_file_path);
no_frame = numel(tiffInfo);
data = cell(no_frame,1);
for iStack = 1:no_frame
- data{iStack} = imread(strcat(file,'.tif'),'Index',iStack);
+ data{iStack} = imread(input_file_path,'Index',iStack);
data = data(ChannelOfInterest:ch:end,1);
s = size(data{1,1});
@@ -105,10 +114,10 @@
%% Threshold
%Load GUI to set thresholding parameters.
if Interactive == 1
-midslice = round(zs/2,0);
-orig = img(:,:,midslice);
-callgui = ThresholdGUI;
+ midslice = round(zs/2,0);
+ orig = img(:,:,midslice);
+ callgui = ThresholdGUI('Name', file);
+ uiwait(callgui);
if Interactive == 2
@@ -165,7 +174,7 @@
% accuracy and replicability
if Interactive == 1
- callgui = CellSizeCutoffGUI;
+ callgui = CellSizeCutoffGUI('Name', file);
@@ -207,7 +216,7 @@
if numel(ConnectedComponents.PixelIdxList{1,i}) > CellSizeCutoff %If the size of the current connected component is greater than our predefined cutoff value, segment it.
ex=zeros(s(1),s(2),zs);%Create blank image of correct size.
ex(ConnectedComponents.PixelIdxList{1,i})=1;%write object onto blank array so only the cell pixels = 1.
- se=strel('diamond',5); %Set how much, and what shape, we want to erode by. If increase, erosion will be greater.
+ se=strel('diamond',Erosion); %Set how much, and what shape, we want to erode by. If increase, erosion will be greater.
nucmask=imerode(ex,se);%Erode to find nuclei only. This erosion is large - don't want any remaining thick branch pieces.
nucsize = round((CellSizeCutoff/50),0);
nucmask=bwareaopen(nucmask,nucsize);%Get rid of leftover tiny spots. Increase second input argument to remove more spots (and decrease segmentation)
@@ -215,7 +224,7 @@
nuc = numel(indnuc.PixelIdxList);%Determine the number of nuclei (how many objects to segment into).
if nuc ==0 %If erosion only detects one nuc, but this should be segmented, increase nuc to at least 2
close all
- errordlg('The program finds 0 nuclei to segment your object into. Adjust se=strel(diamond,4) to a lower number to decrease image erosion.','3DMorph');
+ errordlg('The program finds 0 nuclei to segment your object into. Adjust Erosion to a lower number.','3DMorph');
if nuc ==1 %If erosion only detects one nuc, but this should be segmented, increase nuc to at least 2
nuc = 2;
@@ -381,7 +390,7 @@
if Interactive == 1
-callgui2 = FullCellsGUI;
+callgui2 = FullCellsGUI('Name', file);
@@ -439,7 +448,7 @@
AcceptedCells = true(numObjMg,1);
- callgui2 = SelectCellsGUI;
+ callgui2 = SelectCellsGUI('Name', file);
FullMg = FullMg(1,SepObjectList(AcceptedCells,2));
numObjMg = numel(FullMg);% number of microglia after excluding rejected ones
@@ -537,6 +546,8 @@
title = [file,'_Full Cells (compressed to 2D)'];
+ change_units(scale,scale)
colorbar('Ticks',[1,max(num)], 'TickLabels',{'Small','Large'});
daspect([1 1 1]);
@@ -579,6 +590,7 @@
axis([0 s(1) 0 s(2) 0 zs]);
daspect([1 1 1]);
+ change_units(scale,scale,zscale)
ConvexCellsFigures{i} = fig;
@@ -649,7 +661,7 @@
if Interactive == 1
- callgui = SkeletonImageGUI;
+ callgui = SkeletonImageGUI('Name', file);
@@ -660,8 +672,8 @@
if isempty(BranchLengthFile), BranchLengthFile=false; end
if SkelImg||EndImg||BranchImg||OrigCellImg||BranchLengthFile||ConvexCellsImage ==1
- folder = mkdir ([file, '_figures']);
- fpath =([file, '_figures']);
+ fpath = fullfile(outputfolder, [file, '_figures']);
+ mkdir(fpath);
if ConvexCellsImage == 1
@@ -707,6 +719,7 @@
lighting gouraud; %Set style of lighting. This allows contours, instead of flat lighting
view(0,270); % Look at image from top viewpoint instead of side
daspect([1 1 1]);
+ change_units(scale,scale)
filename = ([file '_Original_cell' num2str(i)]);
saveas(gcf, fullfile(fpath, filename), 'jpg');
@@ -734,7 +747,7 @@
[BoundedSkel, right, left, top, bottom] = BoundingBoxOfCell(WholeSkel); %Create a bounding box around the skeleton and only analyze this area to significantly increase processing speed.
si = size(BoundedSkel);
-% Find endpoints, and trace branches from endpoints to centroid
+ % Find endpoints, and trace branches from endpoints to centroid
i2 = floor(cent(i,:)); %From the calculated centroid, find the nearest positive pixel on the skeleton, so we know we're starting from a pixel with value 1.
if DownSampled == 1
i2(1) = round(i2(1)/2);
@@ -753,7 +766,7 @@
masklist =zeros(si(1),si(2),si(3),length(EndptList));
ArclenOfEachBranch = zeros(length(EndptList),1);
- for j=1:length(EndptList)%Loop through coordinates of endpoint.
+ for j=1:size(EndptList,1)%Loop through coordinates of endpoint.
i1 = EndptList(j,:);
mask = ConnectPointsAlongPath(BoundedSkel,i1,i2);
@@ -788,38 +801,41 @@
quat = (fullmask(:,:,:))==1;
if SkelImg == 1
- title = [file,'_Cell',num2str(i)];
- figure('Name',title); %Plot all branches as primary (red), secondary (yellow), tertiary (green), or quaternary (blue).
- hold on
- fv1=isosurface(pri,0);%display each object as a surface in 3D. Will automatically add the next object to existing image.
- patch(fv1,'FaceColor',[1 0 0],'FaceAlpha',0.5,'EdgeColor','none');%without edgecolour, will auto fill black, and all objects appear black
- camlight %To add lighting/shading
- lighting gouraud; %Set style of lighting. This allows contours, instead of flat lighting
- fv1=isosurface(sec,0);%display each object as a surface in 3D. Will automatically add the next object to existing image.
- patch(fv1,'FaceColor',[1 1 0],'FaceAlpha',0.5,'EdgeColor','none');%without edgecolour, will auto fill black, and all objects appear black
- camlight %To add lighting/shading
- lighting gouraud; %Set style of lighting. This allows contours, instead of flat lighting
- fv1=isosurface(tert,0);%display each object as a surface in 3D. Will automatically add the next object to existing image.
- patch(fv1,'FaceColor',[0 1 0],'FaceAlpha',0.5,'EdgeColor','none');%without edgecolour, will auto fill black, and all objects appear black
- camlight %To add lighting/shading
- lighting gouraud; %Set style of lighting. This allows contours, instead of flat lighting
- fv1=isosurface(quat,0);%display each object as a surface in 3D. Will automatically add the next object to existing image.
- patch(fv1,'FaceColor',[0 0 1],'FaceAlpha',0.5,'EdgeColor','none');%without edgecolour, will auto fill black, and all objects appear black
- camlight %To add lighting/shading
- lighting gouraud; %Set style of lighting. This allows contours, instead of flat lighting
- view(0,270); % Look at image from top viewpoint instead of side
- daspect([1 1 1]);
- hold off
- filename = ([file '_Skeleton_cell' num2str(i)]);
- saveas(gcf, fullfile(fpath, filename), 'jpg');
+ title = [file,'_Cell',num2str(i)];
+ figure('Name',title); %Plot all branches as primary (red), secondary (yellow), tertiary (green), or quaternary (blue).
+ hold on
+ fv1=isosurface(pri,0);%display each object as a surface in 3D. Will automatically add the next object to existing image.
+ patch(fv1,'FaceColor',[1 0 0],'FaceAlpha',0.5,'EdgeColor','none');%without edgecolour, will auto fill black, and all objects appear black
+ camlight %To add lighting/shading
+ lighting gouraud; %Set style of lighting. This allows contours, instead of flat lighting
+ fv1=isosurface(sec,0);%display each object as a surface in 3D. Will automatically add the next object to existing image.
+ patch(fv1,'FaceColor',[1 1 0],'FaceAlpha',0.5,'EdgeColor','none');%without edgecolour, will auto fill black, and all objects appear black
+ camlight %To add lighting/shading
+ lighting gouraud; %Set style of lighting. This allows contours, instead of flat lighting
+ fv1=isosurface(tert,0);%display each object as a surface in 3D. Will automatically add the next object to existing image.
+ patch(fv1,'FaceColor',[0 1 0],'FaceAlpha',0.5,'EdgeColor','none');%without edgecolour, will auto fill black, and all objects appear black
+ camlight %To add lighting/shading
+ lighting gouraud; %Set style of lighting. This allows contours, instead of flat lighting
+ fv1=isosurface(quat,0);%display each object as a surface in 3D. Will automatically add the next object to existing image.
+ patch(fv1,'FaceColor',[0 0 1],'FaceAlpha',0.5,'EdgeColor','none');%without edgecolour, will auto fill black, and all objects appear black
+ camlight %To add lighting/shading
+ lighting gouraud; %Set style of lighting. This allows contours, instead of flat lighting
+ view(0,270); % Look at image from top viewpoint instead of side
+ daspect([1 1 1]);
+ hold off
+ change_units(adjust_scale,adjust_scale)
+ filename = ([file '_Skeleton_cell' num2str(i)]);
+ saveas(gcf, fullfile(fpath, filename), 'jpg');
% Find branchpoints
brpts =zeros(si(1),si(2),si(3),4);
for kk=1:3 %For branchpoints not connected to end branches (ie. not distal branches). In fullmask, 1 is branch connected to end point, so anything greater than that is included.
- temp = (fullmask(:,:,:))>kk;
- tempendpts = (convn(temp,kernel,'same')==1)& temp; %Get all of the 'distal' endpoints of kk level branches
- brpts(:,:,:,kk+1)=tempendpts;
+ temp = (fullmask(:,:,:))>kk;
+ tempendpts = (convn(temp,kernel,'same')==1)& temp; %Get all of the 'distal' endpoints of kk level branches
+ brpts(:,:,:,kk+1)=tempendpts;
% Find any branchpoints of 1s onto 4s (ie. final branch coming off of main trunk).
@@ -852,6 +868,8 @@
lighting gouraud; %Set style of lighting. This allows contours, instead of flat lighting
daspect([1 1 1]);
+ change_units(adjust_scale,adjust_scale)
filename = ([file '_Endpoints_cell' num2str(i)]);
saveas(gcf, fullfile(fpath, filename), 'jpg');
@@ -870,6 +888,9 @@
lighting gouraud; %Set style of lighting. This allows contours, instead of flat lighting
daspect([1 1 1]);
+ change_units(adjust_scale,adjust_scale)
filename = ([file '_Branchpoints_cell' num2str(i)]);
saveas(gcf, fullfile(fpath, filename), 'jpg');
@@ -890,54 +911,54 @@
input = strcat('Cell ',num2str(CellNum));
names(CellNum,1) = input;
- BranchFilename = 'BranchLengths';
- xlswrite(fullfile(fpath, BranchFilename),names(:,:),1,'A1');
+ BranchFilename = fullfile(outputfolder, 'BranchLengths');
+ xlswrite(BranchFilename,names(:,:),1,'A1');
%Write in data
for ColNum = 1:numel(FullMg)
if numel(BranchLengthList{1,ColNum})>0
- xlswrite(fullfile(fpath, BranchFilename),BranchLengthList{1,ColNum}',1,['B' num2str(ColNum)]);
+ xlswrite(BranchFilename,BranchLengthList{1,ColNum}',1,['B' num2str(ColNum)]);
%% Output results
%Creates new excel sheet with file name and saves to current folder.
-xlswrite((strcat('Results',file)),{'Avg Centroid Distance um'},1,'A2');
-xlswrite((strcat('Results',file)),{'TotMgTerritoryVol um3'},1,'A3');
-xlswrite((strcat('Results',file)),{'TotUnoccupiedVol um3'},1,'A4');
-xlswrite((strcat('Results',file)),{'PercentOccupiedVol um3'},1,'A5');
-xlswrite((strcat('Results',file)),{'CellTerritoryVol um3'},1,'D1');
+xls_filename = fullfile(outputfolder, strcat('Results',file));
+xlswrite(xls_filename,{'Avg Centroid Distance um'},1,'A2');
+xlswrite(xls_filename,{'TotMgTerritoryVol um3'},1,'A3');
+xlswrite(xls_filename,{'TotUnoccupiedVol um3'},1,'A4');
+xlswrite(xls_filename,{'PercentOccupiedVol um3'},1,'A5');
+xlswrite(xls_filename,{'CellTerritoryVol um3'},1,'D1');
if Interactive == 2
-disp(['Finished file ' num2str(total) ' of ' num2str(numel(FileList))]);
+ disp(['Finished file ' num2str(total) ' of ' num2str(numel(FileList))]);
for fig = 1:numel(handles)
-filename = get(handles(fig),'Name');
-saveas(handles(fig), fullfile(fpath, filename), 'jpg');
+ filename = get(handles(fig),'Name');
+ saveas(handles(fig), fullfile(fpath, filename), 'jpg');
close all;
@@ -948,9 +969,10 @@
%name_date(year month day hour)"
if Interactive == 1
-time = clock;
-name = ['Parameters_',file,'_',num2str(time(1)),num2str(time(2)),num2str(time(3)),num2str(time(4))];
+ time = clock;
+ name = fullfile(outputfolder, ['Parameters_',file,'_',num2str(time(1)),num2str(time(2)),num2str(time(3)),num2str(time(4))]);
+ save(name,'ch','ChannelOfInterest','scale','zscale','Erosion','adjust','noise','s','ShowImg','ShowObjImg','ShowCells','ShowFullCells','CellSizeCutoff','SmCellCutoff','KeepAllCells','RemoveXY','ConvexCellsImage','SkelMethod','SkelImg','OrigCellImg','EndImg','BranchImg','BranchLengthFile');
delete(gcp); %close parallel pool so error isn't generated when program is run again.
\ No newline at end of file