A sphinx domain for semi-automatically documenting VHDL
This extension for Sphinx allows you to keep your documentation in code and automatically draw it out into your main documentation using just few simple directives.
You can see the detailed documentation at https://cesnet.github.io/sphinx-vhdl/, or build it yourself (running make
while in the doc
directory and having sphinx
+ sphinx_rtd_theme
installed should be sufficient)
The python package must be installed with
pip3 install sphinx-vhdl
This extension requires Python >= 3.8 and Sphinx >= 6.0.0.
Note that your documentation may use multiple sphinx extensions or an alternative theme (such as sphinx_rtd_theme
), which you must also have installed.
In your sphinx conf.py
file add
extensions = ['sphinxvhdl.vhdl']
vhdl_autodoc_source_path = 'path/to/your/vhdl/sources/root'
- Open FPGA Modules (OFM) by CESNET
- NDK Minimal Application by CESNET
- Do you use SPHINX-VHDL in your public VHDL repository? Please add a link to this list!
- Jakub Cabal, cabal@cesnet.cz
- Vladislav Válek, valekv@cesnet.cz