What's Changed
The major update of this release is the addition of new encoding options to TagPileup including full fragment which mimics other standard bioinformatic tools & 3 prime ends for datasets from assays such as PRO-seq (#70). To support this more complicated encoding structure, a new live-update cartoon was added to the TagPileup GUI too show where markings are being encoded on a sequenced read (#71).
Some other TagPileup related issues were addressed in this release including an update to the insert size calculation (#76) and the addition of a TagExtend option (#73).
New Tools:
- Heatmap Labeler (#54)
- Three Color Heatmap (#48)
- GUI for Composite plot tool & bugfix to CLI (#96,#97)
- Shift Coordinate (#92)
Other updates:
- Gzip support added for several tools (#88,#91)
- Two color heatmap now supports transparent trace heatmaps (#66)
- Add seed option to Randomize FASTA (#45)
- Alert users to odd-sized TP sliding window requirement (#79)
- Support for newer hg38 human genome build (#80)
- Converter between chromosome numeral systems for yeast genome builds (#49)
- Bugfix: PE-Stats bulk GUI only processing single file (#83)
- Bugfix: Two Color Heatmap Gzip incompatibility (#85)
- Bugfix: TagPileup off by 1bp error (#11,#75)
- Add Singularity definition file
- Update JFree dependencies (#82)
- Deprecate JTV file format (#64)
- New documentation website(Docusaurus) with homepage designed (@ashhh97,#89,#90)
Full Changelog: v0.13...v0.14