title | layout |
Changelog |
default |
- ****: need to turn off logging (#38, #40, #41)
- ****: Need mecanism to track cdat packages installed and othe rprovenance (#5)
No known issues!
- ****: AttributeError with cdscan (#399)
- ****: Attempt to import numpy.ma.rank failing with numpy 1.18.1 (#389)
- ****: Problems with reading "big" arrays (>8.1Gb) (#389)
- ****: While importing cdms2 error pops up: ImportError: cannot import name 'rank'
- ****: Problems with udunits in CDAT82
No known issues!
- ****: vcs 3D rotating globe animation not working properly
- ****: an update triggers continents back on (#398)
- ****: transparency does not work for text
- ****: text disappear in png with bg=False
- ****: vector linewidth not working
- ****: createprojection fails if 'polar' template is chosen
- ****: manageElements.py setLineAttributes doesn't work
- ****: vcs cannot go back into interact mode
- ****: Plots sometimes render text twice
- ****: bg=True freaks out on OSMesa builds
- ****: Make VCS color palettes easier to edit/add
- ****: Several marker problems/differences in 2.1.0 (compared to 1.5.1)
- ****: x/yaxisconvert not respected anymore.
- ****: Bring back x.colormapgui() (and add color related resources on the web/wiki)?
- ****: after first plot you cannot switch between bg or fg
- #406: Rtd again
- #411: Projected isofill bounds
- #417: Extra dims slider
- #445: Run tests with variants and fix flake8 failures
- #446: Add makefile
- axisconvert seems to force datawc to be in converted units
- Canvas plot with ratio="autot" results in interaction errors
No known issues!
No known issues!
No known issues!
- #40: new baseline for newer vtk
- #43: Pin mesalib, add running tests with nompi and opempi libnetcdf, flix flake8
- #46: Use makefile n matrix
No known issues!
- #13: add running tests with nompi, openmpi and mpich libnetcdf
- #14: add Makefile and use circleci 2.1 matrix
No known issues!
- ****: template.tunits seems to be disabled
- ****: portrait plot does not work with python 3 env
- ****: cannot replace the default font
- ****: text objects with prjection are broken
- ****: vcs .addfont seems broken
- ****: when 1d is flipped or 2 arrays are passed template shows min/max for xaxis not data
- ****: Taylor Diagram with EzTemplate (#300)
- ****: Taylor diagram loses y-axis with 2.12 version
- ****: 3d_scalar seg faults on mac
- ****: 1D plots are taking longer than expected (#334)
- ****: Tick label size adjustment
- ****: Plot creates new graphics method objects
- ****: viewport error for polar map projection
- #118: otherwise will push on every commit
- #120: correct travis syntax
- #123: 121 missing value opacity
- #131: Doctest cleanup
- #295: Ez plot
- #297: Cdat logo
- #302: cdtime broken for py3
- #316: [WIP] Log axes 2d
- #317: fix #251
- #319: Test for fillarea concave.
- #378: Fix some places where the truncation fix was missed
- #389: Add support for the 'reference' attribute on the vector gm
b" * b'vector linewidth not working'" b" * b'template x/ymintics1 seems to be using line property of x/ytic1 for last label'" b" * b'text disappear in png with bg=False'" b" * b'Black png returned when using a vnc session'"
No known issues!
- ****: Docstrings (#22, #21)
No known issues!
No known issues!
- ****: parallelcoordinate plot fails if number of linecolors is greater than actual number of lines (#33)
No known issues!
- ****: axis.clone does not clone anymore! (#272)
- ****: Axis units in .attributes and .units not equal (#267)
- ****: nightlies broken
- ****: Shapes not aligned rrror when appending to a FileVariable in Python 3
- ****: regrid broken?
- ****: nc4 classic file can't be edited
- ****: Propagate errors with context management
- ****: cdms2 (NetCDF) maximum dimension name length is 256
- ****: cdms2 axis cannot have dictionary as attribute values
- ****: cdms logo
- #72: Verify that MV2.mean() works properly
- #74: Adds support for **kwargs to MV2 operation classes
- #75: added script to log in myproxy, needed for opendap esgf
- #76: Fix #7 NC_STRING Support.
- #80: otherwise will push on every commit
- #82: correct travis syntax
- #83: Glib2 travis issue [WIP]
- #84: missing_value = 'N/A' led to fail
- #86: Issue32
- #88: Adding badges in readme
- #89: Issue78 strvar
- #90: Fix #87 ESMF periodicity
- #91: add test for conda-forge
- #92: Circleci mac
- #93: Condaforgetest
- #95: Revert "Condaforgetest"
- #96: Revert "add test for conda-forge"
- #97: issue #4 a.mean() fixed!
- #210: removing dropbox code from run_tests.py
- #211: Fix cdscan using opendap
- #212: change conda-build
- #213: Cdms2
- #222: Fixesmf
- #223: Cdmsdocsmerge
- #224: Fixesmf
- #227: Issue#225
- #230: Issue#225
- #297: Docstanya
- #298: Docstanya
- #301: V3.1.0 1
- #302: upload 3.7
- #303: recompile liners on mac
b" * b'ESMF conservative blending when you have missing values'" b" * b'netcdf string variables unable to be read'" b' * b"cdms2 seg faults when using unknown '+rw' mode for opening a file"'
- ****: On mac, py27, cdat8 and nightly fail when installed from cdat channels
- ****: mac nightlies seem broken
- ****: time comparisons
- #13: Issue 10 exception
- #14: change conda_upload.sh to use variant in conda build
- #15: update conda-upload to use conda-build 3.2.2
- #36: V3.1.0 1
- #37: V3.1.2
No known issues!
- Bug: lambert azimuthal proj seem to ignore user custom parameters
- Bug: meshfill with missing values in mesh broken.
- Bug: BUG: vcs.Canvas.switchfonts() doesn't work
- Bug: cdms cannot read in all requested data on some climo files
- Bug: VCS/VTK warnings and UV-CDAT logo missing in pdf/ps output files
- Bug: PCMDI tools problem - lats
- Bug: Plot vector for sub-region: "datawc" for vector plot not working
- Bug: vtk seg fault on (my) ubuntu 15.10
- Bug: cdms2.getGrid()/setGrid() doesn't work
- Bug: mean broken on MV array
- Bug: projections still broken
- Bug: text alignment seems a bit off
- Bug: CDMS2/MV2.newaxis doesn't work
- Bug: canvas.png writes a PNG with labels off if bg=0
- Enhancement: numpy.NewAxis broken
- Enhancement: Build on OS X 10.11 (with XCode 7.x)
- Enhancement: Suppress numpy warnings?
- Enhancement: Status of ESMPy in UV-CDAT ?
- ****: Implement gettextextent
- ****: vcs.Gfb.rename() seems to destroy the object that it's renaming
- ****: Discuss usefulness of outlines in plots
- ****: Suppress numpy warnings?
- ****: cdms2 file variable does not support var.ndim
- ****: division on loading loses grid (#192)
- ****: Cdunif getAttribute returns incomplete value
- ****: useNetCDF3 does not work
- ****: mac python 3 seems broken
- ****: numpy.NewAxis broken
- ****: esmf regridder fills in data where non should be
- ****: cdscan path needs a patch
- ****: Unicode strings for axis names
- ****: regrid2 vertical regridder seems broken
- ****: File open fails when lon and lat are variables (not dimensions)
- ****: can't delete file attribute
- ****: test_Esmf_3x4_6x8_Conserve_Masked failed on MacOS (py2 & py3)
- ****: Add NC_String type for netCDF file attributes
- ****: conda seems to only upload numpy 1.11
- ****: python 3 remaining fail tests
- ****: CDMS2 fails during init for netCDF variable of type unsigned byte
- ****: not all types are written correctly or even written
- ****: osx now in nesii/label/dev-emsf
- ****: remove libcf?
- ****: data not tagged with lat , long
- ****: cdms2 can only open cdscanned http files from the directory the file is at
- ****: Building/testing modifies source tree
- ESMF conservative blending when you have missing values
- Can 2.8.0 still create netCDF3 Classic ?
- cdms2.setAutoBounds('off') problem (OK with 'on')
- netcdf string variables unable to be read
- cdms2 seg faults when using unknown '+rw' mode for opening a file
- ****: taylordiagram . line_color should accept strings
- ****: vcs gettextextent broken
- ****: template.scalefont creates never removed textorientation object
- ****: Coordinates displayed in interactive mode are not good (2.12 and earlier)
- ****: fillarea creates black area
- ****: meshfill wrap seems broken
- ****: GetMaxNorm error when available vector data area is 'smaller' than vector graphics method?
- ****: tayore diagrams std label always centered on template.datawc but should be centered on actual quadrans length
- ****: vcs init seems to fail using ${HOME} correctly
- ****: Print a helpful warning when using x.plot and DISPLAY is not set
- ****: need a function to get the exact box around text not just bounding box
- ****: Idea for canvas reinitialization: x.reinit()
- ****: vcs.removeobject doex NOT error exit if trying to remove a non vcs object
- ****: taylordiagram should be able to draw ids only in legend not on plot
- ****: drawMarker and legend cannot not draw a line.
- ****: taylor diagrams lack control of "standard deviation" label
- ****: unexpected warning message.
- ****: Remarks about vcs.download_sample_data_files
- ****: Building/testing modifies source tree
- ****: streamlines
- ****: we should be able to stop font scaling at some number for the drawLinesandMarkers
- 3d broken?
- axisconvert works only for "linear"
- text disappear in png with bg=False
- Black png returned when using a vnc session
No known issues!
No known issues!
- ****: polar list does not list all objects
- ****: polar magnitude_tick_angle does not respect theata_offset
- ****: polar plots seems to stack points with magnitude greater than max required at the edge of the plot
- ****: polar plots crashes if a value is less than thre minmum magnitude
No known issues!
No known issues!
- Enhancement: logger should cache records until server acknowledge success
- Enhancement: submitPing should cache datsa in case server is dead
- (python:26831): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to find default local directory monitor type
- DV3D/VCS plot error
- ****: Undefined local variable with regrid2.crossSection.get_latitude_wts_bnds (#154)
- ****: crossRegrid does not return an MV2
- ****: nc4 classic file can't be edited
- ****: netCDF4 file not readable by cdms2 (#150)
- ****: taylordiagram markers copied over from default andaffect default
- ****: taylordiagram won't plot in jupyter
- ****: taylordiagram drawing line between markers broken (clor)
- ****: Catastrophic 2.8 and 2.10 x.plot failure on our new CentOS 7 server
- ****: pngs do not clear object properly in some cases
- ****: template.scalefont broken (#207)
- ****: 3d_scalar seg faults on mac
- ****: taylordiagram adds an extra marker if marker attributes set manually
- ****: Color maps could look better (#244)
- ****: drawLinesAndTemplate could use new functionalities
- ****: taylordiagram should draw legend
Unable to find milestone 2.12
- ****: need to turn off logging
- ****: Need mecanism to track cdat packages installed and othe rprovenance (#5)
No known issues! Unable to find milestone 2.12
- Enhancement: ask anonymous should periodically ask again in case it's no
- Enhancement: Rebuild all packages with conda >= 2.0?
- Enhancement: cdat_info has debug print statement
- cdms2.open fails on an xml file with "invalid" attributes
- ctest does not seem to post to cdash anymore
- vtk seg fault on (my) ubuntu 15.10
- DV3D/VCS plot error
- Unable to load Ensembles dimension from Grads Ctl file
- dv3d cannot go back into interact mode
- dv3d plotting ad changing attributes breaks dv3d
- Fix setup_runtime.sh script for DMG
- ****: cdutil.ANNUALCYCLE.departures lopping off the final month
- ****: https dap broken
- ****: ESMF linear regridding fails with periodic data
- ****: test_fillvalue.py failed
- ****: cdsm2 createGenericGrid need to be generic
- ****: mean broken on MV array
- ****: No boundary data error
- ****: weird cdscan error
- ****: implement context management with the
keyword - ****: netcdf string variables unable to be read
- ****: missing_value attribute in file not respected when reading in
- ****: Update cdms2 to deal with all common datatypes (uint8, uint16, char, str etc)
- ****: Upgrade ESMP to ESMpy
- ****: flake8 / pep8 cdms2
- ****: Warning from numpy1.9.0 in ESMP_API.py and avariable.py
- ****: periodicity warnings
- ****: uvcdat conda channel highest cdms2 version is 2.8.1.
- ****: PET0.ESMF_LogFile should be turned off
- ****: Docstrings
- ****: Update numpy to 1.10
- ****: MaskedArrayFutureWarning Numpy 1.11 - does this require some cdms tweaks?
- variable loses mask after applying crossSectionRegrid
- cdms2 seg faults when using unknown '+rw' mode for opening a file
- cdscan path needs a patch
- ****: Portrait plot issues
- ****: vcs does not respect geometry on newer mac XCode 8.3
- ****: VCS/VTK warnings and UV-CDAT logo missing in pdf/ps output files
- ****: Text location changes with
setting - ****: text alignment seems a bit off
- ****: gettextextent broken?
- ****: boxfill missing value does not respect opacity
- ****: vcs.Gfb.rename() seems to destroy the object that it's renaming
- ****: If masking reduces the bounds of a dataset, plots look incomplete.
- ****: isofill broken
- ****: doc strings PR introduced bug in test suite
- ****: meshfill broken
- ****: canvas.png writes a PNG with labels off if bg=0
- ****: '.py' extension on script functions not working
- ****: VCS PDF filesize is much larger than what you would get from MPL
- ****: Multiple parallel coordinates (y-axis) on single plot
- ****: x.show('crap') could return a sorted list of valid options
- vcs window do not disappear
- vcs init seems to fail using ${HOME} correctly
- Black png returned when using a vnc session
- vcs seg fault on ubuntu 16.04 using regular not nox vtk
- ****: cdutil.region.domain: variable loses unit attribute
- ****: Weight problems in cdutil.ANNUALCYCLE.climatology (daily data)
- ****: Docstrings
- Fix export svg
- Add test for BUG #26: If masking reduces the bounds of a dataset, plots look incomplete.
- utils.generate_time_labels(), wrong conversion to seconds?
- x.plot(s,bg=bg) does not output image
- Proposed new color names
- Legend offset new attribute
- System dependent outline
- Fix spaces flake8
- Fix bug with orthographic projection
- Fix for template name collision bug.
- corrected initil.attributes
- Fix flake8
- remove default parameter assignment on getcolors. Fixes #2097.
- BUG #1265: Fix datawc zoom-in for geographic projections.
- Viridis latest
- Remove trailing whitespace from utils.py
- All vcs docstrings updated merged
- fixes #2118
- Split repos
- Additional test for BUG #5: vtkPolyData::RemoveDeletedCells does not …
- Fix test suite vcs imports
- Improve put png
- Added test for drawLenged
- Docstring cleanup
- Docstring cleanup
- Adds support for gettextextent()
- BUG #1770: Display meshfill template elements through renderTemplate.
- BUG #1944: Rename line to linetype for isoline, unified1d and vector.
- allows user to set default range to use when calling getcolors
- Fixes #2, Gfb.rename().
- Fixes to queries.py documentation
- Split repos
- Revert "BUG #1265: Fix datawc zoom-in for geographic projections."
- Fix isofill levels
- Improve put png
- Parallel coord
- Documentation
- Fix PEP8 convention issues with VTKPlots
- Pcoords
- BUG #26: If masking reduces the bounds of a dataset, plots look incomplete
- patch : png compression level option from user
- fixed flake8
- fix issue where cyclical would fail for non numerical axes
- Numpy1 11
- add docs
- Adds basic .gitignore
- Tests!
- Np11
- add UVCDAT testing
- Ken drs file
- Fixmasterpush
- Np11
- got it to look into cdms repo to add tests
- Fixed issue where files were not caching properly due to use of URI and path
- Fixed single color handling for all graphics methods, added color picker widget for linecolor/markercolor on 1ds
- Fixed some issues with how dimensions were handled
- Fixed bug where deselecting a vcs cell would raise an exception
- Redesigned how time slider stuff is handled, severely improved code quality
- Fixed lack of plotting due to missing now having list values instead of int
- Enhancement: update bUILD_MODE instructions
- Bug: CMake build issue on travis
- Bug: Issue with setup_runtime.csh
- Bug: GEOS5_sample.nc not copied to correct sample_data directory for OSX
- Bug: make -j8 seems to sometimes disable matplotlib
- Bug: Parallel build causing problems with egg installs overwriting easy-install.pth
- Enhancement: uvcdat testing checks too many images (#1943)
- Bug: isofill vcs bug (#2027)
- Bug: ratio="autot" fails to correctly generate the initial ratio
- Bug: bad contouring algorithm
- Bug: autot tests seem to fail from master
- Bug: animation save does not preserve the colormap (#2028)
- Bug: Boxfill legend incorrect when there are fewer colors than levels (#1895)
- Enhancement: Enable postscript export to write text objects in addition to text as paths (shapes)
- #1756: Enforce CMake minimum version 2.8.12
- #1932: 2.4.1rc test
- #1933: merging master into release
- #1934: Release
- #1941: Allow unicode strings for subsetting.
- #1945: Update README.md
- #1951: Cdat web plot subsetting
- #1952: Cdscan importable
- #1956: Fix continents=0
- #1966: Click info point dataset
- #1967: Reenable autot_axis tests. Keep max Y to 500.
- #1968: Improve testing by moving common code to testing module
- #1970: Marked export to gs as no longer supported
- #1978: Vcs fix geometry instantiation
- #1983: BUG: Fix memory override for vtkContourFiler in isofillpipeline.
- #1987: updated crypto to latest version so it builds on Ubuntu 16
- #1988: Compute vector scaling correctly
- #1989: Fix flake8 warnings and a test generated file
- #1990: Orthographic
- #1991: Added missing graphics method types to creategraphicsmethod
- #1992: Added option to export text as object or path
- #2000: Fix regression for test_vcs_png_window_resize
- #2001: BUG: Use the geometry argument, if available, for background tests
- #2003: Fixes failing DV3D tests and VCS behavior
- #2005: BUG: Extend the isoline attribute list with the last value from the e...
- #2007: BUG: datawc does not work on a time axis.
- #2012: Part-1 of improved RST docs for VCS
- #2013: Updated cmake to use new location for legal and readme
- #2015: Conda build
- #2017: Fixed extends not working if you have a premade list for custom.
- #2025: Vcsaddons histo polar
- #2029: Cmake find activate
- #2030: Vtk update leak
- #2032: needed to duplicate yr fully in case the year starts in October for e...
- #2036: Generated png should have same name with baseline
- #2037: Fix wrong tuple instance condition for axis getitem call
- (python:26831): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to find default local directory monitor type
- Conda channel nightly updates not up-to-date
- numpy.NewAxis broken
- cdms2.open fails on an xml file with "invalid" attributes
- ctest does not seem to post to cdash anymore
- vtk seg fault on (my) ubuntu 15.10
- DV3D/VCS plot error
- Unable to load Ensembles dimension from Grads Ctl file
- Bug: vcs import error
- Enhancement: Update eofs to 1.1.0 (#1911)
- Bug:
color does not support all of the new color syntaxes. (#1831) - Bug: Custom continents don't work (#1828)
- Enhancement: wide screen
- #1729: Ocgis
- #1752: several tweaks, mainly saving method results for re-use, to improve
- #1797: Adding a vagrant configuration for building with a GUI
- #1802: Update readme master
- #1803: Remove repo size
- #1806: Fit to viewport cleanup
- #1810: Uvcmetrics devel
- #1815: Issue1798 durack1 update matplotlib 1.5.0 to 1.5.1
- #1816: Issue1799 durack1 update scipy 0.16.1 to 0.17.0
- #1820: Issue 1801 old scr files
- #1821: On my computer with 2 very wide screens init default was super big
- #1827: Update vtk proj4 9 2
- #1829: BUG #1809: Error wrapping a curved grid with masking.
- #1830: Add test for BUG # 1728: wrapping data creates long cells
- #1841: Add nc_del_attr to Cdunif to allow attribute removal in netCDF files
- #1847: Fix macos inconsistency
- #1855: BUG #1849: Re-enable datawc for linear projection.
- #1862: BUG #1740: plotting with bg=0 produces labels off
- #1870: Mintics now properly support lists
- #1874: uri starting with file:// were not interpreted correctly
- #1875: Pcmdi only tools
- #1878: BUG #1811: Show point information for plots using geographic projecti...
- #1891: Revert "issue1539 durack1 update iPython 3.0.0 to 4.1.2"
- #1896: ENH: ratio=autot works for geographic projected datasets
- #1902: Build vcs without .egg by default
- #1904: BUG #1886: Polar projection does not change pole.
- #1908: Cleanup for conda and setuptools
- #1917: Fixed inconsistent test names and other related issues
- #1918: Added missing test file
- #1928: Allow canvas.plot to handle vcs addons
- #1932: 2.4.1rc test
- #1933: merging master into release
- #1934: Release
- running autot_title with setbgoutputdimensions leads to seg fault
- autot tests seem to fail from master
- ctest does not seem to post to cdash anymore
- make -j8 seems to sometimes disable matplotlib
- Boxfill legend incorrect when there are fewer colors than levels
- vtk seg fault on (my) ubuntu 15.10
- DV3D/VCS plot error
- animation save does not preserve the colormap
- CMake build issue on travis
- Unable to load Ensembles dimension from Grads Ctl file
- Parallel build causing problems with egg installs overwriting easy-install.pth
- ratio="autot" fails to correctly generate the initial ratio
- Meshfill leaves extra display plots lying around
- Bug: sample data doesn't get re-downloaded if it's deleted
- Bug: "This warning is for project developers" message during ccmake?
- Bug: Sample data is all over the place
- Bug: -DBUILD_PARALLEL=ON fails on mac (at least)
- Bug: cdms2 not building in current master
- Bug: runtest does not understand mpi -n arg (#1500)
- Bug: Error building pyOpenSSL on OSX
- Bug: CMake not able to find gfortran installed via apt-get
- Bug: SciPy fails to build on CentOS 6.6
- Bug: openssl cmake error on RHEA (#1756)
- Bug: Fonts not installed at the right location on Mac OSX
- Bug: pip/easy_install error in some build
- Bug: Fix travis pyexpat build time error (#1674)
- Bug: VTK build error not reported to CDash
- Bug: pep8 executable looked for in wrong place on mac (#1387)
- Bug: flake8 not properly added to repo (#1430)
- Bug: fetching uvcdat-testdata broken on mac
- Bug: older git checkout error
- Bug: system picks up wrong pip when building ipython and tornado
- Bug: build on Ubuntu 15.10
- Bug: iPython3.0 merged update not found in master branch
- Enhancement: Update cython to 0.22 (#1436)
- Enhancement: Update matplotlib to 1.4.3 (#1329)
- Enhancement: Update IPython to 3.0 (#1330, #1443)
- Enhancement: Update pip to 6.0.8 (#1382)
- Enhancement: Update scipy to 0.16.1 (#1654, #1467)
- Enhancement: Fix test suite for LEAN mode (#1578)
- Enhancement: Update python-seawater to 3.3.4 (#1687)
- Enhancement: CMake warning that might break things eventually (#1536)
- Enhancement: Configuring travis/buildbot testing to be more robust
- Enhancement: Configure travis to additionally test "full" builds
- Enhancement: Update pyspharm (#1444)
- Enhancement: Update vacumm to source from github (2.5.1 to 3.0.0) (#1685)
- Enhancement: Update FFmpeg to 2.5.3 (#1381)
- Bug: Fix vcs3d failing test
- Bug: mac dv3d sample data put in different place (#1503)
- Bug: dv3d tests reverse baseline / test images
- Bug: (q)uit does not work correctly in a DV3D interactive canvas (exits python)
- Enhancement: DV3D keyword error
- Bug: Full screen plots do not work
- Bug: Plots break after removing a cell and then adding it again.
- Bug: vcs anim and multiple canvas
- Bug: generate range and pattern broken from GUI
- Bug: Warning: Stenciling is not enabled on Isoline
- Bug: GUI cannot switch dimensions
- Bug: Isoline Labels don't show up initially in GUI
- Bug: slab sub-selecting not working in UVCDAT GUI. (#1637)
- Bug: Colormap in GUI broken
- Bug: uvcdat writing thousands of tempfiles to users' .uvcdat directory
- Bug: paraview still seems to be needed via matplotlib
- Bug: Plots initially too big for plot window.
- Bug: clear seems to be not working on esgf search interface
- Bug: http get method in esgf browser, probably need to be replaced with proper wget script (#1637)
- Enhancement: animation frame not updated when runnnig vcs animation in gui (#1637)
- Enhancement: animation loop keeps going even after unchecking it
- Enhancement: Cosmetic Bug: dots in Scatter plot are hardly visible. (#1617)
- Enhancement: Error message that makes no sense when trying to open a file that doesn't exists (from bookmarks for example) (#1662, #1394)
- Enhancement: Redirect all (i.e. non-Python) application output to log file (#1623)
- Enhancement: Provide UI option to control labels spacing
- Bug: vcs.Canvas.setantialiasing unusable (#1422)
- Enhancement: Labels are too close together (#1485)
- Bug: lambert proj appears to be broken?? (#1768)
- Bug: Meshfill + interact() leads to error message (#1769)
- Bug: hatches/patterns don't work in vcs 2.0.beta (#1516)
- Bug: isofill broken for discontinued (#1735)
- Bug: Meshfill plot does not wrap for bounds outside 0-360
- Bug: vcs_test_init_open_sizing fails on small monitors
- Bug: Remove x.png size parameters ?
- Bug: animation does not work on projected plots (#1657)
- Bug: XvsY error (#1669, #1621)
- Bug: Contour labels are don't show up in exported file (PDF)
- Bug: isolines GUI editor not connected (#1688)
- Bug: yname doesn't change with autot
- Bug: Animation and Resizing causes issues (#1634)
- Bug: Resize Window Core Dump
- Bug: setting colormap on object seem to not be picked up (#1523)
- Bug: grabWindowPixmap() broken for QCDATWidget
- Bug: Patterns & Hatches on Boxfill, Isofill (#1582)
- Bug: Error when clicking on a_boxfill to get point values.
- Bug: renderTemplate needs list, gets None
- Bug: template.title.textorientation/table does not accept text object (#1509)
- Bug: Isofill Blank Spots on Solid with Indices/Levels (#1700)
- Bug: pattern are not wrapped around (#1690)
- Bug: vcs removeobject function broken
- Bug: New libx264/h264 library bug needs fix (#1592)
- Bug: Line width is inconsistent across platforms (#1360)
- Bug: x.close() brokn if more than one plot on
- Bug: Continents are off (#1706, #1717)
- Bug: Editing a label, rotate to ~311 degrees, open font menu -> segfault (#1514)
- Bug: bad error message if png output dir doesn't exist (#1556)
- Bug: x.png(outFileName, width=XX, height=XX) doesn't resize output file
- Bug: fillarea dos not respect transparency (#1733)
- Bug: polar plot in isofill is not an option and isoline polar plot has wrong tic marks
- Bug: can't switch to portrait mode while in background mode (#1557)
- Bug: Saving an animation at 4 frames per second on mac creates green animation (#1564)
- Bug: canvas.getcolormapname behaviour changed (#1568)
- Enhancement: colormap need user level func to set colorindices (#1553)
- Enhancement: Isofill does not work with mercator if given lat coordinates values -90, 90 (the edges)
- Enhancement: Enable anti-aliasing ON by default and OFF for testing (#1442)
- Enhancement: turn antialiasing ON by default (and OFF in tests)
- Enhancement: VCS write metadata in image
- Enhancement: Provide a 'transparent' color for missing values (isofill/boxfill/etc... plots) (#1516)
- Enhancement: allow colors to define opacity
- Enhancement: allow user to reference color by string or rgba tuple
- Enhancement: EzTemplate object has no close function (#1591)
- Enhancement: setantialiasing not working if set too early
- Bug: cdms2 netcdf use parallel flag fails
- Bug: ESMF regrid problem (#1574)
- Bug: problem with opendap file
- Bug: Problems writing netcdf data - _FillValue error
- Bug: cdms2 cannot open files if xml generated by cdscan contains different base urls
- Bug: g2clib makefile typo
- Bug: MV2.array(0.).fill_value is NaN! (#1508)
- Enhancement: cdms2.write can't write a _FillValue attribute? (#1524)
- Enhancement: createVariableCopy() upcasting variables open from cdml catalog files. (#1511)
- Enhancement: try different opendap url to bypass what seems to be firewall issues on opendap ctest
- Enhancement: remove AutoAPI (#1369)
- Enhancement: enable netcdf parallel option (#1388)
- #993: Fix git clone & update helper scripts
- #1261: Fix run tests buildbot
- #1321: Issue 1312 tag repos
- #1342: Sync release
- #1348: Vtk master bump
- #1357: Vtk master bump
- #1389: Developers documentation
- #1390: Sample data location updated
- #1392: New test for 11 & 12.
- #1393: Added a sleep for onscreen rendered tests
- #1402: Remove creation of redundant file in source tree by test
- #1403: Make tests fail if baselines not found
- #1404: Fix tag detection for git clone/update scripts
- #1418: Add flake8 test for vcs.
- #1421: Add flake8 test for xmgrace.
- #1426: Vtk ui test coverage
- #1435: Issue1108 durack1 update spyder 2.3.4 to
- #1440: R and rpy2
- #1449: keep track of temporry elets added hen plotting
- #1452: Fix CONTRIBUTING.md
- #1456: Bugfixes
- #1457: Allocate 512 char to save error message.
- #1478: Issue1477 durack1 update spyder to 3.0.0
- #1480: no reason anymore to force pip at low version
- #1488: updated json
- #1490: Ansible vagrant install
- #1492: get cmor via git repo
- #1493: Pip no egg
- #1496: Skipped some unnecessary renders
- #1504: typo in rpy2 test
- #1507: Fix library problem when compiling python 2.7 and using VIM 7.4. Add ...
- #1513: Add PYPTHONPATH explicitly to cmake to make sure the right CYTHON is ...
- #1515: Added URI to cdmsfile objects (courtesy of @doutriaux1)
- #1518: RPM for 2.2.0
- #1522: Force build to use our Cython
- #1533: on the macbot it used to pick system png rather than XQuartz
- #1534: Skip label test for redhat only
- #1535: Pngupdate
- #1540: issue1538 durack1 update Cython 0.22.1 to 0.23.3
- #1541: issue1539 durack1 update iPython 3.0.0 to 4.0.0
- #1551: Skipping this test for RH6 as well
- #1552: Handle mercator infinity projection at 90,-90
- #1554: adds a warning about removing .dodsrc file
- #1558: disable testDistArray6Pes for 2.4
- #1559: new g2clib that allows to build libcdms w/o png
- #1560: Fix vector plots
- #1561: Add windfield dependency to rpy2 getting rid of parallel installation...
- #1565: Fix cmake binary download location
- #1572: Workaround for XCode7 and 10.11 SDK
- #1587: Flake8 thermo
- #1596: wrong baseline src file names
- #1600: set non parallel flag for cdscan
- #1601: Cdmsopenparallel
- #1602: Fixed doWrap method for vectors
- #1604: Issue png size updated
- #1605: Fix pattern 9
- #1615: turned off the keep flag that prevented to test results
- #1616: Fix TextCombined used wrong
- #1618: Made ESMF fail the build when fortran is the wrong version
- #1647: Fix compilation on Ubuntu with gcc 5.2.1
- #1652: issue1549 durack1 update Matplotlib 1.4.3 to 1.5.0
- #1653: issue1538 durack1 update Cython 0.23.3 to 0.23.4
- #1656: Set ffmpeg root when building ffmpeg
- #1658: load texttables and textorientations and text markers first
- #1661: Use cmake to download uvcmetrics test data
- #1667: Window flickering when png
- #1670: Pattern size scaling
- #1678: Continents & Continent Lines
- #1689: ENH: Add the ability to write/read PNG metadata
- #1691: Fixed cmake warning during configure step
- #1692: fix configure arguments separator
- #1693: Colormaps
- #1695: Revert "Fix #1539 - Update iPython 3.0.0 to 4.0.0"
- #1696: Now will work if there is no .uvcdat directory
- #1697: Altered some tests to ensure geometry
- #1699: fixed issue where old scr colormap file would not load opacity
- #1703: fixed tag point for external repos
- #1705: Fix rpm
- #1708: Increased threshold for pattern tests to allow meshfill to pass
- #1709: Fix initial size
- #1712: Fixed some bugs with continents line
- #1713: Fixed two bugs with matplotlib colormap import
- #1724: Fixed setcolorcell in vcs.utils
- #1727: Moved/renamed license
- #1731: Issue 1730 mesh with missing vertices
- #1736: Duplicate longitude wrap
- #1741: Noticklabelonellipticalprojections
- #1742: Revert "Check whether OpenSSL library and/or headers not found"
- #1744: BUG #1739: fitToViewport uses dataset bounds instead of recomputing them
- #1755: Fixes issue with incorrect URIs for opendap urls
- #1757: Fixed conversion to base64 string
- #1772: BUG: proj4 over option causes problems with polar projections
- #1774: Revert "BUG: proj4 over option causes problems with polar projections"
- #1778: Irregular cut wrap
- #1793: Got rid of screen size logic from test
- #1794: Fixed bug that was breaking continents when set at canvas level
- #1802: Update readme master
- seg fault on a lambert projection
- can't read some old vcs scr files
- Disable projected click, fix time values
- ratio="autot" fails to correctly generate the initial ratio
- Fit to viewport needs updating for continent outline
- proj4 acting up on macs and ubuntu mesa
- Meshfill leaves extra display plots lying around
- test_vcs_animate_projected_meshfill_mollweide.png is not wrapped
- var.squeeze() truncates axis information
- CDMS2/MV2.newaxis doesn't work
- cdms2.getGrid()/setGrid() doesn't work
- Fix memory leak in cdtime
- Meshfill plot with Mercator projection issue
- Weight problems in cdutil.ANNUALCYCLE.climatology (daily data)
- projections still broken
- MPI builds and Python multiprocessing
- iso plot failure
- VCS/VTK warnings and UV-CDAT logo missing in pdf/ps output files
- cdscan hang
- Catch cdscan errors without triggering runtime failures
- Bad rendering of aeqd projection
- vcs.plot(iso) creates text object that are not removed after clear
- can't delete file attribute
- cdms2 can only open cdscanned http files from the directory the file is at
- Bug: No usch text combined (#1107)
- Bug: invalid framebuffer operation
- Bug: average() indentation error (#1050)
- Bug: esmp install broken (#982)
- Bug: Pyclimate not built with build mode all (#1075)
- Bug: mac build broken (#998, #995)
- Bug: test failing because mean is different (#1076)
- Bug: Building on OS X 10.10.2
- Bug: git_update.sh fails if updating to a tag
- Bug: ctest 'fails' if python has not been run interactively at least once (anonymous logging problem) (#1102)
- Bug: Out of source detection is broken
- Bug: metrics not build if CDAT_BUILD_GUI=OFF
- Bug: SciPy fails to build on CentOS 6.6
- Bug: scipy fails to build without -D__ACCELERATE__ (#1165)
- Enhancement: try to detect protocol for user
- Enhancement: no need for git to check ssl
- Enhancement: Several warnings during the cmake stage that should be cleaned? (#1062)
- Enhancement: Update udunits to 2.2.x branch
- Enhancement: Update netcdf to 4.3.2 (#972)
- Enhancement: Update matplotlib to 1.4.2 (#921)
- Bug: Slider issues with Hovmuller plot and vector slicer. (#1147)
- Bug: 3D_Scalar Unexpected Error
- Bug: dv3d list broken (#1287)
- Bug: UV-CDAT docs website: cdms/cdtime manual page problem
- Enhancement: Document for manual testing of GUI
- Bug: Traceback on cell creation
- Bug: .vt doesn't have all the steps
- Bug: Cython classmethod_utility_code used in VisTrails vtDVD3D
- Bug: GUI cannot load variable
- Bug: Refresh problem with 2.1
- Bug: Error while plotting meshfill plot
- Bug: Deleting all variables doesn't work if one variable is derived from another (in GUI).
- Enhancement: animation processing message
- Enhancement: uvcdat "executable" should unset env or it might be using the "Wrong" python
- Bug: lines drawn behind data
- Bug: The plotting of 120 plots and clearing is taking too long
- Bug: Cannot animate Isofill (#1142)
- Bug: ctest might fail because of too many digits on mean
- Bug: animation boxfill broken (#1236)
- Bug: isoline labels text color broken
- Bug: wrapping labels seems to still not work (#1172)
- Bug: Error on meshfill (#1247)
- Bug: default boxfill wrong lat labels (#965, #962)
- Bug: in some case the continents are not plotted properly (polar proj with north pole) (#1022)
- Bug: boxfill plots don't pick proper interval
- Bug: markers not drawn if x world coordinate reversed (#970)
- Bug: Control + Click doesn't work in GUI (#1169)
- Bug: Ext1 and Ext2 are rendering incorrectly (#1209)
- Bug: clear canvas while animation running in GUI doesn't seem to stop it (#1207)
- Bug: animation vcs speed slider seem to have no effect (#1202)
- Bug: isofill masked does not align with isofill cells (#1171)
- Bug: Isoline labels broken
- Enhancement: animate.save() print statements (#1121)
- Enhancement: text rotation in VTK different from vcs way (#1013)
- Enhancement: Fix vcs interact warnings
- Enhancement: mean on vcs plots should use cdutil.averager if possible (#1028)
- Enhancement: time slider should be disabled when running animation (#1201)
- #747: Fixing UVCDAT runtime environment
- #944: Issue942 durack1 python279 update
- #951: Vcs3D features for v2.1.1
- #971: Fixes exception from VTKVCSBackend
- #973: Build in source
- #974: System python updated
- #975: Update cmake to version 3.1 on travis before building
- #979: Line duplicate points fix
- #987: Create an option to enable vtkweb
- #988: Setting the correct PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_PREFIX on Apple
- #990: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fix-quotes-updated' into release
- #992: Updated packages reference
- #993: Fix git clone & update helper scripts
- #994: Checking for http and https as well now
- #1005: do not turn off metrics when no GUI
- #1014: Update background color
- #1038: Optimize vtk
- #1047: 1. In the section involving 'allaxesdummy', where a dummy variable is cr...
- #1052: should address part of #729
- #1067: Line duplicate points fix
- #1069: Removes a warning
- #1072: Issue421 durack1 add seawater packages
- #1073: Issue423 durack1 add vacumm package
- #1089: Issue423 durack1 fix vacumm dependencies
- #1090: Remove pycharm and unnecessary README files
- #1091: Vcs2d interactions updated
- #1098: Fixes autot resizing when configurator instantiated
- #1110: Now we can build on Yosemite
- #1113: VCS2D Animation while Interacting
- #1114: Added files
- #1115: adding ipython created cyclical deps
- #1119: Isofill on pointdata struct grid
- #1123: VTK can't seem to be able to use mac system headers
- #1135: Workaround for #1093
- #1138: Vcs3 d fix 2.2 interaction problems
- #1144: Issue 587 projected ticks
- #1145: Adding Dockerfiles for generating docker images
- #1153: Add vcs keywords
- #1154: Fix missing displays for animation/interaction
- #1156: Fix error in getCoordType
- #1157: vcs3D-return_to_shell_on_q_keypress_event
- #1159: Fix rc1 tests
- #1161: VCS2D Animation Speedup
- #1164: Time slider upgrade
- #1167: Target will now detach when configurator detaches
- #1168: Fixes ubuntu error that showed up for charles
- #1173: Changed 2D animation to use same type of animation speed as 3d
- #1177: Fixed some VTK error messages that showed up when ending configure
- #1178: Issue 1158 auto magic time labels
- #1179: Fix ratio resizing issue
- #1182: pickle would not work
- #1184: 3D support for vcs.update
- #1185: vtk_ui.Button tests
- #1190: Fix for clear and close for DV3D plots
- #1206: Made slider jump instead of animate, added test
- #1216: Newdiagtest
- #1218: New test, for spaghetti/multiline plots (plot set 3).
- #1219: Salinity
- #1221: Boxfill bug branch clean up
- #1225: Unstructured plots
- #1226: Added message in setup_runtime scripts
- #1227: Allow open/interact without plotting anything
- #1238: Newdiagstes charles
- #1240: Fixes typo in CDMS raise statements
- #1243: Fixes typo in CDMS raise statements
- #1244: Pressing the "i" key makes button disappear (and other issues)
- #1246: Colorpicker now uses manager correctly
- #1249: Meshfill animation
- #1255: Marker deletion
- #1257: Merge colorpicker changes into release
- #1258: Colorpicker renderer selection
- #1261: Fix run tests buildbot
- #1262: Update master
- #1267: Issue 903 turn off paraview
- #1269: Vcs3 d fix release issues
- #1270: Fixes more typos in raise statements
- #1273: Toolbar layout fixes
- #1296: Sync master
- #1298: Add lapack to libcf deps
- #1307: Fixed the ordering of images for regression testing
- #1316: Final commits to make buildbot pass
- gui python script extensions are written as string when they should be boolean
- Fix vcs3d failing test
- dv3d cannot go back into interact mode
- dv3d plotting ad changing attributes breaks dv3d
- setting colormap on object seem to not be picked up
- polar plot for sub zones seems to not work
- ESMF regrid problem
- Continents are off
- x/yaxisconvert not respected anymore.
- x.close() brokn if more than one plot on
- (q)uit does not work correctly in a DV3D interactive canvas (exits python)
- cdtime and big hours
- -DBUILD_PARALLEL=ON fails on mac (at least)
- The vectors are not drawn when using projection other than plat-caree.
- Unable to write unsigned int8 variable in netcdf4 file (non-netcdf3 type)
- Fix setup_runtime.sh script for DMG
- system picks up wrong pip when building ipython and tornado
- Bug: On Mac Udunits fails because of flex not found
- Bug: CMOR doesn't build
- Bug: visit_vtk failed to build: missing vtkPolyDataToPolyDataFilter.h
- Bug: git_update.sh fails if updating to a tag
- Enhancement: Change template name from xyt to Hovmoller-3D
- Bug: 3D_Scalar plot (xyt) gives errors plotting 3D variable with no time dimensions.
- Bug: Plotted a 3D-scalar, and the vertical level reported in the heading appears to be upside-down.
- Bug: Two UV-CDAT Labels in the Lower Right for 3D VCS Plots
- Bug: ubuntu animations aren't saved
- Bug: rename colormap does not put it in list of available colormaps
- Enhancement: Error messages when launching uvcdat on Rhea.
- Bug: meshfill missing color not respected
- **Bug: Scatter plot labels
- Bug: x.showbg() does not work in 2.0.0
- Bug: x.interact() should print an error message when no canvas is open
- Bug: cleanup EzTemplate
- Bug: meshfill plot broekn with bg=0
- Bug: continents chopped
- Bug: yxvsx plot a black screen when no text and box1.priority = 0
- Bug: x.clear does not do anything.
- Bug: boxfill/isofill missing attrbute does not change coor of missing
- Bug: VTK not mapping?
- Bug: templates do not save associated texttable/orientation
- Bug: oned plots wrong when levels are flipped
- Bug: Can't load data in uvcdat 2.0.0 ! (#852)
- Bug: xname and yname doesn't work
- Bug: boxfill leve_1 level_2 reassigned
- Bug: default boxfill wrong lat labels
- Bug: isoline pure numpy fails (#929)
- Bug: template rescale could move things too far and lead to errors
- Enhancement: drawing of colorbar in vcs too slow
- Enhancement: white bg by default
- Enhancement: Blank png: x.png does not set the alpha/transparency info correctly !
- Bug: uvcdat script broken
- Enhancement: convert cdtime object to datetime
- #748: Removes scripts from images/ directory
- #791: Fixes BUILDINSOURCE detection
- #827: Vcs dv3d separate plot constituents updated
- #828: Typo when disabling a package
- #831: Patches Python to remove global OSX packages
- #833: Makes missing GIT_PROTOCOL an error
- #835: Makes git_update.sh handle detached heads
- #836: Fixes typo in vistrails_external.cmake
- #904: Issue 898 vertical flipped monotonic decreasing
- #905: Issue 691 interact mac broken
- #907: Vcs3 d fix z axis problems
- #912: Vcs3 d fix animation exception
- #936: update images for dv3d_hovmoller_test and dv3d_slider_test
- #940: Fix error causing 3D plots to hang
- Bug: setup_runtime.sh needs to be sourced with full path
- Bug: some regrid test try to import matplotlib even though they don't really need it
- Bug: VTK doesn't build (freetype headers problem)
- Bug: Building on Mac OS X 10.9.4 doesn't locate sqlite3 (no build error)
- Bug: mac os 10.8/10.9
- Bug: uvcdat build needs QMake even for DEFAULT and no GUI
- Enhancement: sciFuncs submodule needs to be put in our source code,
- Enhancement: Binaries release for 2.0
- Bug: color map in GUI doesn't work
- Bug: uvcdat gui vcs plots do not stick in spreadsheet
- Bug: animation auto min/max is broken
- Bug: Adjusting color map is broken
- Bug: vcs windows do not stick in spreadsheet
- Bug: possible isofill issue
- Bug: test set_opt_polar does not plot in bg
- Bug: boxfill as a .list() that needs to be removed
- Bug: kill uvcdat gui middle of animation generating leads to many vtk errors
- Bug: yx datawc_y1, y2 not respected anymore....
- Bug: animations now need PyQt4 old code seems broken
- Bug: flip does not work when missing values
- Bug: VCS won't plot when every value is exactly zero
- Bug: Close Does Not Work
- Bug: The "clear" does nothing.
- Bug: colormap does not stick on animation
- Bug: VTKPlots.plotVectors points/attributes length mismatch
- Bug: x.show missing
- Bug: Isofill does not work with polar coordinates
- Bug: boxfill draws outside range
- Bug: boxfill not fully plotted (lat bit white)
- Bug: test_dump_json broken
- Bug: x.interact() fails in vcs (None object)
- Bug: inverted levels do not plot properly
- Bug: wrapping in projection not quite working
- Bug: Scatter plot won't plot the scatters
- Bug: meshfill does not seem to mask
- Bug: X and Y axis lables (xname, yname) won't show up on for any graphics method on the plot
- Bug: boxfill does NOT show all data
- Bug: markers are stretched too much when x and y scales are too different
- Bug: vcs init fails if no initial.attributes
- Bug: Test cdms_load_and_plot_axis_variable fails
- Enhancement: read new json formatted initial file attribute
- Enhancement: remove setcolormap warning
- Enhancement: easily removable error warning when saving to new json file
- Enhancement: Read ACME test data