This set of workflows precomputes small subsets of the ACAF VCF files.
The steps below launch the following Workflows with cromshell:
: Launch a WDL that creates 1 smaller VCF per sample batch per regionwdl/concatenate_batch_vcfs.wdl
: Oragnize all the subset VCF files per batch in a single folder in our workspace for future use
Before running you will need to:
- Run the tasks under "Setup" below (once done these shouldn't need to be rerun)
- Start an All of Us analysis environment and go to the terminal
- Start the All of Us cromshell environment
- From the analysis environment terminal, clone this repository and configure cromshell:
git clone
cd cast-workflows/subset_vcf
To launch a job for one chromosome (Note: these are big jobs. only run one chrom at a time).
# Run subset VCF
chrom=XXX # e.g. chrom=11
./ --chrom ${chrom} --name chr${chrom} # copy the jobid to $jobid
cromshell alias $jobid subset-vcf-chr${chrom}
# Concatenate the subsets
./ subset-vcf-chr${chrom} chr${chrom} # copy the jobid to $concatjobid
cromshell alias $concatjobid concat-vcf-chr${chrom}
# Upload to ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/acaf_batches/chr${chrom}
cromshell -mc list-outputs -j concat-vcf-chr${chrom} | \
python -c "import json, sys; data=json.load(sys.stdin); [sys.stdout.write(item+'\n') for item in data['concatenate_batch_vcfs.vcf_outputs']+data['concatenate_batch_vcfs.vcf_indices']]" | \
xargs -n1 -I% -P1 sh -c "gsutil mv % ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/acaf_batches/chr${chrom}/"
Note: large chroms need to be concatenated in batches. This is bc the JSON is too large to run the full chrom. e.g.:
./ subset-vcf-chr${chrom} chr${chrom} 0 100
./ subset-vcf-chr${chrom} chr${chrom} 100 246
The steps below:
Setup work on the terminal:
- Break up samples into batches of 1000
- Sets up the "groups" file needed for subsetting with bcftools split (
) - Sets up 10Mb regions to run on one at a time
# Set up groups file for batches of 1000
gsutil cp $WORKSPACE_BUCKET/tr_imputation/tr_imputation/sample/aou_sample_list.txt .
mkdir batches
split -l 1000 aou_sample_list.txt batches/batch
for file in batches/batch*
mv "$file" "batches/batch$counter"
# Make full group set
for file in batches/batch*
batchname=$(basename $file)
cat $file | awk -v"prefix=$batchname" '{print $1 "\t-\t"prefix}'
done > aou_sample_groups.txt
gsutil cp aou_sample_groups.txt ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/subset_vcf/metadata/aou_sample_groups.txt
# Make small group set
cat aou_sample_groups.txt | awk '($3=="batch1" || $3=="batch2")' > aou_sample_groups_test.txt
gsutil cp aou_sample_groups_test.txt ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/subset_vcf/metadata/aou_sample_groups_test.txt
bedtools makewindows -g hg38.txt -w 10000000 > genome_windows.bed
for chrom in $(seq 1 22)
cat genome_windows.bed | grep -w "chr"${chrom} | awk '{print $1 ":" $2 "-"$3}' > regions_chr${chrom}.txt
gsutil cp regions_chr${chrom}.txt ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/subset_vcf/metadata/regions_chr${chrom}.txt
chr9 last batch had failed so we used the following steps to manually fix:
# Fix the batch
bcftools view -Oz -o tmp.vcf.gz -r chr9:130000000-138394717 ${WGS_ACAF_THRESHOLD_VCF_PATH}/acaf_threshold.chr9.vcf.bgz
tabix -f -p vcf tmp.vcf.gz
bcftools plugin split tmp.vcf.gz -G renamed_sample_groups.txt -Oz -o .
for f in batch*.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf $f
gsutil cp $f ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/subset_vcf/fix_chr9/
gsutil cp $f.tbi ${WORKSPACE_BUCKET}/subset_vcf/fix_chr9/
# Update the chr9 concat json file
# Launch
cromshell submit \
wdl/concatenate_batch_vcfs.wdl \
chr9concat.fix.aou.json \
-op chr9concat.aou.options.json