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Internet Yellow Pages

richmass1 edited this page Sep 20, 2023 · 10 revisions

Open questions

  • Where can I find more information on the APNIC "eyeball" dataset?
  • Does MANRS have a page for the network operators dataset used by IYP?
    • This page has the same list of network operators, but it has different information about them
  • When did Spamhaus launch their DROP list?
  • How should I assign start dates to looking glass servers?

A note on dateStart

I believe that this parameter, in the case of a typical dataset containing historical data in chronological order, is supposed to be the date of the earliest data point. For some of these data sources, I couldn't find historical data; in these cases, I assume that the sources primarily maintain current data, and thus the oldest data from that data source would be from its launch. For these sources, I did my best to figure out when each was launched, and listed that date as dateStart.

The directories from the crawlers