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Releases: CAAPIM/Android-MAS-SDK
Releases · CAAPIM/Android-MAS-SDK
Version 2.2.00
- Bug fixes
Resolved an issue where the refresh token becomes null when network is lost.
Resolved SCIM calls visibility issue.
Resolved an issue where the cache is cleared when using a third-party app for authentication.
Resolved an issue where the user gets logged out if 500 error is returned from MAG Server during token refresh.
Android 10 and newer Incompatible padding mode
Resolved an issue where MAS library fails to parse Ciphers if language is set to Turkish.
Resolved an issue where multipart requests get corrupted and have two boundaries. - New features
Support for disabling SSL Pinning.
Support for Android 12.
RSA-PSS support and TLS 1.3 support in SDK - Deprecated/Removed
JCenter dependency has been removed.
The new dependencies will be pulled from Maven central.
Version 2.1.00
- Bug fixes
None - New features
Handling of Android's Doze Mode. [US632023]
Migration to AndroidX. [US646346]
Dependency libraries update [US469994]
com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt to 8.6 to 3.4.0
org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on to 1.64 - Deprecated/Removed
Removed mas-identity module.
Removed user-to-user messaging related classes/interfaces from mas-connecta.
Cloud storage related classes/interfaces are removed.
Version 2.0.00
- Bug fixes
MAS library fails the authorization flow for Android P. [DE420805] - New features
Support for multipart/form-data post requests. Enables users to upload files and multipart forms. [US605853]
Version 1.9.10
Bug fixes
- Special characters on device model are not handled during device registration. [DE397607]
- While invoking logout with force, app throws "Client is rejected by server" error when logged into app with non-dynamic registration password flow [DE396760]
Version 1.9.00
New features
- Allow end users to store additional data about the device. [US507853]
- Added client-side validation of ID Token signed with RS256 [US542357]
- iOS/Android Mobile SDK login behaviour alignment. Previously, when the user session was already authenticated, the iOS SDK returned the error, "User is already authenticated". But the Android SDK revoked the previous set of tokens and invoked the "/token" endpoint to get a new set of tokens associated with new credentials. With the realignment, when a user sessions is already authenticated, both SDKs proceed with the authentication with new credentials without error. [US554077]
Bug fixes
- MAS User Logout API call doesn't display session lock error. [DE394086]
- Special characters are not handled during device registration. [DE388462]
- In a multi-session scenario, the fingerprint unlock impacts a different session than the one locked. [DE386922]
Version 1.8.00
Bug fixes
- Invoking MAS User lockSession API without screen lock activated [DE377125]
New features
- Refactor logout implementation, new,<java.lang.Void>) interface is added, the new logout interface was added with the 'force' boolean parameter. If set to True, the SDK will clear local tokens no matter the logout call to the server success or not. [US510647]
- Android P Support [US527906]
- Refactor Unit Test to avoid using Bouncy Castle and Keystore Daemon
- Avoid using non-sdk interface for Android P
- Default to use MASSecureStorageDataSource for Android P
- Configurable option for id_token validation signature [US514785]
- Refactor SDK to use JobIntentService instead of IntentService for background services [US532557]
- android.permission.WAKE_LOCK is required.
Deprecated Interface
-<java.lang.Void>) is deprecated, use,<java.lang.Void>) instead.
Stable 1.8.00-Pre-Release1
Version 1.7.10
New features
- Support JSONArray response [US500100]
- Support JSONArray request [US506882]
Bug fixes
- Persist all additional headers in a Multi-factor chain [DE71056]
- Use content type of the Request instead of the ResponseBody default [DE369138]
- Support return of id-token on /token endpoint with JWT Bearer grant flow [DE370026]
Version 1.7.00
Bug fixes
- Notify on Cancel for Enterprise Browser APIs [DE353958]
- Notify on Cancel for authorize API during QRCode Scanning [DE353994]
- Error callback when authentication failed [DE345468]
- Developer may need to update the App if using Proximity Login.
- interface has been changed, the authorization code and state is provided.
- onAuthCodeReceived, developer should call,<>) with
- Do not execute pending request when authentication failed. The pending queue will only be executed after authentication success.
- Refactor MAS interface to resolve Xamarin Binding [US477776]
- MASUser.getAuthCredentialsType has been removed [DE354252]
- Provide exception to application instead of terminating the process when RejectedExecutionException is thrown [DE363148]
- No matter if the server is reachable or not, or if it returns an error during logout, the tokens will be removed locally [DE367122]
Deprecated Classes
- is removed, please use MASOtpActivity/MASOtpDialogFragment.
- is removed, please use MASOtpActivity/MASOtpDialogFragment.
- is removed, please use getGroupsByFilter.
- is removed, please use getGroupsByFilter.
- is removed, please use getGroupsByFilter.
-, java.lang.String,<>) is removed, please use, char[],<>).
- is removed, please use getGroupsByFilter.
- is removed, please use getGroupsByFilter.
- is removed, please use getGroupsByFilter.
- is removed, please use disconnect.
- is removed, please use MASConnectOptions#setConnectionTimeout.
- is removed, please use MASConnectOptions#getConnectionTimeout.
- is removed.
- is removed.
New features
- Dependency libraries update [US469994]
- Support library update to 27.1.1
- com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt to 5.9
- to 3.3.0
- Migrate from compile to implementation for build.gradle