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rewerse engineering

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This repository implements many API endpoints used by the Rewe app for querying current discounts, products, coupons and recalls.

Current supported APK version: 4.1.0 (as of 09.03.25)


The certificates required for talking to the rewe api are not included in this repository. You need to extract them from the APK. Documentation & an extraction-script for windows can be found in the docs directory.


In March 2024, Rewe started using Cloudflare MTLS to secure their api-endpoints, which broke existing solutions that allowed, for example, fetching discounts for a specific Rewe market. Github-user @torbenpfohl was obsessed persistent enough to figure this out, find the certificate and it's password. This repo is based on his work and aims to document the required procedures and implement some of the endpoints.

This repo is not meant to cause any harm. It's sole purpose is to give access to data that is already freely accessible via the app/website. It will never contain endpoints related to rewe account information (login/shoppinglist/etc.) or payback.

Not affiliated with Rewe in any way.


A basic go implementation + documentation of the rewe api is available in the pkg directory. The CLI-implementation (quick & dirty currently) is in cmd. Releases are in releases.

Please note that since this is an unsigned go binary that does some encryption/decryption of certificates and sends webrequests to the rewe api, it will likely get flagged by your antivirus. There are no dependencies, so you can easily compile it yourself.


Usage: rewerse-cli [flags] [subcommand] [subcommand-flags]

   -cert <path>                                      Path to the certificate file (default 'certificate.pem')
   -key <path>                                       Path to the key file (default 'private.key')
   -json                                             Output in JSON format (default false)

   marketsearch -query <query>                       Search for markets
   marketdetails -id <market-id>                     Get details for a market
   coupons                                           Get coupons
   recalls                                           Get recalls
   discounts -id <market-id> [-raw] [-catGroup]      Get discounts
   categories -id <market-id> [-printAll]            Get product categories
   products -id <market-id> [-category <category> -search <query>] [-page <page>] [-perPage <productsPerPage>]
                                                     Get products from a category or by query

   -query <query>                                    Search query. Can be a city, postal code, street, etc.
   -id <market-id>                                   ID of the market or discount. Get it from marketsearch.
   -raw                                              Whether you want raw output format (directly from the API) or parsed.
   -catGroup                                         Group by product category instead of rewe-app category
   -printAll                                         Print all available product categories (very many)
   -category <category>                              The slug of the category to fetch the products from
   -search <query>                                   Search query for products. Can be any term or EANs for example
   -page <page>                                      Page number for pagination. Starts at 1, default 1. The amount of available pages is included in the output
   -perPage <productsPerPage>                        Number of products per page. Default 30

   rewerse.exe -cert cert.pem -key p.key marketsearch -query Köln
   rewerse.exe marketsearch -query Köln
   rewerse.exe marketdetails -id 1763153
   rewerse.exe discounts -id 1763153
   rewerse.exe -json discounts -id 1763153 -raw
   rewerse.exe discounts -id 1763153 -catGroup
   rewerse.exe categories -id 831002 -printAll
   rewerse.exe products -id 831002 -category kueche-haushalt -page 2 -perPage 10
   rewerse.exe products -id 831002 -search Karotten


Feel free to open github issues for suggestions, questions, bugs. PRs welcome. Email: rewe at marius dot codes.
