## Pattern Fixer is a tool that makes your life easier when it comes to generating set of patterns, while you are playing around with buffer overflows.
The idea of this tool came to me after the pattern_create module of msfconsole had a slow performance on generating patterns, and that a lot of people had issues with that specific module of msfconsole on different linux distros.
Usage: pattern_create.py -l [The length that you want to generate the pattern]
15:27:27 butrint@void.local pattern_fixer master ? python pattern_create.py -l 100 0Aa0Ab0Ac0Ad0Ae0Af0Ag0Ah0Ai0Aj0Ak0Al0Am0An0Ao0Ap0Aq0Ar0As0At0Au0Av0Aw0Ax0Ay0Az0Ba0Bb0Bc0Bd0Be0Bf0Bg0
TODO: add more functions into it, such as: pattern_offset
Butrint Komoni