- This project is a clone of a very famous Streaming platform in India. I have tried to create a very detailed clone of the platform. I have used Next.js for the developing the clone of this platform. I have used libraries like SWR, TailwindCss, Swiperjs and Sharp. I have used TMDB for getting data.
- In the project, I have used Next,js because of its ultimate feature, i.e., Server Side Rendering. And also I wanted to understand How Server Side Rendering as a concept. I used SWR library because to use client side for a certain situations like rendering an individual movie/show detail page at the user's demand (Will Improve). I used TailwindCss for styling. I used Swiperjs to create beautiful sliders as you might have seen on the top of the Homepage. I used Sharp because Nextjs recommended it to use for the Image Optimization😅.
- I spend a lot of time exploring the API. It was hard to get the right endpoints for the API to get certian movies/shows. I faced challenges when rendering Images as they were contantly throwing errors. I faced problems in dynamic routing of the app as it was not possible to define the
of all the movies and shows for in the app.
git clone https://github.com/BurhanRaja/Disney-Plus-hotstar-Clone.git
cd Disney-Plus-hotstar-Clone
npm install
components -|
|- cards ----|- Card.js
| |- CardLoading.js
| |- CardSlider.js
|- movie ----|- MovieDetails.js
| |- MovieWatchCard.js
|- shows ----|- Episodes.js
| |- Seasons.js
| |- ShowDetails.js
| |- SimilarShows.js
| |- TvWatchCard.js
|- videoCard ----|- CardContainer.js
| |- VideoCard.js
|- ChannelHero.js
|- Extras.js
|- Footer.js
|- Hero.js
|- HeroLoading.js
|- Layout.js
|- Menu.js
|- Navbar.js
|- Search.js
|- SwiperSlider.js
pages -|
|- channel ----|- [slug].js
|- disney ----|- index.js
|- movies ----|- lang ----|- [lang].js
| |- [id].js
|- shows ----|- genre ----|- [type].js
| |- seasons ----|- [showid].js ----|- [seasonid].js
| |- [id].js
|- _app.js
|- index.js
|- search.js
public -|
|- images/
|- videos/
|- logo.svg
services -|
|- channel - API Logics for getting all Catgeories/Channels from disney+
|- disney - API Logics for getting diney home
|- fetchById - API Logic for individual movie/Show
|- hotstar - API Logics for getting hotstar home
|- genres.js
styles -|
|- global.css
utils -|
|- disney ----|- movieURL.js
|- tvURL.js
|- hostar ----|- movieURL.js
|- tvURL.js'