This package aims to convert latitudes and longitudes read from an MGRS grid map into standard geographical coordinate [Latitude, Longitude] in python.
How to use
Download this package and import the main class.
A .csv file with a table including columns "Latitude" and "Longitude" are required. These "Latitude" and "Longitude" values refer to the values read off from the map.
Initialise the main class with the .csv file. Eg: The file name is Test.csv, enter main('Test.csv').
To create a new csv with columns added at the end including the standard geographical coordinates, do main('Test.csv').run_whole_thing().
A new file will be created in the 'output' folder.
Missing Data
If the .csv file does not have columns named "Latitude" and "Longitude", an exception will be raised.
If the values under those columns are missing, output values will be empty as well.
Packages used
pandas - to read and write .csv datetime - to configure output file name mgrs - to convert mgrs coordinates into latitude and longitude
Credits Wei Loon Min Jee Wei Han