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BullShark edited this page Apr 19, 2012 · 2 revisions

Useful info from the espeak header speak_lib.h

// values for 'value' in espeak_SetParameter(espeakRATE, value, 0), nominally in words-per-minute
#define espeakRATE_MINIMUM  80
#define espeakRATE_MAXIMUM  450
#define espeakRATE_NORMAL   175

/* Sets the value of the specified parameter.
   relative=0   Sets the absolute value of the parameter.
   relative=1   Sets a relative value of the parameter.

      espeakRATE:    speaking speed in word per minute.  Values 80 to 450.

      espeakVOLUME:  volume in range 0-200 or more.
                     0=silence, 100=normal full volume, greater values may produce amplitude compression or distortion

      espeakPITCH:   base pitch, range 0-100.  50=normal

      espeakRANGE:   pitch range, range 0-100. 0-monotone, 50=normal

      espeakPUNCTUATION:  which punctuation characters to announce:
         value in espeak_PUNCT_TYPE (none, all, some), 
         see espeak_GetParameter() to specify which characters are announced.

      espeakCAPITALS: announce capital letters by:
         1=sound icon,
         3 or higher, by raising pitch.  This values gives the amount in Hz by which the pitch
            of a word raised to indicate it has a capital letter.

      espeakWORDGAP:  pause between words, units of 10mS (at the default speed)

   Return: EE_OK: operation achieved 
           EE_BUFFER_FULL: the command can not be buffered; 
             you may try after a while to call the function again.
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