The project was developed with Ignazio Maria Castrignano in collaboration with Nokia BELL LABs Vimercate under the supervision of Annalisa Morea.
The problem formulation and the assistance for the project were provided by Nokia BELL LABs Vimercate within the initiative Adopt a course between the companies and Politecnico di Milano.
The goal of the project is to assess overall spectral efficiency in a network with multiple channel widths, where the fiber spectrum is hardly divided into 2 sections: 50GHz and 75GHz. For each service, the tool must decide if it is better to route it using modulation formats at 50GHz or 75GHz bandwidth; and the optical channel is routed only in the spectrum part associated with its width. A more illustrative description of the Routing and Spectrum Allocation (RSA)
problem is provided in this file.
The objective is to implement the behavior described above, computing spectrum occupation as a function of increasing traffic. Compare these results with another scenario where the channel width is an input, and it is possible to allocate a 75GHz channel in a 50GHz spectrum region (or vice versa) without restriction (Soft Partitioning)
The results are simulated over a continental
and national
optical networks. Objective-wise, we try to minimize the blocking probability
of the routed traffic and the overall cost
of the network (OEO devices for add/drop and regeneration).
In order to simulate the demands between the nodes, we start by creating a graph representing the topology. In order to see the specifications and constraints of each topology, refer to the tables in Projects Nokia_Short.pdf. Each demand is stored inside a dictionary, where a tuple (s, d)
represents the source and destination nodes, and the corresponding key is a list of traffic demands
to be routed between the pair of nodes.
First, our approach was to solve the problem directly using the optimization
techniques provided in this paper and adapted to include the cost of regenerations. The solution was feasible for a network with 10 links and 100 demands in a considerable amount of time, which was infeasible for a larger network/traffic due to the computation constraints. After the unsuccessful attempt, we decided to use heuristic methods
, as they are, generally, faster and more scalable.
We start by formulating the problem for soft spectrum partitioning
as a MILP
. Our goal is to minimize the sum of the total blocked traffic plus the cost of the regenerations. In order to solve the optimization problem, we used Gurobipy
. By setting up the constraints and a set of variables, we have not been able to solve the problem due to its large scale even without the constraints on the hard partitioning.
The first heuristic we applied was the First Fit method
. The basic idea behind it is to compute k shortest paths between a pair of nodes. Then for each demand between the nodes, we try to route it using the first available shortest path. This approach is suboptimal, particularly for a small number of k, but it is extremely fast in comparison to the other algorithms.
The metaheuristic algorithm is inspired by the process of natural selection that belongs to the larger class of evolutionary algorithms (EA). One candidate solution in Genetic Algorithm
is called Chromosome. One value of the Chromosome is called Gene. All the calculated Chromosomes are
called Population. Taking the best candidate populations as Parents, then taking the best offsprings and make them Parents, and so one until the best solution is found.
In our case, we use jMetalPy
library due to its simplicity and support of a large variety of metaheuristic algorithms. Our goal is to optimize thee total spectrum allocation while using as a binary variable if a specific demand was routed successfully or not while satisfying the constraints.
We perform the simulation over each topology for both algorithms using both partitioning. To analyze the hard spectrum partitioning
we define a hyperparameter, which controls the percentage of spectrum allocated to 75GHz channels. We continuously increase the number of demands by 50 until the blocking probability exceeds 1%. Since the traffic for each number of demands is random, we perform multiple Monte Carlo simulations
and record the mean value of the cost and blocking probability with confidence intervals.
The final results are presented this file. The presentation was held at Nokia's office, and the maximum grade for the project was received.
The folder miscellaneous
includes the homework/lab assignments during the course Communication Network Design
done using Net2Plan
software with Esat Ince.