Core Viction blockchain plugin for Eliza OS that provides essential services and actions for token operations, trading, and DeFi integrations.
The Viction plugin serves as a foundational component of Eliza OS, bridging Viction blockchain capabilities with the Eliza ecosystem. It provides crucial services for token operations, trading, portfolio management, and DeFi integrations, enabling both automated and user-directed interactions with the Viction blockchain.
- Token Information: Provide Viction information
- Token Transfers: Send and receive tokens securely native and non-native
npm install @elizaos/plugin-viction
Configure the plugin by setting the following environment variables:
const victionEnvSchema = {
import { victionPlugin } from "@elizaos/plugin-viction";
// Initialize the plugin
const runtime = await initializeRuntime({
plugins: [victionPlugin],
Provide Viction's information
// Example usage
const result = await runtime.executeAction("GIVE_VICTION_INFOMATION", {});
Transfers VIC between wallets.
// Example usage
const result = await runtime.executeAction("SEND_VIC", {
recipient: "RecipientAddressHere",
amount: "1000",
Transfers tokens between wallets.
// Example usage
const result = await runtime.executeAction("SEND_TOKEN", {
recipient: "RecipientAddressHere",
tokenAddress: "TokenAddressHere"
amount: "1000",
Cache Management
- Implement token data caching
- Configure cache TTL settings
- Monitor cache hit rates
RPC Optimization
- Use connection pooling
- Implement request batching
- Monitor RPC usage
Transaction Management
- Optimize transaction bundling
- Implement retry strategies
- Monitor transaction success rates
- Node.js 16.x or higher
- Minimum 4GB RAM recommended
- Stable internet connection
- Access to Viction RPC endpoint
- Wallet Connection Failures
Error: Failed to connect to wallet
- Verify RPC endpoint is accessible
- Check wallet configuration settings
- Ensure proper network selection
- Transaction Errors
Error: Transaction failed
- Check account balances
- Verify transaction parameters
- Ensure proper fee configuration
Environment Variables
- Store sensitive keys in environment variables
- Use .env.example for non-sensitive defaults
- Never commit real credentials to version control
Cache Management
- Implement token data caching
- Configure cache TTL settings
- Monitor cache hit rates
RPC Optimization
- Use connection pooling
- Implement request batching
- Monitor RPC usage
Transaction Management
- Optimize transaction bundling
- Implement retry strategies
- Monitor transaction success rates
For issues and feature requests, please:
- Check the troubleshooting guide above
- Review existing GitHub issues
- Submit a new issue with:
- System information
- Error logs
- Steps to reproduce
- Transaction IDs (if applicable)
Contributions are welcome! Please see the file for more information.
This plugin is part of the Eliza project. See the main project repository for license information.