Dive into the depths of financial markets with Stocktopus, your trusty octopus companion for exploring the world of stocks! Stocktopus is an iOS Swift project that uses a robust tech stack comprising Combine, Apollo, and GraphQL to make stock market data accessible and fun.
- MVVM Architecture
- Apollo GraphQL
- Combine
- UIDiffableDataSource and UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout
- Alert, Loading, and Network managers
- Programmatically UI Development
- GitFlow and Atomic Commits
- Builder pattern
Just clone the Stocktopus repo and play with it. Be careful about the requirements below.
- Xcode 15.0 or later
- Swift 5.0
- iOS 16.0 or later
- Additional SPM libraries or frameworks (Apollo, DGCharts, Kingfisher)
- Author: Enes Bugra Yenidunya
- Email: bugrayenidunya@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Enes Bugra Yenidunya