The following instructions take you through loading the full Wikidata Knowledge
Base into QLever. Since Wikidata is very large at over 7 billion triples, we
recommend to run all of the following commands in a tmux
or screen
Furthermore, commands that take a long time will be marked as such.
We build QLever using the docker
container engine, which takes care of all the
necessary dependencies. You can learn more about docker
Instructions on setting it up on Ubuntu are provided
To download QLever we will clone the git
repository from GitHub. As we create
the QLever index in a subfolder of the repository, you should make sure, that
you have about 2 TB of space available on the filesystem on which you execute
the following steps.
Alternatively, you can see the full README on how to build the index under a different path.
git clone --recursive qlever
cd qlever
docker build -t qlever .
If you already downloaded Wikidata in the bzip2-compressed Turtle format, you can skip this step. Otherwise we will download it in this step.
Note: This takes several hours as Wikidata is about 42 GB compressed and their servers are throttled. In case you are in a hurry and don't need to save a copy of the original input (e.g. for reproducibility), you can directly pipe the file into the index-building pipeline (see next section).
mkdir wikidata-input
wget -O wikidata-input/latest-all.ttl.bz2 \
Now we can build a QLever Index from the latest-all.ttl.bz2
Wikidata Turtle file.
For the process of building an index we can tune some settings to the particular
Knowledge Base. The most important of these is a list of relations which can safely be
stored on disk, as their actual values are rarely accessed. For Wikidata these
are all statements as their values are long string ids. Note that this does not
affect the performance of using statements in intermediate results.
These recommended tuning settings are provided in the wikidata_settings.json
file. If you're using a different path for the latest-all.ttl
you must make sure that the settings file is accessible from within the
Note: If you are using docker
with user namespaces or your user id (id -u
) is not 1000 you have to make the ./index
folder writable for QLever
inside the container e.g. by running chmod -R o+rw ./index
docker run -it --rm \
-v "$(pwd)/wikidata-input/:/input" \
-v "$(pwd)/index:/index" --entrypoint "bash" qlever
qlever@xyz:/app$ bzcat /input/latest-all.ttl.bz2 | IndexBuilderMain -l -i /index/wikidata-full \
-F ttl -f - \
-s /input/wikidata_settings.json
… wait for about half a day …
qlever@xyz:/app$ exit
In case you don't want to download and save the .ttl.bz2
file first the second step becomes
qlever@xyz:/app$ wget -O - \
| bzcat /input/latest-all.ttl.bz2
| IndexBuilderMain -l -i /index/wikidata-full -F ttl -f - \
-s /input/wikidata_settings.json
Finally we are ready to launch a QLever instance using the newly build Wikidata index.
docker run -it -p 7001:7001 \
-v "$(pwd)/index:/index" \
-e INDEX_PREFIX=wikidata-full \
--name qlever \
Then open http://localhost:7001/ in your browser.
For example, the following query retrieves all mountains above 8000 m
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX psn: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?subj ?label ?coord ?elev WHERE
?subj wdt:P31 wd:Q8502 .
?subj p:P2044 ?elev_s .
?elev_s psn:P2044 ?elev_v .
?elev_v wikibase:quantityAmount ?elev .
?subj wdt:P625 ?coord .
?subj rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER (?elev > 8000.0) .
FILTER langMatches(lang(?label), "en") .