Implementation of an advanced version of the Tic-Tac-Toe game in python. 2 player as of now, next step to try player vs computer
- There are two levels which you have to keep in mind while playing.
- You are to occupy the cells as in TicTacToe to get 3 cells in a row, column or diagonal by placing 'X' or 'O' in the subcells.
- A cell is said to be occupied when you get 3 subcells in a row, column or diagonal.
- In whichever subcell you place an 'X' or 'O', you will be taken to the corresponding cell on the big board, in which cell you can play next.
- In case, that cell has already been occupied, the player can play in any of the available cells.
- Thought TicTacToe was boring? Think again !! :)