SDRAW - A drawing application for Desktop, written in C++ Qt
by Stian Broen, 2016 (C) Broentech Solutions AS
How do I build it?
First you need (for Windows) :
- Qt 5.X
- (Optional) Visual Studio
- Git
Open a shell according to your setup. I use Qt 5.7 64-bit for Desktop (MSVC 2013)
Go to /scripts run setEnv.cmd
go to /source run qmake -r make
(if you have Visual Studio) : run qmake -r -tp vc cmake
You can open the project in Visual Studio now go to /scripts run vcstart.cmd browse to your sln file and open it
Read here for an article, including video, that explains it all :!/nativeapps/579f5394bd1dc493c687a676
LGPL v3, see separate file