Releases: BristolTopGroup/NTupleProduction
Releases · BristolTopGroup/NTupleProduction
Release for 2015 50ns data
First release for the Run2 data-taking period, specifically for the 50ns data (and MiniAODv1).
Changes since Run1
- removal of obsolete quantities (beamspot, tracks, calo jets, taus, photons)
- moved to CMSSW 74X (many changes)
- moved from AOD to MiniAOD (mostly different input collections & obsolete PF2PAT config)
- added tt generator level content (partons & particle level)
- tighter skim for samples (or between selections) and no-skim for central ttbar sample
- lower jet pT threshold for jets (30 -> 20 GeV)
- added CRAB3 configs
- Vagrant instructions now available
- new sets of scale factors
- simplified MET filters
- new set of triggers, IDs and selections
Full comparison
For full 50ns data set
Merge pull request #164 from kreczko/new_json2 fixed request name
For full 50ns data set
Merge pull request #163 from kreczko/new_json New json files
NTupleProduction version for TOP-12-042 paper
Merge pull request #134 from jjacob/master Correcting mistake in 8 TeV mcatnlo unfolding CRAB configuration file.
Run1 legacy release
Last release for the Run1 LHC period. All future work will continue on the Run 2 branch (CMSSW_7_3_X) before the master branch is replaced.
v11 version of nTupleTools (AN-14-071 3rd draft).
This release is ready for ntuple production, but not for the unfolding workflow.
Further synchronisation between the unfolding/BLT selection and the analysis tools is needed, but it won't affect the ntuple content. Hence, this release is used for final ntuple production for 7/8 TeV measurements (AN-14-071).
AN-14-071 2nd draft
Merge pull request #88 from EmyrClement/master Further synchronisation with analysis tools
Final version for TOP-12-042
This version was used for the results presented in TOP-12-042