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A command line tool to find and replace text within syntax scopes.



Fris, Find and Replace In Scopes, is a command line application to find and replace text in syntax scopes. For example, you can use fris to replace all the occurrences of code with codeSnippet excluding those found within strings.


npm install fris -g



fris --help


FRIS, Find and Replace In Scopes

    fris <file_path_or_glob> <find_pattern> <replacer> [options]
    fris -t THEME | --theme=THEME
    fris -l NUMBER | --lines=NUMBER
    fris -p | --picker
    fris -h | --help
    fris --version

    -h --help                        Show this screen.
    --version                        Show version.
    -t THEME --theme=THEME           Set a new code highlighting theme.
    -l NUMBER --lines=NUMBER         Set the number of lines to display when finding and replacing.
    -p --picker                      Show the picker and autofill with other present options.
    -r --regex                       Use regex when finding and replacing.
    -a --all                         Replace all occurrences without prompting.
    -s SCOPE --scope=SCOPE           Scope to find all occurrences within.
    -i SCOPE --ignore=SCOPE          Scope to ignore all found occurrences within.

  User Actions:
      Use enter to submit the answer.
      Use arrow keys or tab to navigate between no / yes prompts
    Find and Replace:
      Use ^C or Q to quit
      Use enter or R to replace the result
      Use arrow keys to navigate between results

Command Line Arguments

fris <file_path_or_glob> <find_pattern> <replacer> [options]

Fris can be run with all the configurations provided by the command line.


fris path/to/file.js "code" "codeSnippet" -i "string.**"


The location of the file to complete the finding and replacing. You can also enter a glob to replace occurrences in multiple files:

fris "src/**/*.ts" "code" "codeSnippet" -i "string.**"


The pattern to use to find the results. Tokens can span only one line, so patterns with multiple lines will not find any results.


The text to replace the results with.

-r | --regex

If present, treat find_pattern as regex. Note that the start of a token will correlate to ^ and the end to $ instead of the start/end of the file or line. The regex also supports capture groups.

-a | --all

If present, replace all results instead of picking individual results to replace.

-s SCOPE | --scope=SCOPE

Only results that are in the scope provided will be found. The scope can be a glob-like pattern. For example, * matches one section, and ** matches any section. If the pattern is string.**, all the following scopes will match it: string.quoted.single.ts, string.quoted.double.ts, and string.template.ts.

-i SCOPE | --ignore=SCOPE

Only results that are not in the scope provided will be found. The scope can be a glob-like pattern. For example, * matches one section, and ** matches any section. If the pattern is string.**, all the following scopes will match it: string.quoted.single.ts, string.quoted.double.ts, and string.template.ts.

-p | --picker

When present, the program will open a visual picker for all of the arguments above. If an argument was present in the command, the default value of that question in the the picker will be the argument.



The picker is a menu that can make it easier to run fris without remembering all the arguments.

fris -p
# or
fris --picker

To submit the answer to a question, press Enter. Use the arrow keys or Tab to navigate between no / yes questions.

Replacing Individual Results

Example of replacing an individual result

When replacing individual results, you are shown the number of results and a code snippet that shows where the result is found. You can press Enter or R to replace the result. Use the arrow keys to navigate between results. To quit the program, type ^C or Q.

Changing Theme

fris -t THEME
# or
fris --theme=THEME
# or
fris -t

To change the colour theme of the code highlighting, you can use one of the commands above and provide a valid theme name, or use autocomplete in the picker to pick a theme. The colours that will appear in the terminal may not be the exact same as those that are part of the theme because the terminal may only support ansi 256.

You can view all supported shiki themes here:

Changing The Number of Displayed Lines

fris -l NUMBER
# or
fris --lines=NUMBER

To change the number of lines that are displayed when code highlighting, you can use one of the commands above. The number must not be less than 1.


If you are using VSCode as an editor, you can see what scopes a token belongs to using the scope inspector.

  1. Press + Shift + P or F1 to show the command palette.
  2. Type in Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes
  3. Press enter.
  4. Click the token you want to inspect.
  5. The scopes will be listed beside textmate scopes.
  6. To Exit the scope inspector, you can enter the command palette, type in Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes and press enter, like how you originally entered the inspector.
  7. Alternatively, you can create a keybinding to enter and exit the scope inspector.