This project was made in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the award of Training in Data Science,Machine Learning and AI using Python for the Project Based Summer Internship at iHUB DivyaSampark at IIT Roorkee and Diginique TechLabs.
Guided by: Mr. Ashish Saini (Diginique TechLabs)
The jupyter notebook contains an assessment of commonly used regression algortihms and some attributes such as their training accuracies and different methods of error evaluation .
The csv file is the data-set for used car re-selling price was downloaded from here.
Further information about the data-set and alogrithms used are mentioned in the notebook.
pandas 2.0.3
: for data pre-processing.sci-kit learn 1.3.0
: for data training models, error metrics ,and more.matplotlib 3.7.2
: for visualisation of certain metrics via graph.
It is recommended to use a virtual environment when using packages from
scikit learn
Please refer to the scikit and python documentation for more information.