This project utilizes an intel depth camera, Raspberry Pi 4B, Bluetooth controller, TPU, motion sensors, and computer vision to operate an Autonomous Nerf Gun Turret (ANGT).
- AI runs on TensorFlow and OpenCV.
- The coral USB accelerator (TPU) speeds up the AI's inferences.
- The autonomous system steps between the different states as seen below:
Users can also manually operate the ANGT with a Bluetooth game controller. Functionality includes:
- Horizontal movement (DC motor)
- Vertical movement (servo motor)
- Gun spooling
- Gun firing
- Beeper (noisemaker)
- LASER (manual aiming only)
sudo apt install libspdlog-dev
This version is required to get the realsense2 library to make and function. This library still only works in the C++ language.
- To fix the X11 forwarding issue with the camera and sudo, run
sudo xauth merge ~/.Xauthority
- May also need to purge and reinstall Xauth