go-work is a framework that takes many of the http framework abstractions (requests, status, middleware, etc) and applies them to generic work loads.
It seems like there's always work to do in non-trivial systems. Some times that work can easily be wrapped into an gRPC or HTTP service, but there are many problems that just don't fix that pattern:
- deferred background Jobs from an gRPC/HTTP request
- adding/consuming Jobs from a queue (Redis, Pulsar, S3, etc)
- adding/consuming Jobs from a database table (just another type of queue)
- scheduling Jobs in the future
Whenever we tackle these work problems, we need to solve the same issues for every execution of a Job:
- logging
- metrics
- tracing
- concurrency
If we do have concurrent work, then we also need to manage things like:
- on-ramping the load
- max concurrency
- cancelling Jobs
Jobs define the work to be done in a common interface. Think of them like an http.Request with an attached context (Ctx). Jobs have Args, Context, and optional timeouts. A Job.Ctx has key/values which can be used to pass data down the chain of adapters (aka middleware). A Job.Ctx.Status is set by a Handler to represent the state of the Job's execution: Success, Error, NoResponse, etc) Jobs are passed to Handlers by a Worker for each request.
type Job struct {
// Queue the job should be placed into
Queue string
// ctx related to the execution of a job - Perform(job) gets a new ctx everytime
Ctx *Context
// Args that will be passed to the Handler as the 2nd parameter when run
Args Args
// Handler that will be run by the worker
Handler string
// Timeout for every execution of job
Timeout time.Duration
Handlers define the func to be executed for a Job by a Worker. Handlers also represent an interface than can be chained together to create middleware (aka Adapters)
type Handler func(j *Job) error
Example that "handles" a publishing Job request. You can imagine how easy it will be to define a new handler that handles publishing the next message from a Redis source. Notice the handler sets the Job's status before returning.
func DefaultPublishNextMessageCRDB(j *work.Job) error {
box := j.Args["box"].(outbox.EventOutbox)
publisher := j.Args["publisher"].(pulsar.Producer)
connFactory := j.Args["outboxConnectionFactory"].(OutboxConnectionFactory)
l, ok := j.Ctx.Get(work.AggregateLogger)
if !ok {
err := fmt.Errorf("PublishNextMessage: no logger")
return err
log := l.(*logrus.Logger)
logger := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{})
db, err := connFactory(logger)
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Infof("PublishNextMessage: checking new messages...")
toPub, err := box.NextMessage(db, logger)
if err != nil {
logger.Infof("PublishNextMessage: no message: %s", err.Error())
return nil
event := createEvent(toPub)
if err := pubsub.PublishEvent(context.Background(), publisher, event); err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("PublishNextMessage: pubsub.PublishEvent error == %s", err.Error())
return err
logger.Infof("PublishNextMessage: published to topic %s", publisher.Topic())
if err := box.MarkAsPublished(db, toPub, logger, outbox.WithPublishedToTopics(publisher.Topic())); err != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("PublishNextMessage: box.MarkAsPublished error == %s", err.Error())
return err
return nil
Concurrent jobs define a job to be performed by workers concurrently.
type ConcurrentJob struct {
// PerformWith if the job will be performed with PerformWithEveryWithSync as a reoccuring job
// or just once as PerformWithWithSync
PerformWith PerformWith
// PerformEvery defines the duration between executions of PerformWithEveryWithSync jobs
PerformEvery time.Duration
// MaxWorkers for the concurrent Job
MaxWorkers int64
// Job to run concurrently
Job Job
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (j *ConcurrentJob) Start() error
func (j *ConcurrentJob) Stop()
func (j *ConcurrentJob) Register(name string, h Handler) error
func (*ConcurrentJob) RunningWorkers
func NewConcurrentJob(
job Job,
workerFactory WorkerFactory,
performWith PerformWith,
performEvery time.Duration,
maxWorker int64,
startInterval time.Duration,
logger Logger,
) (ConcurrentJob, error)
Be sure to call ConcurrentJob.Stop() or your program will leak resources.
defer w.Stop()
type WorkerFactory func(context.Context, Logger) Worker
func NewCommonWorkerFactory(ctx context.Context, l Logger) Worker
Handlers set the status for every Job request (execution) using Job.Ctx.SetStatus() This allows middleware to take action based on the Job's status for things like metrics and logging.
const (
// StatusUnknown was a job with an unknown status
StatusUnknown Status = -1
// StatusSucces was a successful job
StatusSuccess = 200
// StatusBadRequest was a job with a bad request
StatusBadRequest = 400
// StatusForbidden was a forbidden job
StatusForbidden = 403
// StatusUnauthorized was an unauthorized job
StatusUnauthorized = 401
// StatusTimeout was a job that timed out
StatusTimeout = 408
// StatusNoResponse was a job that intentionally created no response (basically the conditions were met for a noop by the Job)
StatusNoResponse = 444
// StatusInternalError was a job with an internal error
StatusInternalError = 500
// StatusUnavailable was a job that was unavailable
StatusUnavailable = 503
A Worker implements an interface that defines how a Job will be executed.
- now (sync and async)
- at a time in the future (only async)
- after waiting a specific time (only async)
- every occurence of a specified time interval (sync and async)
Be sure to call Worker.Stop() or your program could leak resources.
defer w.Stop()
Official implementations:
- CommonWorker. CommonWorkers is backed by the standard lib and goroutines.
type Worker interface {
// Start the worker
Start(context.Context) error
// Stop the worker
Stop() error
// PerformEvery a job every interval (loop)
// if WithSync(true) Option, then the operation blocks until it's done which means only one instance can be executed at a time
// the default is WithSync(false), so there's not blocking and you could get multiple instances running at a time if the latency is longer than the interval
PerformEvery(*Job, time.Duration, ...Option) error
// Perform a job as soon as possibly, If WithSync(true) Option then it's a blocking call, the default is false (so async)
Perform(*Job, ...Option) error
// PerformAt performs a job at a particular time and always async
PerformAt(*Job, time.Time) error
// PerformIn performs a job after waiting for a specified amount of time and always async
PerformIn(*Job, time.Duration) error
// PeformReceive peforms a job for every value received from channel
PerformReceive(*Job, interface{}, ...Option) error
// Register a Handler
Register(string, Handler) error
// GetContext returns the worker context
GetContext() context.Context
// SetContext sets the worker context
Adapter defines a common func interface so middleware can be chained together for a Job. Currently, there is adapter middleware for things like: metrics, tracing, logging, and healthchecks. More adapters will be added as well.
type Adapter func(Handler) Handler
Example opentracing Adapater
// WithOpenTracing is an adpater middleware that adds opentracing
func WithOpenTracing(operationPrefix []byte) Adapter {
if operationPrefix == nil {
operationPrefix = []byte("api-request-")
return func(h Handler) Handler {
return Handler(func(job *Job) error {
// all before request is handled
var span opentracing.Span
if cspan := job.Ctx.Value("tracing-context"); cspan != nil {
span = StartSpanWithParent(cspan.(opentracing.Span).Context(), string(operationPrefix)+job.Handler)
} else {
span = StartSpan(string(operationPrefix) + job.Handler)
defer span.Finish() // after all the other defers are completed.. finish the span
job.Ctx.Set("tracing-context", span) // add the span to the context so it can be used for the duration of the request.
defer span.SetTag("status-code", job.Ctx.Status())
err := h(job)
return err
I need to acknowledge that many of the ideas implemented in this library are not my own. I've been inspired and shamelessly borrowed from the following individuals/projects:
- Mat Ryer's middleware
- Mark Bate's Buffalo Worker