This program is a C and CUDA implementation of tabulating linear regression for an exhaustive pairwise interaction search on a CUDA enabled GPU.
There is also a Python implementation in this repository, which is also forked here.
For a detailed description of the setting and the search algorithm, please refer to the associated paper:
- T. Kam-Thong, C.-A. Azencott, L. Cayton, B. Puetz, A. Altmann, N. Karbalai, P. G. Saemann, B. Schoelkopf, B. Mueller-Myhsok, and K. M. Borgwardt. (2012) GLIDE: GPU-Based Linear Regression for Detection of Epistasis. Human Heredity, 73 (4), 220-236 link
In a terminal:
make all
Note: If running on an older GPU of compute capability 1.3,
Please replace -sm_20
with -sm_13
in the Makefile
and replace BlockSize 16
with Blocksize 10
in test.h
In a terminal:
./GLIDE -f1 genoFile -f2 genoFile2 -fp phenoFile -n NSubj -m NSNPS -m2 NSNPS2 -p NSNPS_GPU -t t_thres -o results -g deviceOrdinal
= txt file containing the first genotype file in row major order (i.e. each SNP is a row and each subject is a column)genoFile2
= txt file containing the second genotype file in row major order (i.e. each SNP is a row and each subject is a column)- phenoFile = txt file containing the phenotype
- NSUB = Number of Subjects
- NSNPS = Number of SNPs
- NSNPS_GPU = Size of the partition SNPs, must be integer multiple of
- t_thres = t-score threshold
- results = output file ; stored in text format
- deviceNum = GPU ID # use for the run
- Selection of the t-threshold (-t) is based on the constraint imposed by the available storage space on the host machine.
- Selection of the partition size (-p) is based on the constraint imposed by the available memory on the GPU.
Retaining 1 million pairs resulted in file size of 56 MB and for a 1GB of device memory, a partition size of 2000 SNPs have worked reliably well without incurring segmentation fault.
In a terminal:
R --vanilla --args "Resultsname" "Set1_snpname" "Set2_snpname" "chunksize1" "chunksize2" "nsubjects" "NewResultsname" "BlockSize" < search_name_onestudy.R
In a terminal, the following:
make all
./GLIDE -f1 Test1kind_first1ksnp.txt -f2 Test1kind_second1ksnp.txt -fp Test1kind_pheno.txt -n 1000 -m 1000 -m2 1000 -p 1000 -t 4 -o Results_1k.txt -g 0
R --vanilla --args "Results_1k.txt" "first1k_snpnames.txt" "second1k_snpnames.txt" "1000" "1000" "1000" "Results_snpnames.txt" "16" < search_name_onestudy.R
will produce:
P1 P2 bidx bidy tidx tidy Tint TSnp1 TSnp2 TSnp1n2 Snp1 Snp2 Pint PSnp1 PSnp2 PSnp1n2
0 0 2 47 11 15 1.07445 -1.70963 -4.05737 4.19323 Set1rs44 Set2rs768 0.282881265084217 0.0876457911241603 5.35104201455988e-05 2.99492307327786e-05
0 0 3 31 11 14 1.56592 -3.40932 -3.44837 4.50097 Set1rs60 Set2rs511 0.117684988548390 0.000677358484171921 0.00058758464263497 7.56251433068282e-06
0 0 5 12 3 2 0.86708 -2.55246 -2.88948 4.01919 Set1rs84 Set2rs195 0.386107019174172 0.0108447652338024 0.00394246680550002 6.28008695821487e-05
= Partition 1P2
= Partition 2bidx
= block ID xbidy
= block ID ytidx
= thread ID xtidy
= thread ID yTint
= Tscore of estimated InterceptTSnp1
= Tscore of estimated SNP1 coefficientTSnp2
= Tscore of estimated SNP2 coefficientTSnp1n2
= Tscore of estimated Interaction coefficientSnp1
= SNP1 nameSNP2
= SNP2 namePint
= p-value of estimated InterceptPSnp1
= p-value of estimated SNP1 coefficientPSnp2
= p-value of estimated SNP2 coefficientPSnp1n2
= p-value of estimated Interaction coefficient
: GLIDE main
: GLIDE kernel codeCUDAbook.h
: CUDA header fileCUDAcheck.h
: CUDA header fileGLIDE.h
: GLIDE header filesearch_name_onestudy.R
: R file for post-processing of GLIDE
: Python file for transforming binary PLINK data into a genotype file readable by GLIDETest1kind_first1ksnp.txt
: Test file with 1000 SNPs, 1000 individualsTest1kind_second1ksnp.txt
: Test file with 1000 SNPs, 1000 individualsTest1kind_pheno.txt
: Test file with 1000 phenotypesfirst1k_snpnames.txt
: Names of the SNPs inTest1kind_first1ksnp.txt
: Names of the SNPs inTest1kind_second1ksnp.txt
GLIDE v0.1 Tony Kam-Thong
(C) Copyright 2011, Tony Kam-Thong []
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
For any questions, please contact Tony Kam-Thong at: