Mardira Framework is a PHP framework Model Controller Based for building web applications and APIs. It is designed to be simple, and fast.
- PHP >= 7.4
- MySQL >= 5.7.8
- Apache >= 2.4.41
- Composer >= 2.0.9
- Clone this repo to your local machine using `git clone
git clone
Then, install the dependencies using composer
composer install
composer update
You can create a new project using composer
composer create-project mardira/mardira-framework <your_project_name>
php mardira serve
php mardira serve --port=<your_port>
php mardira make:controller ControllerName
php mardira make:model ModelName
php mardira make:migration create_table_table_name
php mardira migrate
php mardira migrate:refresh
php mardira migrate:refresh --seed
php mardira make:seeder SeederName
php mardira db:seed
php mardira db:seed --class=SeederName
php mardira make:env
php mardira make:auth
php mardira make:auth --refresh
Reach out to me at one of the following places!
- Website at