EasyMod.js by BonesYT, a library that adds a variety methods into JS!
This adds a lot of methods to: strings, numbers, booleans, bigint, functions, arrays, objects and date!
Version: VU9 VU = Version Update
Helpers/credits (2 users): BonesYT, BinaryCrown
- abs, absn, acos, acosh, add, and, asin, asinh, atan, atan2, atanh, bas, bool, cb, cbrt, ceil, clz32, comp, cos, cosh, dec, degtorad, digitAt, dist, div, divabs, divf, divisors, doub, dti, dtil, ellip2, ellip3, fitDim, floatFix, floor, fromCharCode, fround, getdec, gt, gte, half, hasDec, hypot, imul, inc, infs, inv, isFin, isInf, isNaN, isNeg, isPos, isalt, isz, join, lceil, lfloor, limz, location, log, log10, log1p, log2, loga, logb, logbr, low, lround, ls, lt, lte, lthres, max, min, mix, mod, modabs, mul, neg, nrot, nrotr, or, pow, radtodeg, random, randomn, reverse, reverseGroups, round, rs, rsu, sceil, sdi, separate, sfloor, sign, signMul, sin, sinh, split, sqr, sqrt, sround, sthres, sub, tan, tanh, thir, thres, to0x, toDate, toLocaleString2, toRGB, toStringFix, toStringWrite, toTimeStr, toTimeStr2, triareaEqui, triareaIsos, trip, trunc, xor
- static: BIT32, BIT64, DIST
- and, ifelse, not, or, pon, xor
- static: muland, mulor
- allowIf, argSplit, atob, autoCase, baseSwt, befj, bigintFix, btoa, change, comp64, corrupt, cutFirst, cutLast, deco64, del, delmul, detectRepeats, detectType, eqlength, error, evalWorks, exclude, findCount, findFirst, findLast, fitEnd, fitStart, forEach, fractal, func, hasFirst, heading, hexToString, html, html2, isHTML, isLetter, isLowerCase, isSymbol, isUpperCase, last, log, loopIncludes, map, merge, parse, parseInt, put, putevery, removeSplit, removeside, repeatDec, replaceAt, replaceMul, reverse, reverseGroups, reverseGroups2, setCookie, setLocStr, shift, shiftChar, splitEvery, splitMul, stringify, switchCase, syntaxComp, toClipboard, toHTML, toHexCode, toSymbol, trimLines, trimSplit, trimSplitJoin, unstreq, unstringify, until, untilPrt, untilSplit, untilSplitPrt, untilStrav, whichFirst
- static: blank, progress
- abs, add, bas, comp, dec, div, gt, gte, inc, isNeg, isPos, isz, log10, log10a, lt, lte, mul, neg, pow, sceil, sfloor, sign, sround, sub, toStringFix
- addLine, arrayCall, evalrun, getArgs, getArgsAll, getCmd, iterate, iteration, lagrun, reverseCall, setArgs, setCmd, trycatch, void
- allowIf, allowProb, befj, chng, compare, con, defaultAll, detect, detectRepeats, exclude, fitEnd, fitStart, gate, getIndexes, grad, indexOfAll, isArray, joinArray, joinFunct, joinNum, joinb, last, lastIndexOf, loga, mapProd, mapQuot, mapSub, mapSum, mapTrim, max, min, next, numToStr, onchange, onlyAllow, pow, prev, prod, pus, quot, removeRepeats, repeat, reverseGroups, reverseGroups2, ruleFrac, sortNum, spliceReturn, split, stringify, sub, sum, toFunctArgs, toFunctCmd, toObject, toRGB, toSave, valueMap
- static: formula, fromto, fromwidth
- allowIf, allowSyntax, assignTo, ciu, clone, clonepr, default, define, deletable, delete, dupli, effect, entries, eq, eqn, ex, exn, forEach, gate, get, getKeys, getLength, getType, hasProp, includes, isArray, isThis, isType, map, mapName, merge, methodIter, newfy, objectType, onlyAllow, path, propNames, removechd, rename, reverse, sharechd, sort, stringify, switchType, toArray, toBigInt, toNumber, toSave, truefy, unnew, valueMap
- add, daysSinceYear, getAbsDay, since, sub, toTimeStr
- arrayfy, editpx, formula, getpx
- static: TAU, aver, average, averagelog, chanceTotal, closest, degrad, distance, farthest, findNext, findNext3, isBetw, isIns1, isIns2, isIns3, maxindex, maxuntil, minindex, minuntil
- EasyObj is an object with abilities.
- info, define, undefine, isDefined, get, createMethod, isConst, protoOf, waitUntil, repeatUntil, key, mouse, addEL, setDef, stc, doc, eval, playaudio, set, time, toReadme, clipb, type, errors, prt, random, isNode, setint, dc, fractal, scrLine, repeat, switch, saveWarn