Plugin to integrate Bolt with Magento
See for change history.
- 1.7
- 1.9
Magento 1 plugin installation guide
Run the following from root magento folder:
php tests/unit/phpunit-5.7.9.phar --stderr --report-useless-tests -c tests/unit/phpunit.xml
Run phpunit test with coverage html report:
php tests/unit/phpunit-5.7.9.phar --stderr --report-useless-tests -c tests/unit/phpunit.xml --coverage-html tests/unit/coverage
If you prefer to run test through PHPStorm, please read:
Our extension is set up for local development with modman.
To install modman, see the installation instructions here.
Once modman is installed, change directory to your root Magento installation and run:
modman init
This will create an empty .modman folder in the Magento root directory. Then clone the repo by running:
modman clone
This will download the Bolt repository and symlink the modman Bolt files to the symlinked Magento files. If you would like to pull the latest Bolt code from the Git repo and update Magento, simply run:
modman update
Name | Area | Description | Parameters |
bolt_boltpay_order_creation_before | global | Entry-point for applying any pre-conditions prior to the conversion of a Bolt order to Magento order | immutableQuote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the Magento cart copy of the Bolt order parentQuote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the original Magento cart session transaction object Bolt payload |
bolt_boltpay_order_creation_after | global | Allows for post order creation actions to be applied exclusively to Bolt orders | order Mage_Sales_Model_Order the converted and saved Magento order quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the immutable quote transaction object Bolt payload |
bolt_boltpay_validation_pre_order_commit_before | global | Entry-point for applying any changes to a converted Magento order just prior to the order being saved in Magento. Warning: $order->save() should not be called from this event | order Mage_Sales_Model_Order the converted Bolt order in Magento format prior to saving it to Magento |
bolt_boltpay_validation_pre_order_commit_after | global | Allows for adjusting the Magento order immediately after it has been validated and just prior to being persisted. Warning: $order->save() should not be called from this event | order Mage_Sales_Model_Order the converted and saved Magento order |
bolt_boltpay_shipping_estimate_before | global | Performed before all shipping and tax estimates are calculated. Custom environment state initialization logic can be set here. | quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the immutable quote transaction object Bolt payload |
bolt_boltpay_shipping_method_applied_before | global | Executed prior to a specific shipping method is applied to quote for shipping and tax calculation. This is used for setting any shipping method specific conditions. Shipping method can be prevented from being added to Bolt by setting quote->setShouldSkipThisShippingMethod(true). | quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the immutable quote shippingMethodCode string Shipping rate code composed of {carrier}_{method} |
bolt_boltpay_shipping_method_applied_after | global | Executed after a specific shipping method is applied to quote for shipping and tax calculation. Shipping method specific cleanup logic is typically performed from here. Shipping method can be prevented from being added to Bolt by setting quote->setShouldSkipThisShippingMethod(true). | quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the immutable quote shippingMethodCode string Shipping rate code composed of {carrier}_{method} |
bolt_boltpay_shipping_option_added | global | Executed after a shipping option is successfully added to what is sent to Bolt | quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the immutable quote rate Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Rate rate object of the option that was added option array the actual data that is sent to Bolt for this option |
bolt_boltpay_cart_item_inventory_validation_before | global | Entry for altering the behavior of a cart item's inventory validation prior to standard validation. A cart item validation may be canceled by setting cartItem->shouldNotBeValidated to true | cartItem the current cart item being validated quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the Magento cart copy of the Bolt order transaction object Bolt payload |
bolt_boltpay_cart_item_total_validation_before | global | Entry for altering the behavior of a cart item's line total validation prior to standard validation. A cart item validation may be canceled by setting cartItem->shouldNotBeValidated to true | cartItem the current cart item being validated quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the Magento cart copy of the Bolt order transaction object Bolt payload |
bolt_boltpay_validate_totals_before | global | Entry for altering the behavior of subtotal validation prior to standard subtotal validation. Each subtotal validation may be canceled by setting to false the respective values for transaction->shouldDoTaxTotalValidation, $transaction->shouldDoDiscountTotalValidation, and $transaction->shouldDoShippingTotalValidation | quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the Magento cart copy of the Bolt order transaction object Bolt payload |
bolt_boltpay_validate_totals_after | global | Entry for adding additional subtotal validation behavior performed after standard subtotal validation | quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the Magento cart copy of the Bolt order transaction object Bolt payload |
bolt_boltpay_admin_normalize_order_data_after | global | Entry for additional normalization of admin order data performed after standard order data normalization | request Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract request object containing the post data to the order creation controller call orderCreateModel Mage_Adminhtml_Model_Sales_Order_Create order create model |
bolt_boltpay_failed_order_removed_after | global | Execute after deleting the failed order | order Mage_Sales_Model_Order removed order object |
bolt_boltpay_capture_before | global | Execute before capturing payment | payment Varien_Object payment object amount float |
Name | Area | Description | Parameters | Filtered Value |
bolt_boltpay_filter_adjusted_shipping_amount | global | Entry to override the logic for adjusting the shipping totals with the discount and quote data taken into account | originalDiscountTotal float the original discount amount that was reported to Bolt quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the Magento cart copy of the Bolt order boltOrder object The order data sent as reported by Bolt |
bolt_boltpay_filter_bolt_order | global | Filters Bolt order data before sending it to the Bolt server | quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the Magento cart copy of the Bolt order isMultiPage boolean true if the order is from the standard multistore context, otherwise false isProductPage true if in the product page checkout context, otherwise false |
array The PHP formatted order data that is to be sent to Bolt |
bolt_boltpay_filter_cloned_quote | global | Entry for filtering the order quote copy after the quote cloning | sourceQuote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote Original quote that is being cloned checkoutType string The type of the order checkout |
Mage_Sales_Model_Quote resulting quote |
bolt_boltpay_filter_discount_amount | global | Allows changing of individual discount amount that is displayed in Bolt | quote Mage_Sales_Model_Quote the Magento cart copy of the Bolt order discount string the Magento totals array index/label for the discount |
bolt_boltpay_filter_shipping_label | global | Allows changing of individual shipping labels that are displayed in Bolt | rate Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Rate The information for this calculated rate, including method, carrier, and price |
string The label to be displayed in the Bolt order |
bolt_boltpay_filter_success_url | global | Provides means for custom success order urls | order Mage_Sales_Model_Order The order to be authorized quoteId int The quote id of the order which maps to the Bolt order reference |
string The url that the BoltCheckout modal will forward the customer to on successful order authorization |
bolt_boltpay_filter_user_note | global | Allows changing of the customer user note and user note behavior. To disable default behavior, return a falsy value | order Mage_Sales_Model_Order The order to which to append the user note |
string The customized user note that will be appended to the order history comments and displayed to the customer |