SlackBot for setting up a game of riddles w scoreboard in a designated channel.
Add a new app and copy the app manifest. Trigger endpoint approval and check that the functions returns the auth challenge. !! After set-up is done store Bot User OAuth Token in AWS key vault and reinstall app to workspace
Main logic and interaction point for users, validates and updates score.
Select few can trigger the scoreboard command defined in the admins array. Will post scoreboard to the Slack channel defined.
Post predefined tasks to channel once a day. Riddles are fetched form DynamoDB instance.
- Function will run once a day at 08:00
- Dependent on fetching keys corresponding to date the function is ran, eg 01.01.2022 = dag_1 in the dictionary
- Update riddle keys riddle dict stored in aws dynamo DB to the keys you store the riddles at
- Package the slack-sdk library with the function to enable execution
se photo for components, also need IAM roles for AWS Lambdas w correct permissions to read and update secrets and AWS DDB tables
- Add tests
- IaaC scripts
- Move vars to config files
- Dev/Ops pipelines
- Move common snippets to a common folder (to be packaged in depl pipeline)