Install via CurseForge
Download from WoWInterface
This add-on was developed for <none of the above>
on Gehennas-EU.
- Toggle visibility with /nl
- The window is resizable and will save position and size between sessions.
- Items added to the loot session appear in the window.
- Search items by name or item level.
- Select a bid for each item using the dropdown. Options are Pass, BIS, Upgrade, OS.
- Trading with the loot master automatically populates the trade window with any items assigned to you
- There may be sessions active from multiple loot masters in your raid. Change which session to view at the top of the /nl window.
- Toggle master window visibility with /nlm
- Use alt + left click items in your inventory to add them to the loot session.
- Open Client button opens the NotaLoot window for all party/raid members as if they typed /nl.
- Assign items based on BIS, Upgrade, and OS bids from party/raid members.
- Trading with a party/raid member automatically populates the trade window with any items assigned to them.
- Configure options via /nl opt
- View bids in another loot master's session by requesting access in the /nlm window.
- Export session assignments in TBM-compatible format with /nlm export
If you have questions or comments please contact Bluephobia#7612 on Discord.