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old_ _JUMBO Converters

Oliver Stueker edited this page May 5, 2015 · 1 revision

WARNING: I believe this to be old now. I have refactored all the info in this web.

JUMBO-Converters are modules that transform inputs into outputs, usually 1:1 such as Foo2CML and CML2Foo.

Primary site:

The project is built under maven with the hierarchy (20101008):

The whole project is usually checked out completely.

For compchem you may use jumbo-converters-core/ jumbo-converters-gaussian/ jumbo-converters-molecule/

Chunking with JUMBO-Converters

The idea is implemented in a particular code (["GAMESS-UK"]) but the approach is rather general.

 * ["Chunkers" First divide the file in chunks or blocks]
 * ["Block" What is a block?]
 * ["Parsing Blocks"]

Converting to CML using JUMBO-Converters"

The idea is implemented in a particular code (["GAMESS-UK"]) but the approach is rather general.

 * ["How converters work"]
 * ["JUMBOReader"]
 * ["creating rawCML" Creating raw CML]
 * ["creating completeCML" Creating complete CML]

See also ["Creating]

Tutorials and installation

 * [ JUMBO-Converters tutorial 1] (installation steps can be found here)
 * [ Lensfield-JUMBO tutorial 1]
 * [ Tutorial 1]
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